
1.5 KiB


An advanced sprite packing tool. Currently a work in progress.


  • Either the Microsoft .NET framework on windows, or the Mono runtime on other platforms.
  • If you want to build SpritePacker from source, you'll need git installed and in your PATH.

Getting Started

Prebuilt binaries

I provide prebuilt binaries, just in case you can't get SpritePacker to build yourself.

Link: SpritePacker.exe (Direct Link)

From source

  • Clone or download this repo, and build the included solution.
    • Windows GUI: Open the solution in Visual Studio and hit build (CTRL + SHIFT + B).
    • Windows Command Line: Run msbuild from the root of this repo (I assume).
    • Linux GUI: Open the solution in MonoDevelop and hit build (F8)
    • Linux Command Line: Run xbuild from the root of this repo.
  • Run SpritePacker.exe --help (./SpritePacker.exe --help on Linux) to learn how to use it.


This tool is licensed under the Mozilla Public License version 2.0. You can view the full license text in the LICENSE file in this repo. Alternatively, tl;dr legal has a summary of this license.