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<p><em>Extra tools and commands to extend <ahref="https://github.com/Uberi/Minetest-WorldEdit">WorldEdit</a> for <ahref="https://www.minetest.net/">Minetest</a></em></p>
<p>If you can dream of it, it probably belongs here!</p>
<p>Unlock a continuously growing library of commands, such as <code>//smoothadv</code> for easy terrain smoothing, and <code>//overlay</code> for overlaying a node on top of terrain.</p>
<p>Many more commands are waiting to be discovered, including <code>//torus</code>, <code>//bonemeal</code>, and <code>//scale</code>.</p>
{% image "images/torus-bonemeal.png", "A dirt torus with a grassy top, and a meadow of grass/flowers. Demonstrates //layers and //bonemeal. Doesn't have much to do with the sentences below - I just thought it looked nice as meta commands are difficult to find a good picture for." %}
<!-- <img src="/images/torus-bonemeal.png" alt="A dirt torus with a grassy top, and a meadow of grass/flowers. Demonstrates //layers and //bonemeal. Doesn't have much to do with the sentences below - I just thought it looked nice as meta commands are difficult to find a good picture for." /> -->
<p>Powerful meta commands such as <code>//multi</code> for executing multiple commands at once and <code>//subdivide</code> for running commands on areas of virtually unlimited size enable convenience and enhance flexibility.</p>
<!-- Potentially we might want some inspiration from https://codepen.io/emared/pen/gWGBLR here -->
A scene demonstrating <code>//replacemix</code>, <code>//ellipsoid</code>, <code>//layers</code>, <code>smoothadv</code> (aka <code>convolve</code> and <code>conv</code>), and <code>//floodfill</code> - all of which are provided by WorldEditAdditions.
A small mountain made with <code>//layers</code> and <code>//erode</code>, using the new optional <code>//layers</code> slope constraints in WorldEditAdditions v1.13.
A small mesa canyons terrain scene made with <code>//erode</code>, the new optional <code>//layers</code> slope contraints, and <code>//noiseapply2d</code> - the latter 2 of which are new in WorldEditAdditions v1.13. Minimal manual tuning was required.
<p>If you're familiar with WorldEdit already, then WorldEditAdditions will follow the existing expectations you're used to. For players new to WorldEdit / WorldEditAdditions, we have a tutorial that will get you up to speed in no time!</p>