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This file holds the changelog for Pepperminty Wiki. This is the master list of things that have changed (second only to the commit history!) - though the information for any particular release can also be found in the description of it's page for every release made on GitHub too.



  • [Module API] Added save_settings() convenience method


  • [Security] Made the site secret generator cryptographically secure. If you created your wiki before this change, you might want to change your site secret in peppermint.json to something more secure with a site like random.org.
  • [Module API] Fix full_url() logic
  • [Module API] Make email_user() correctly return email sending failures
  • [Rest API] Add user-add and set-password moderator actions


  • Password hashing has been overhauled! A totally new-and-different system is being used now, so you'll need to rehash all your passwords.
    • The hash action supports the new password hashing scheme.
    • Added password_cost, password_cost_time, and password_cost_time_interval settings
    • password_cost is recalculated automatically every week by default (it keeps track of this via the password_cost_time_lastcheck 'setting')
  • The css setting will now keep a value of auto, even when peppermint.json is automatically updated by Pepperminty Wiki.


(No changes since v0.16-beta1)



  • Add json support to the search action :D
  • Added page moves to the recent changes page (#151)
  • Hyperlinked image preview on file pages to the original image (#153)
  • Added the commit hash Pepperminty Wiki was built against to the master settings configuration page, and the debug action
  • Added user count statistic
  • Added redirect page count statistic
  • Add orphan pages statistic
  • Add most linked-to pages statistic
  • [Rest API] Added support for the mode parameter to the random action
  • [Rest API] Added format parameter to recentchanges action
  • [Rest API] Added comments-fetch action to return a page's comments as JSON
  • [Rest API] Added acquire-edit-key action to allow scripts and other automated services (e.g. bots and mobile apps) to fetch an edit key for a specified page name.
  • [Rest API] Added extra headers to save action on failure to aid identification by automated services


  • Fixed various issues with both the module api & the rest api docs.
  • Properly escaped content of short code box on file pages
  • Display a more meaningful message to a logged in user if editing is disabled
  • Fixed fetching the size of SVGs in some cases
  • Fixed image captions in some cases (let me know if you still get warnings)
  • Squashed warnings when you do a search with a forward slash (/) in your query
  • Fixed that age-old warning in the search results if you have pages with special characters! I learnt a lot about utf8 whilst fixing this one.... (#114)
    • You'll need to rebuild your search index for this fix to fully take effect (call the invindex-rebuild action as a mod or better)
  • Normalise utf8 text to avoid duplicate ids and missing search results.
  • Improved handling of mime types in some places in the API.
  • [Rest API] Added minified option to status action to reduce data usage slightly
  • Fixed floating images that have captions
  • [Rest API] Fix checklogin action documentation
  • Fix link on credits page
  • Made rebuild search index progress bar fill completely up when done & neatened up UI placement


  • Disallow uploads if editing is disabled. Previously files could still be uploaded even if editing was disabled - unless upload_enabled was set to false.
  • Added x-login-required: yes header to responses that redirect to the login page for easy detection by machines
  • Added x-login-success: (yes|no) header to login responses for easier machine parsing
  • Enhance the longest pages statistic rendering


  • [Module API] Removed accept_contains_mime, as it's both unstable and currently unnecessary. Contributions for a better version are welcome!



  • Added an input box with auto-generated short markdown embed code with copy button to file pages


  • Added 1920 as a preset image size on file pages


  • Fix saving edits to pages with an ampersand in their name (#99)
  • [Security] Fixed an authenticated denial-of-service attack when uploading a malicious SVG (ref XXE billion laughs attack, #152)


(No changes since v0.15-beta2)



  • Added "restore locally saved content" button to page editor
  • [module api] Documented the remainder of the members of the search class


  • Moving a page will now move all the comments associated with it
  • The page names on the page move success page are now encoded correctly to avoid html and url issues
  • Clicking Login to post a comment will now take you back to the comments section of the page you were on upon completing the login process instead of the top of the page



  • Statistics! (#97)
    • Added a new statistics engine, which you can add your own statistic calculators to with statistic_add
    • Added action stats to view the calculated statistics
    • Statistics are automagically recalculated every day - this can be controlled with the stats_update_interval and stats_update_processingtime settings
  • Added new "« Parent Page" to subpages so that you can easily visit their parent pages
  • Users can now delete their own comments, and users logged in as a moderator or better can delete anyone's comments.
    • Added new comment-delete action
    • Comments are deleted entirely if they have no replies - otherwise the username & message are wiped
  • The history action now supports format=json and format=CSV
  • Added tags next to the names of pages in the search results
  • Added new random_page_exclude setting that allows you to exclude pages from the random action with a (PHP) regular expression
  • [module api] Added new get_page_parent($pagename) method.
  • [module api] Added new remote file system to download additional required files. Use it with register_remote_file


  • Fixed invalid opensearch description.
  • When deleting a page, if feature-comments is installed, all the comments attached to the page are deleted too
  • Fixed paths when generating previews in certain environments
  • Fixed handling of pages and tags with single quotes in the name
  • Fixed weirdness on some pages rendered by the Pepperminty Wiki core
  • Fixed a few minor usability issues on the upload file page.
  • Removed some extra space at the bottom of some pages.
  • The raw action now sends a 404 if the request page doesn't exist on the wiki.


  • Make invindex-rebuild admin-only, but allow access if the POST param secret is set to your secret in peppermint.json
  • Improved the wording of the deletion confirmation and error pages
  • Search now searches matching tags as well as pages
  • Updated the search ranking algorithm to put more weight against longer words than shorter ones.



  • Improve the look of the downloader a bit. More work is needed here, apparently - I haven't touched it in ages!



  • Commenting! You'll need to update any custom themes you've created if you're including the commenting module in your build.
  • Added stacked bar to help you visualise what's taking up all the space in your wiki
  • Added link to edit master settings in the credits
  • Initial open search support!
    • After visiting your wiki once, you'll be able to press <tab> when typing the path to your wiki to perform a search.
    • It'll only work if your wiki is at the top-level of a domain without anything after the / (subdomains are ok). This is a restriction of the protocol, not Pepperminty Wiki!
    • Supports sending search suggestions based on page names in the page index (based on case-insensitive leveshtein distance)
  • Avatars!
    • Gravatar is used if a user hasn't uploaded an avatar yet
    • An identicon is rendered if a user hasn't specified an email address or uploaded a gravatar yet either
    • Added avatars_show and avatars_size settings to control the displaying & size of rendered avatars.
    • Added the avatar action, which 307 redirects to the appropriate avatar image
  • Added has_action to make detecting enabled features easier (even if they move modules)
  • Edit previewing, thanks to @ikisler


  • Updated MathJax CDN link, as cdn.mathjax.org is being retired (source).


  • Fixed error image generation in the image previewer under certain conditions.
  • Fixed warnings from being spewed all over the place under certain circumstances on the recent changes page
  • Fixed url encoding issue in redirects with ampersands in page names (#139)
  • Allow sending of OpenSearch description even when not logged in on wikis that require a login to work around some browser cookie issues
  • PR #135: Fix repeated page names on sidebar by @ikisler
  • PR #136: Fix issue where bottom nav is cut off by @ikisler


(No changes were made between the last beta release and this release)



  • Added new query-searchindex action to inspect the internals of the search engine
    • It returns the (ordered) search rankings as json, along with some additional debugging data


  • Clear the page id index out when rebuilding the search index from scratch.
    • This is needed to correct some issues where the id index goes all weird and assigns the same id to multiple pages
  • Don't search page titles or tags for stop words - it skews results since we don't search the page body for them



  • Added header to upload file page.
  • Added history support to the raw action.
  • Added 'smart save' to the page creator / editor. Nobody need ever loose edits ever again!
  • Added dynamic server-calculated page suggestions. Very helpful for larger wikis. Currently works best in Firefox. Part of the feature-search module.
  • Added Alt + Enter support to the page search box. Works just like your browser's address bar - opens results in a new tab instead of the current one.
  • Initial UI for configuring settings! Some things still have to be done by editing the file, but it's certainly a start :D
  • User preferences!
    • Accessible via the (by default) small cog next to your username when you're logged in
    • The cog is customisable via the new user_preferences_button_text setting.
    • You can change your password
    • There's link to the master site settings from user preferences for admins.
  • [Module API] Added $env->user_data and save_userdata() to interact with the logged in users' data
  • User pages! Every page under Users/ by default belongs to their respective users. e.g. Users/admin and all the pages under it belong to the admin user, so no other user can edit them.
    • You can access your own user page by clicking on your username in the top corner when you're logged in.
    • Added the user_page_prefix setting to allow customisation of where user pages should be located. Default value: Users
    • [Module API] Added get_user_pagename() and extract_user_from_userpage() to allow programmatic detection etc.
  • Added a user-list action that, well, outputs a list of users. Includes links to their respective user pages (though redlinks aren't implemented here yet).
  • Internal links like [[Page name]]s will now link to the correct page in include the rest of the word. Note that this functionality can't be mixed with display text, like this: [[Page name|Display text]]s - the rest of the word will be silently ignored in the link!


  • Overhauled internal history logic - history logic is now done in core.
  • Added $env->page_filename, which points to the current page on disk.
  • Changed the way different display modes are accessed. You can now use the new mode parameter to the view action. It supports 4 different modes at present: normal, printable, contentonly, and parsedsourceonly.
  • Improved recent changes links a bit.
  • Improved tabbing through the file upload form.
  • Changed the way users' data is stored to support arbitrary per-user data
  • Sorted list of registered actions on the dev help page
  • The page editor's main content box now automatically expands as you're typing! If you've got a custom theme, you may need to tweak it a bit. Help available on request.
  • Pages that are redirects how have their names appear in italics in search results.


  • The login session lifetime is now configurable (defaults to 24 hours), so you won't keep getting logged out all the time (in theory). (#113)
  • Recent changes made on different days are now displayed separately, as they should be (#112)
  • Always display footer message at the bottom of the page.
  • Trim the image url before short image url detection (#108)
  • Fixed huge issue with contentonly display mode.
  • Improved the search engine indexing algorithm. It now shouldn't choke on certain special characters ([]{}|) and will treat them as word boundaries.
  • Fixed tag links at the bottom of pages for tags with a single quote (') in them.
  • Correct error message when attempting to move a page
  • Improved security of PHP session cookie by setting HttpOnly flag.
  • Linked pages with single quotes (') in their names correctly in page lists.
  • Fixed blank descriptions in search results by defaulting to a snippet from the beginning of the page.



  • Added error detection to the code that loads peppermint.json.



  • Added a class to the search term highlighting to aid theming (#92)
  • Check for pages with various uppercased letter combinations for matching pages (#87)
  • Support hashes in internal links (#96)
  • Support hashes on redirect pages (#96)
  • Added some tips to the parsedown parser help section
  • Added some more stats to the dev help page (#97)
  • Added the time taken to search to the search results page (#97)
  • Added support for unicode characters in page names (#95)
  • Autofill the name box on the file upload page when a new file is selected (#101)
  • Redirect the user automatically from the login page on refresh if they are already logged in (#102)
  • Suggest an appropriate filename when saving an automatically generated preview (#105)
  • When using the default theme images will now not flow beyond the edge of the page.


  • Made the background of tags slightly lighter (#91)
  • Improved the appearance of the search context below each result.
  • Tweaked display of result numbers in the search results.
  • Allowed spaces in the filenames of images in the image syntax.


  • Critical: Make sure that all wiki related files are stored in the data directory (#89)
  • Critical: Fixed a HTML injection attack possible through search context generation (#94)
  • Sort the list of all the tags on a wiki (#88)
  • Explicitly set permissions on parent directories created (#86)
  • Allow <tab> characters to be entered into the editing page textarea (#84)
  • Fixed search context generation (#30)
  • Fixed bug in page moving code.
  • Prevented the page index data for parent pages from disappearing when a child page is edited (#98)
  • Fixed file uploading when the data storage directory not the current directory (#100)
  • Fixed pressing the edit button on pages that have a single quote in their name
  • Fixed a spelling mistake on the file preview page - I'm sure I fixed that before...!
  • Fixed an issue whereby the search index wouldn't update if your pages contained special characters
  • Fixed an issue with the recent changes list not updating when the number of recently changes reached settings.max_recent_changes (#104)
  • Fixed changes disappearing from the recent changes page (#106)


(No changes were made between the last beta release and this release)



  • Changed the revision display text ("Revision created by..." -> "Revision saved by...")



  • Page history! Currently you can't do anything with the previous revisions - that will come in a future release.
  • Implemented delayed indexing (#66)
  • Added the time a page was last modified to the footer (#67)
  • Added unified diff to edit conflict resolution pages (#64)
  • Added image captions (#65)
  • Added short syntax for images (#24)


  • Added text "Tag List: " to tag listing pages
  • Added checkerboard pattern behind transparent images on mouse hover on their preview pages.
  • Improved support for SVGS.
    • SVGs are sent as-is instead of a preview image unless $settings->render_svg_previews is set to true.
    • Added code to find the dimensions of an SVG.
  • Reduced the amount of space that the login bit in the top left takes up.


  • Fixed a bug in the idindex generator.
  • Fixed an issue where you wouldn't be redirected correctly if you typed your password incorrectly



  • Set title of image to alt text



  • Redirect to audio / video in preview generator if the data storage directory is the current directory


  • Polyfill getallheaders() if it isn't present
  • Bugfix failed upload message



  • Unlocked the uploading of any file type. Note that only the file types specified in the settings are allowed to be uploaded.
    • Uploaded video and audio files can now be viewed on their respective pages
    • The file preview tool is now aware that not everything will be an image.
  • Enhanced the recent changes page.
    • New pages show up with an 'N' next to them (as they do in a MediaWiki installation)
    • Page deletions show up in red with a line though them
    • Uploads show with an arrow next to them along with the size of the uploaded file
  • Added mathematical expression parsing between dollar signs.
  • Generated previews now have etags. This should speed up load times of subsequent requests significantly.
  • Added some extra built-in variables to the parser.
    • {{{~}}}: Displays the top level page name (i.e. the page that has been requested).
    • {{{*}}}: Displays a comma-separated list of subpages of the requested page.
  • Links to non-existent pages are now coloured red by default.


  • Enhanced the dev help page some more
  • Changed the uploaded file preview generation to use imagemagick. You now need to have the imagick php extension installed (installation on linux: sudo apt-get install php-imagick).
  • The uploaded file preview generation action will now return audio and video files as-is. This allows for HTML5 video / audio tags to be used to view audio and video files.
  • Made username box autofocus on login page.
  • Added tab indexes to editing form


  • Fixed the downloader
  • Fixed an issue with the recent changes page and redirects causing a large number of warnings
  • Fixed a number of issues with the parser
    • Image urls may now contain ampersands ('&')
    • Several warnings that were cropping up here and there due to bugs have been squashed
    • Fixed an issue with multiple links in the same paragraph
  • Fixed a number of issues with the image preview generator
    • Requests for a previews of pages that don't have an associated file won't break anymore. An error image will now be returned instead.
    • A number of things that were not compatible with PHP 7 have been updated to ensure compatibility.
  • Conflict resolution. If someone saves an edit to a page after you started editing, you will get a conflict resolution page.


  • Test the etag code!



  • Added a license. Pepperminty Wiki is now licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.


  • Corrected a minor error in the description of the page viewer module.
  • Corrected a minor spelling mistake in the credits page.



  • Added the moderator diamond next to the link to the update page in the credits.
  • Corrected the version numbers of a large number of modules that I forgot to change.



  • This changelog. It's long overdue I think!
  • Added the all tags page to the "More..." menu by default.
  • Added recent changes page under the action recent-changes. A link can be found in the "More..." menu by default.
  • Changed the cursor when hovering over a time to indicate that the tooltip contains more information.
  • Added icons to the "More..." menu
  • Added help section to parsedown parser.
  • Added more information to the dev help page.
  • Added templating! It works the way you'd expect it to in Mediawiki.
  • Help section ids now show to the right of the help section headers by default.


  • Improved appearance of the all pages list.
  • Improved apparence of the tag list page.
  • Added a link back to the list of tags on the list of pages with a particular tag.
  • Upgraded help page. Modules can now register their own sections on a wiki's help page.
  • Optimised search queries a bit.
  • Save preprocessors now get passed an extra parameter, which contains the old page source.
  • Changed the default parser to parsedown.
  • Removed parsedown from the parser-parsedown module and replaced it with code that automatically downloads parsedown and parsedown extra on the first run.
  • Removed Slimdown addition from the parsedown parser and replaced it with a custom extension of parsedown extra.
  • Moved printable button to bottom bar and changed display text to "Printable version".
  • Redirect pages now show in italics in page lists.
  • Made other minor improvements to the page lists.


  • Removed debug statement from the redirect page module.
  • Improved the "There isn't a page called..." message you sometimes see when searching.
  • Corrected a few minor spelling issues on the help page.
  • The recent-changes module now has a proper help section.