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Dockerfiles and scripts to build various Docker images I rely on.

This repository contains a bunch of Dockerfiles that I've written myself. I run them on my Hashicorp Consul and Nomad cluster, which is comprised of 5 Raspberry Pi 4B+ boards (3 server nodes for both Consul and Nomad).

System Requirements

  • Linux
  • Bash
  • Docker

Getting started

The script that does the magic is called in the root of this repository. Run it to get usage information:



Why write your own Dockerfiles for services that already ship with one?

Multiple reasons:

  1. Educational purposes (learning how to write Dockerfiles; how Docker works, etc)
  2. Bandwidth reduction / speed: basing them on my custom base image that proxies apt through a local apt-cacher-ng instance
  3. Security: I know precisely how the Dockerfile works and everything it depends on, because I've written it myself
  4. Compatibility:
    • I use Hashicorp Nomad, so some of these Dockerfiles are written explicitly with Hashicorp Nomad in mind.
    • My Hashicorp Nomad cluster is comprised chiefly of Raspberry Pis (currently running armv7l, but an upgrade to arm64 is planned eventually), and many Docker containers on the Docker Hub are built by default for amd64
  5. Maintainability: I want to ensure I keep my Docker images up-to-date, so I rebuild them myself regularly via my Continuous Integration server

Why do I need to run a private Docker registry for to work? is designed to automatically build the specified Docker image and then push it to a private Docker registry because then the hosts in my Hashicorp Nomad

I've found a security issue, how can I contact you?

Please use the contact details on my website and privately get in touch (don't leave a public comment on my blog):

Image Catalogue

Image Purpose
certbot Dockerised certbot via certbot-auto - currently doesn't build anymore because "certbot doesn't support your OS anymore" or something like that, but the version pushed to our private registry works just fine until we can rectify the issue
docker-registry-ui docker registry ui, dockerised
etherpad Dockerised etherpad (currently faulty, see this GitHub issue)
gossa Dockerised gossa
jellyfin Dockerised jellyfin
minetest Dockerised server for minetest,, currently under construction
minetest-mapserver Dockerised minetest-mapserver
minideb Our main base image for (most) other images. Built from minideb, but customised to use our local apt-cacher-ng instance.
minideb-node minideb with the latest Node.js installed via our apt repository
node-serve minideb-node with serve installed & set as the entrypoint
paperless-ng Dockerised paperless-ng - currently under construction
redis Dockerised redis

Docker container UID/GID map

UID GID Container Notes
3 3 docker-registry-ui
60 60 minetest-mapserver
70 70 etherpad
80 80 serve Static HTTP Server based on Node.js
90 90 jellyfin
999 994 certbot The same user & group as fabio, because file permissions
2100 2100 redis

Development Notes

At present, 3 image types are present:

  • base: A base image - a script is called with an auto-generated output directory as the 1st and only argument. When the script exits the directory is checked for a .tar.gz file
  • base-nopush: A variant of the above that doesn't automatically much to the docker registry on completion.
  • docker: A Dockerfile is is built with docker build before being pushed to the docker registry.

Creating a new image

Each image should have it's own subdirectory inside the image directory. The following files should be present for a docker image type:

  • type.txt: Should contain the word docker
  • Dockerfile: The Dockerfile to build

Any other files are given to Docker as build context.

For base and base-nopush image types, the following files should be present:

  • A .sh file named after the name of the parent directory. For example, the minideb image contains the script
  • type.txt: Should contain either the word base or base-nopush

Optionally, any image type can contain the following files:

  • dependents.txt: The names of images that depend on this image - 1 image name per file. This is read by my continuous integration system to queue rebuilds of dependent Docker containers once the current image has finished building & pushing automatically.


The contents of this repository is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL-2.0). This license can be found in the LICENSE file in this repository.