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The one and only C♯ Class Generator.

To use | build the project (F8 in Monodevelop | CTRL + SHIFT + B in Visual Studio) and then pipe your compressed class definition file into it. Example definitions:

# Shop
u c
decimal balance
float lat
float long
List<TimeSpan> openingHours

# Model3D
u OpenTK
u OpenTK.Graphics

ModelUtility model
ShaderUtility shaderProgram

Matrix4 transformation
Vector3 position

Using Statement Shortcuts

The C♯ Class Generator supports shortcuts in the using statement declarations (u System). Here's a table of all the shortcuts added so far:

Shortcut Expansion
c System.Collections.Generic
cc System.Collections.Concurrent
r System.Text.RegularExpressions
n System.Net
s System.Net.Sockets
x Microsoft.Xna.Framework
xg Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics
xs Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Storage
xi Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input
oo OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL

See the Changelog for a summary of what's changed between releases.

Type ./cscz.exe --help for usage information or see