- Jumper cables (e.g. [a](https://thepihut.com/products/adafruit-premium-female-male-extension-jumper-wires-20-x-3), [b](https://thepihut.com/products/adafruit-premium-male-male-jumper-wires-20-x-6-150mm), and [c](https://thepihut.com/products/adafruit-premium-female-female-jumper-wires-20-x-6-150mm))
- [Battery](https://smile.amazon.co.uk/Anker-PowerCore-Aluminum-Portable-Lipstick-Sized-Black/dp/B005QI1A8C/) - Size currently unknown - I'll need to run some tests to see how much power it uses to figure out the right battery size.
- [Project box](https://smile.amazon.co.uk/waterproof-plastic-Enclosure-Power-junction-Grey/dp/B01JHBHNMA/) - if we can't 3D print one
- [TPL-5111](https://www.adafruit.com/product/3573) - also available from Pimoroni
- This Bash one-liner can be used to generate a new encryption key in the right formats: `head -c16 /dev/urandom | od -tx1 | awk '{ gsub(/^0+\s+/, "", $0); toml=$0; gsub(/\s+/, "", toml); print("settings.toml format: " toml); arduino=toupper($0); gsub(/\s+/, ", 0x", arduino); print("settings.custom.cpp format: 0x" arduino); exit }'`
- The `bash ./build setup` should have already installed the necessary dependencies.
- Create `settings.toml` in the root of the repository if it doesn't exist already.
- Review `server/settings.default.toml` and adjust `settings.toml` to fill in the values for the required fields, not forgetting the encryption key generated when setting up the IoT device.