- This is not a hotfix to avoid endless small releases fixing the bug, as it's clear it's much more difficult to fix on all systems than initially expected
- Added [`//nodeapply`](https://worldeditadditions.mooncarrot.space/Reference/#nodeapply), a generalisation of [`//airapply`](https://worldeditadditions.mooncarrot.space/Reference/#airapply) that works with a defined list of nodes. Check out [the reference](https://worldeditadditions.mooncarrot.space/Reference/#nodeapply) - it has some cool tricks to it! (thanks for suggesting, @kliv91 from the Discord server!)
- Added [`//ngroups`](https://worldeditadditions.mooncarrot.space/Reference/#ngroups), which lists the groups that a given node is a member of. Useful when paired with [`//nodeapply`](https://worldeditadditions.mooncarrot.space/Reference/#nodeapply)!
- Added [`//rotate+`](https://worldeditadditions.mooncarrot.space/Reference/#rotate) to rotate regions through arbitrary series of potentially non-axis-aligned rotations. **Does not support slabs/stairs yet,** but this is on the todo list!
- Also added an associated [movement speed adjustment tool](https://worldeditadditions.mooncarrot.space/Reference/#movement), which looks like this: ![A picture of the move speed adjustment tool. It looks like a monarch butterfly.](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sbrl/Minetest-WorldEditAdditions/dev/worldeditadditions_farwand/textures/worldeditadditions_movement.png)
- Added [`//ndef`](https://worldeditadditions.mooncarrot.space/Reference/#ndef) to print a given node's definition table. This is for debugging and development purposes.
- Don't warn on failed registration of `//flora` → [`//bonemeal`](https://worldeditadditions.mooncarrot.space/Reference/#bonemeal) if the `bonemeal` mod isn't installed (e.g. in MineClone2) - thanks @VorTechnix in #106
- Improve documentation of [`//noise2d`](https://worldeditadditions.mooncarrot.space/Reference/#noise2d). If it still doesn't make sense, please let me know. It's a complicated command that needs reworking a bit to be easier to use.
- Added [`//listentities`](https://worldeditadditions.mooncarrot.space/Reference/#listentities), which lists all currently loaded `ObjectRef`s. This is intended for debugging mods - thanks to @Zughy in #103
- Add new multi-point selection wand ![A picture of the multi-point wand](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sbrl/Minetest-WorldEditAdditions/main/worldeditadditions_farwand/textures/worldeditadditions_multiwand.png) to select many points at once.
- Add [`//pos`](https://worldeditadditions.mooncarrot.space/Reference/#pos), for setting any numbered point (i.e. not just pos1 and pos2, but pos3 and beyond)
- Add [`//spline`](https://worldeditadditions.mooncarrot.space/Reference/#spline), for drawing curved lines with an arbitrary number of points **(uses the new multi-point wand)**
- Add [`//revolve`](https://worldeditadditions.mooncarrot.space/Reference/#revolve), which makes multiple evenly-spaced rotated copies of the defined region **(uses the new multi-point wand)**
- Add [`//sfactor`](https://worldeditadditions.mooncarrot.space/Reference/#sfactor) (_selection factor_) - Selection Tools by @VorTechnix are finished for now.
- Add [`//for`](https://worldeditadditions.mooncarrot.space/Reference/#for) for executing commands while changing their arguments - Implemented by @VorTechnix.
- Add [`//noise2d`](https://worldeditadditions.mooncarrot.space/Reference/#noise2d) for perturbing terrain with multiple different noise functions
- Add [`//noiseapply2d`](https://worldeditadditions.mooncarrot.space/Reference/#noiseapply2d) for running commands on columns where a noise value is over a threshold
- Add [`//ellipsoid2`](https://worldeditadditions.mooncarrot.space/Reference/#ellipsoid2) which creates an ellipsoid that fills the defined region
- Add [`//spiral2`](https://worldeditadditions.mooncarrot.space/Reference/#spiral2) for creating both square and circular spirals
- Add [`//copy+`](https://worldeditadditions.mooncarrot.space/Reference/#copy) for copying a defined region across multiple axes at once
- Add [`//sculpt`](https://worldeditadditions.mooncarrot.space/Reference/#sculpt) and [`//sculptlist`](https://worldeditadditions.mooncarrot.space/Reference/#sculptlist) for sculpting terrain using a number of custom brushes.
- Use [luacheck](https://github.com/mpeterv/luacheck) to find and fix a large number of bugs and other issues [code quality from now on will be significantly improved]
-`//subdivide`: Improve performance of initial chunk counting algorithm - it should get started on the job _much_ quicker now (especially on large regions)
-`//subdivide`: Make asynchronous, and use `minetest.emerge_area()` to ensure areas are loaded before executing on a subdivision chunk
- This will ensure that `//subdivide`ing enormous regions should now function as expected. Want to level an entire rainforest with `//subdivide` and `//clearcut`? Now you can! :D
- Git: `cd` to the WorldEditAdditions directory and run `git pull` (**Important:** Recently, WorldEditAdditions changed the default branch from `master` to `main`. If you're updating from before then, you'll need to re-clone the mod or else do some git-fu)