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Getting Started

System Requirements

  • PHP-enabled web-server (must be at least PHP 7+; only versions of PHP that are officially supported are supported by Pepperminty Wiki)
  • PHP session support (for logging in, see here for more information)
  • The following PHP extensions:
    • mbstring (for utf8 string handling - currently required)
    • imagick (for preview generation)
    • fileinfo (for proper mime type checking of uploaded files)
    • zip (for compressing exports)
    • intl (for Unicode text normalization when searching and in the id index, and when sending emails when utf-8 mode is disabled)
    • sqlite3 (for search index storage; uses PDO)
  • Write access to Pepperminty Wiki's own folder (only for editing and first run)
  • Recommended: Block access to peppermint.json, where it stores it's settings (including passwords!)

Setup Instructions

  1. Once you've ensured your web server meets the requirements, obtain a copy of Pepperminty Wiki (see Getting a copy).
  2. Put the index.php file on your web server.
  3. Navigate to Pepperminty Wiki in your web browser. If you uploaded the index.php to wiki/ on your web server bobsrockets.com, then you should navigate to bobsrockets.com/wiki/.
  4. See the Configuring section for information on how to customise your installation, including the default login credentials.
  5. Ensure you configure your web server to block access to peppermint.json, as this contains all your account details (including your hashed password!)

Blocking access to pepppermint.json


For those running Nginx, this configuration snippet should block access to peppermint.json:

location /peppermint.json {
	deny all;


If you are running Apache, then the following configuration snippet should block access to peppermint.json (credit: @viradpt):

<Files "peppermint.json">
    Order Allow,Deny
    Deny from all


If you're running lighttpd, then you need to load the mod_access module:

server.modules += ( "mod_access" )

If you already have a server.modules directive, simply add mod_access to the list if you haven't already. Then, just block access like so:

$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/peppermint.json" {
     url.access-deny = ("")


The Caddy web server makes it easy to block files. Add this to your server block if you have one, or if not just to the end of your Caddyfile:

@blocked {
    path *peppermint.json
respond @blocked 403

Microsoft IIS

For those running IIS, the following will grant the appropriate read and write permissions to the IIS_IUSRS group, and prevent the peppermint.json file from being retrieved.

Open an elevated (administrator) Command Prompt and run the following. Change the "installdir" variable to the directory where you've placed the Pepperminty index.php file. This assumes your IIS website is named "Default Web Site" and that you want to create a "pepperminty" application under it. If yours is different, change the variables appropriately.

SET installdir=c:\inetpub\wwwroot\pepperminty\
SET iissitename="Default Web Site"
SET iisappfull="Default Web Site/pepperminty"
SET iisapppath="/pepperminty"

cd /d %WINDIR%\system32\inetsrv\
appcmd add app /site.name:%iissitename% /path:%iisapppath% /physicalPath:%installdir%
appcmd set config %iisappfull% -section:system.webServer/security/requestFiltering /+"hiddenSegments.[segment='peppermint.json']"
cd /d %installdir%
icacls . /grant IIS_IUSRS:(OI)(CI)RXWM

Other web servers

If you aren't running any of these web servers and have a configuration snippet to share for your web server, please open an issue to get in touch - and then we can add your configuration snippet to improve this documentation for everyone.

Verifying Your Download

Advanced and privacy-conscious users may want to verify the authenticity of their downloaded release. Since v0.21.1-hotfix1, Pepperminty Wiki releases on GitHub are now signed. This is done in the following fashion:

  • The release index.php is hashed with SHA256 and saved to HASHES.SHA256
  • HASHES.SHA256 is then signed via GPG, generating HASHES.SHA256.asc as the signature file

Thus, verifying the authenticity of a downloaded release is a 2-step process. It is assumed in this section that the user is familiar with a Linux terminal, and has one opened in which they have cded to the directory containing the files downloaded from a release.

3 files should be present:

Filename Purpose
index.php Pepperminty Wiki itself
HASHES.SHA256 The SHA256 hash(es)
HASHES.SHA256.asc The GPG signatue

First, the SHA256 hashes must be verified:

sha256sum -c HASHES.SHA256

This should output something like OK if verification successful, or an error message if not.

Next, the GPG signature can be verified. To do this, we need to download the public key with which the release was signed. At the current time, this is my personal GPG key with the id C2F7843F9ADF9FEE264ACB9CC1C6C0BB001E1725, but check the release notes too. Download it like so:

gpg --keyserver hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys C2F7843F9ADF9FEE264ACB9CC1C6C0BB001E1725

Then, verify the GPG signature:

gpg --verify HASHES.SHA256.asc

It might complain that the key is untrusted, but it should also tell you which key signed the release, and whether the signature itself is valid or not - which is what you're looking for. If you'd like to mark the key you downloaded as trusted, you can do so like this:

echo -e "4\nsave\n" | gpg --batch --expert --command-fd 0 --edit-key "C2F7843F9ADF9FEE264ACB9CC1C6C0BB001E1725" trust >/dev/null 2>&1;

Then, simply re-run the GPG verification command above to see the difference.