Starbeamrainbowlabs fd5804dd9c
//erode: Finish the initial round of bugfixing, but I'm on the fence about it.
Specifically, I'm unsure about whether I'm happy with the effects of the 
Also, we convolve with a 3x3 gaussian kernel after erosion is complete - 
and we have verified that the erosion is having an positive effect at 
"roughening up" a terrain surface.
It seems like the initial blog post was correct: the algorithm does tend 
to make steep surfaces steeper.
It also appears that it's more effective on larger areas, and 'gentler' 
curves. THis might be because the surface normals are more conducive to 
making the snowballs roll.
Finally, we need to decide whether we want to keep the precomputed 
normals as we have now, or whether we want to dynamically compute them 
at the some of request.
2020-08-21 20:59:50 +01:00

143 lines
5.2 KiB

-- Test command: //multi //fp set1 1313 6 5540 //fp set2 1338 17 5521 //erode snowballs
local function snowball(heightmap, normalmap, heightmap_size, startpos, params)
local sediment = 0
local pos = { x = startpos.x, z = startpos.z }
local pos_prev = { x = pos.x, z = pos.z }
local velocity = {
x = (math.random() * 2 - 1) * params.init_velocity,
z = (math.random() * 2 - 1) * params.init_velocity
local heightmap_length = #heightmap
-- print("[snowball] startpos ("..pos.x..", "..pos.z.."), velocity: ("..velocity.x..", "..velocity.z..")")
local hist_velocity = {}
for i = 1, params.max_steps do
local x = pos.x
local z = pos.z
local hi = math.floor(z+0.5)*heightmap_size[1] + math.floor(x+0.5)
-- Stop if we go out of bounds
if x < 0 or z < 0
or x >= heightmap_size[1]-1 or z >= heightmap_size[0]-1 then
-- print("[snowball] hit edge; stopping at ("..x..", "..z.."), (bounds @ "..(heightmap_size[1]-1)..", "..(heightmap_size[0]-1)..")", "x", x, "/", heightmap_size[1]-1, "z", z, "/", heightmap_size[0]-1)
return true, i
if #hist_velocity > 0 and i > 5
and worldeditadditions.average(hist_velocity) < 0.03 then
-- print("[snowball] It looks like we've stopped")
return true, i
if normalmap[hi].y == 1 then return true, i end
if hi > heightmap_length then return false, "Out-of-bounds on the array, hi: "..hi..", heightmap_length: "..heightmap_length end
-- print("[snowball] sediment", sediment, "rate_deposit", params.rate_deposit, "normalmap[hi].z", normalmap[hi].z)
local step_deposit = sediment * params.rate_deposit * normalmap[hi].z
local step_erode = params.rate_erosion * (1 - normalmap[hi].z) * math.min(1, i*params.scale_iterations)
-- Erode / Deposit, but only if we are on a different node than we were in the last step
if math.floor(pos_prev.x) ~= math.floor(x)
and math.floor(pos_prev.z) ~= math.floor(z) then
heightmap[hi] = heightmap[hi] + (step_deposit - step_erode)
velocity.x = params.friction * velocity.x + normalmap[hi].x * params.speed
velocity.z = params.friction * velocity.z + normalmap[hi].y * params.speed
-- print("[snowball] now at ("..x..", "..z..") velocity "..worldeditadditions.vector.lengthsquared(velocity)..", sediment "..sediment)
local new_vel_sq = worldeditadditions.vector.lengthsquared(velocity)
if new_vel_sq > 1 then
-- print("[snowball] velocity squared over 1, normalising")
velocity = worldeditadditions.vector.normalize(velocity)
table.insert(hist_velocity, new_vel_sq)
if #hist_velocity > params.velocity_hist_count then table.remove(hist_velocity, 1) end
pos_prev.x = x
pos_prev.z = z
pos.x = pos.x + velocity.x
pos.z = pos.z + velocity.z
sediment = sediment + (step_erode - step_deposit) -- Needs to be erosion - deposit, which is the opposite to the above
return true, params.max_steps
2D erosion algorithm based on snowballs
Note that this *mutates* the given heightmap.
@source https://jobtalle.com/simulating_hydraulic_erosion.html
function worldeditadditions.erode.snowballs(heightmap_initial, heightmap, heightmap_size, region_height, params_custom)
local params = {
rate_deposit = 0.03, -- 0.03
rate_erosion = 0.04, -- 0.04
friction = 0.07,
speed = 1,
max_steps = 80,
velocity_hist_count = 3,
init_velocity = 0.25,
scale_iterations = 0.04,
maxdiff = 0.4,
count = 50000
-- Apply the default settings
worldeditadditions.table_apply(params_custom, params)
print("[erode/snowballs] params: ")
local normals = worldeditadditions.calculate_normals(heightmap, heightmap_size)
local stats_steps = {}
for i = 1, params.count do
-- print("[snowballs] starting snowball ", i)
local success, steps = snowball(
heightmap, normals, heightmap_size,
x = math.random() * (heightmap_size[1] - 1),
z = math.random() * (heightmap_size[0] - 1)
table.insert(stats_steps, steps)
if not success then return false, "Error: Failed at snowball "..i..":"..steps end
print("[snowballs] "..#stats_steps.." snowballs simulated, max "..params.max_steps.." steps, averaged ~"..worldeditadditions.average(stats_steps).."")
-- Round everything to the nearest int, since you can't really have
-- something like .141592671 of a node
-- Note that we do this after *all* the erosion is complete
local clamp_limit = math.floor(region_height * params.maxdiff + 0.5)
for i,v in ipairs(heightmap) do
heightmap[i] = math.floor(heightmap[i] + 0.5)
if heightmap[i] < 0 then heightmap[i] = 0 end
-- Limit the distance to params.maxdiff% of the region height
if math.abs(heightmap_initial[i] - heightmap[i]) > region_height * params.maxdiff then
if heightmap_initial[i] - heightmap[i] > 0 then
heightmap[i] = heightmap_initial[i] - clamp_limit
heightmap[i] = heightmap_initial[i] + clamp_limit
local success, matrix = worldeditadditions.get_conv_kernel("gaussian", 3, 3)
if not success then return success, matrix end
matrix_size = {} matrix_size[0] = 3 matrix_size[1] = 3
heightmap, heightmap_size,
return true, params.count.." snowballs simulated"