
78 lines
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local wea_c = worldeditadditions_core
local Vector3 = wea_c.Vector3
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--- Fills an ellipsoidal area around the given position with the target node.
-- The resulting ellipsoid may optionally be hollow (in which case
-- nodes inside the ellipsoid are left untouched).
-- @param position Vector3 The centre position of the ellipsoid.
-- @param radius Vector3 The radius of the ellipsoid in all 3 dimensions.
-- @param target_node string The name of the node to use to fill the ellipsoid.
-- @param hollow bool Whether the ellipsoid should be hollow or not.
-- @returns number The number of nodes filled to create the (optionally hollow) ellipsoid. This number will be lower with hollow ellipsoids, since the internals of an ellipsoid aren't altered.
function worldeditadditions.ellipsoid(position, radius, target_node, hollow)
radius = Vector3.clone(radius)
-- position = { x, y, z }
local hollow_inner_radius = radius - 1
-- Fetch the nodes in the specified area
-- OPTIMIZE: We should be able to calculate a more efficient box-area here
local manip, area = worldedit.manip_helpers.init_radius(position, math.max(radius.x, radius.y, radius.z))
local data = manip:get_data()
local node_id = minetest.get_content_id(target_node)
local stride_z, stride_y = area.zstride, area.ystride
local count = 0 -- The number of nodes replaced
local idx_z_base = area:index(position.x - radius.x, position.y - radius.y, position.z - radius.z) -- initial z offset
for z = -radius.z, radius.z do
local idx_y_base = idx_z_base
for y = -radius.y, radius.y do
local i = idx_y_base
for x = -radius.x, radius.x do
local here = Vector3.new(x, y, z)
-- If we're inside the ellipse, then fill it in
local comp = here / radius
local ellipsoid_dist = Vector3.dot(comp, comp)
if ellipsoid_dist <= 1 then
local place_ok = not hollow;
if not place_ok then
-- It must be hollow! Do some additional calculations.
local h_comp = here / hollow_inner_radius
-- It's only ok to place it if it's outside our inner ellipse
place_ok = Vector3.dot(h_comp, h_comp) >= 1
if place_ok then
data[i] = node_id
count = count + 1
i = i + 1
idx_y_base = idx_y_base + stride_y
idx_z_base = idx_z_base + stride_z
-- Save the modified nodes back to disk & return
worldedit.manip_helpers.finish(manip, data)
return count