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The Big Box of HTML


  • Tecate.js - Drop in this script and it will display a warning at the top of your page if you have any invalid markup
  • W3C Markup Validation Service - The original HTML validator for all your HTML validating needs

Testing Tools

  • .resizr - Responsive website testing tool
  • SSLlabs - THE SSL server test. Grades your website from A+ to F on it's SSL capabilities.
  • WebPagetest - A web page performance testing tool. Provides a detailed analysis and suggest ways to improve.

Content & Generators

Colour Pickers


  • webfont-test - Compare up to 3 fonts at once
  • Google Fonts on Github - A repository that contains the fonts available on Google Fonts.
  • &what; - Not strictly a font tool, but still useful. This website lets you search a considerably sized library of unicode characters and presents you with their HTML entity form.

Icon fonts and Equivalent

  • Font Awesome - A cool icon font with 519(!) icons
  • Open Iconic - An open source version of a much larger commerical icon set. Still good - has nice clear icons for use in many different projects.

Packaging Tools

  • NW.js - Previously known as node-webkit, this tool lets you package your HTML / CSS / JS app into a bundle (native for your target desktop platform) with Blink & Node.JS.
  • Electron - An alternative to the above. Looks to be smaller, but I don't really know how it works.

Tutorials and References

Support Websites

This section is a bit different - it contains link to sites that you might want to link to if a user of your website doesn't support a technology that you require.

  • enable-javascript.com - Shows the user how to enable javascript in their browser
  • What Browser? - Useful to link to if a user has an outdated browser
  • Browse Happy - Another site to link your visitors what don't have an up to date browser to. Created by Wordpress.
