Eventually, worldedit *will* become an optional dependency. The
rationale for this is that WorldEditAdditions is outgrowing the core
WorldEdit API, and we want to add new features such as toggling
safe_region on and off with a chat command and other such goodies.
Merging the 2 mods is not something that has been discussed (due
mainly because I'm far too nervous to even ask the question in the
first place), but the 2 codebases are fundamentally different (and
for good reason, as WorldEditAdditions splits code over many different
files to improve maintainability and scalability) so this would
be a significant undertaking.
At no point however will WorldEditAdditions become incompatible
with WorldEdit itself. The 2 mods should happily co-exist with
one another (so long as you keep them both updated of course).
It would also be awesome to customise the directional plane upon which
the spiral is generated. It might actually be possible without melting
my brain I think....
Looking at http://www.mathematische-basteleien.de/spiral.htm it should
be possible to go this for circles too. But there's 1 particular
function in Vector2.js that we need to port to Vector3.lua that we
haven't yet which we'd need for that.....
more formats, memoizing, custom <picture> element generation, async
image conversion to optimise CPU usage, and more!
Too bad that the imagemagick apt package doesn't natively support JPEG
XL just yet (Imagemagick 7 does though), but that's an easy fix on our
end once they add support :D
It looks like we need to implement our own alternative to the serve
command though :-/
We need to merge @VorTechnix's branch in first to gain access to
advanced axis parsing functions before we can complete it.
For this reason, the command registration for //copy is currently
commented out.