2023-09-24 02:07:08 +01:00

325 lines
14 KiB

local weac = worldeditadditions_core
local Vector3
local parse_json, split
if worldeditadditions_core then
Vector3 = weac.Vector3
parse_json = dofile(weac.modpath.."/utils/parse/json.lua")
split = weac.split
Vector3 = require("worldeditadditions_core.utils.vector3")
parse_json = require("worldeditadditions_core.utils.parse.json")
split = require("worldeditadditions_core.utils.strings.split")
--- Library for parsing .weaschem WorldEditAdditions Schematic files.
-- Most of these functions return 3 values rather than the usual 2. This might seem overcomplicated, but it enables a higher level of validation in automated testing. These 3 return values take the following form:
-- 1. bool: A success/failure bool. `true` means success, and `false`, means failure.
-- 2. string: The error code. "SUCCESS" if #1 (the bool) is `true`. Otherwise set to a code to indicate exactly which error ocurred.
-- 3. any|string: EITHER the expected return value, OR a string with a human-readable error message if `bool=false`.
-- @namespace worldeditadditions_core.parse.file.weaschem
local weaschem = {}
--- Validates and converts a raw table into a Vector3 instance.
-- @param source_obj table The table to convert.
-- @returns bool,string,Vector3|string A success bool, then an error code, then finally EITHER the resulting Vector3 instance (if bool=true) OR an error message as a string.
function weaschem.parse_vector3(source_obj)
if type(source_obj) ~= "table" then return false, "VECTOR3_INVALID_TYPE", "Vector3: Expected a table, but got a value of type '"..type(source_obj).."'." end
if source_obj.x == nil then return false, "VECTOR3_NO_X", "Vector3: No value for the x coordinate was found." end
if source_obj.y == nil then return false, "VECTOR3_NO_Y", "Vector3: No value for the y coordinate was found." end
if source_obj.z == nil then return false, "VECTOR3_NO_Z", "Vector3: No value for the z coordinate was found." end
if type(source_obj.x) ~= "number" then return false, "VECTOR3_INVALID_X", "Vector3: The type of the x coordinate was expected to be number, but found '"..type(source_obj.x).."'." end
if type(source_obj.y) ~= "number" then return false, "VECTOR3_INVALID_Y", "Vector3: The type of the y coordinate was expected to be number, but found '"..type(source_obj.y).."'." end
if type(source_obj.z) ~= "number" then return false, "VECTOR3_INVALID_Z", "Vector3: The type of the z coordinate was expected to be number, but found '"..type(source_obj.z).."'." end
local result = Vector3.clone(source_obj)
local rounded = result:floor()
if math.abs(result.x - rounded.x) > 0.0000001 then return false, "VECTOR3_X_FLOAT", "The x coordinate appears to be a floating-point number and not an integer. Only integer values in schematics are supported." end
if math.abs(result.y - rounded.y) > 0.0000001 then return false, "VECTOR3_Y_FLOAT", "The y coordinate appears to be a floating-point number and not an integer. Only integer values in schematics are supported." end
if math.abs(result.z - rounded.z) > 0.0000001 then return false, "VECTOR3_Z_FLOAT", "The z coordinate appears to be a floating-point number and not an integer. Only integer values in schematics are supported." end
return true, "SUCCESS", result
--- Parses the header out of the given source string.
-- @param source string The source string to parse.
-- @returns bool,string,table|string 1. Success bool (`true` == success)
-- 2. Error code. "SUCCESS" is passed if the operation was successful.
-- 3. Either the resulting Lua table if parsing was successful, or an error message as a string if not.
function weaschem.parse_header(source)
local raw_obj = parse_json(source)
if raw_obj == nil then return false, "HEADER_INVALID_JSON", "The header is invalid JSON." end
local header = {}
if raw_obj["name"] == nil then return false, "HEADER_NO_NAME", "No name property found in header."
header["name"] = raw_obj["name"]
if type(header["name"]) ~= "string" then
return false, "HEADER_NAME_INVALID",
"Invalid name in header: expected string, but found value of type '"..type(raw_obj["name"]).."'."
if raw_obj["description"] ~= nil then
header["description"] = raw_obj["description"]
if type(header["description"]) ~= "string" then
"Invalid description in header: expected string, but found value of type '"..type(raw_obj["description"]).."'."
if raw_obj["offset"] == nil then
return false, "HEADER_NO_OFFSET", "No offset property found in header."
local success, code, result = weaschem.parse_vector3(raw_obj["offset"])
if not success then return success, code, result end
header["offset"] = result
if raw_obj["size"] == nil then return false, "HEADER_NO_SIZE", "No size property found in header."
local success, code, result = weaschem.parse_vector3(raw_obj["size"])
if not success then return success, code, result end
header["size"] = result
if raw_obj["type"] == nil then
return false, "HEADER_NO_TYPE", "No type property found in header."
header["type"] = raw_obj["type"]
if type(header["type"]) ~= "string" then
return false, "HEADER_TYPE_INVALID",
"Invalid type in header: expected string, but found value of type '" .. type(raw_obj["type"]).."'."
if header["type"] ~= "full" and header["type"] ~= "delta" then
return false, "HEADER_TYPE_INVALID",
"The value of the header field type was expected to be 'full' or 'delta', but was found to be '" ..
tostring(header["type"]) .. "'."
if raw_obj["generator"] == nil then
return false, "HEADER_NO_GENERATOR", "No generator property found in header."
header["generator"] = raw_obj["generator"]
if type(header["generator"]) ~= "string" then
"Invalid generator in header: expected string, but found value of generator '"..type(raw_obj["generator"]).."'."
return true, "SUCCESS", header
--- Parses the ID map out of the given source string.
-- @param source string The source string to parse.
-- @returns bool,string,table|string 1. Success bool (`true` == success)
-- 2. Error code. "SUCCESS" is passed if the operation was successful.
-- 3. Either the resulting Lua table if parsing was successful, or an error message as a string if not.
function weaschem.parse_id_map(source)
local raw_obj = parse_json(source)
if raw_obj == nil then return false, "ID_MAP_INVALID_JSON", "The node id map is invalid JSON." end
local result = {}
for id_str, node_name in pairs(raw_obj) do
local id = tonumber(id_str)
if id == nil then
return false, "ID_MAP_INVALID_ID", "A node id in the node id map is not parsable as a number."
if string.find(node_name, ":") == nil then
return false, "ID_MAP_RELATIVE_NODE_NAME", "A node name does not contain a colon, suggesting it is a relative node id. Relative node ids are not supported."
if id - math.floor(id) > 0.0000001 then
return false, "ID_MAP_FLOATING_POINT_NODE_NAME", "Error: All node ids in the node id map must be integers."
if id < 0 then
return false, "ID_MAP_NEGATIVE_NODE_ID", "Error: All node ids in the node id map must be integers greater than or equal to 0."
if result[id] ~= nil then
return false, "ID_MAP_DUPLICATE", "Multiple node ids in the node id map parse to the same number."
result[id] = node_name
return true, "SUCCESS", result
--- Parses a data table string into a Lua table.
-- @internal
-- @param source string The source string to parse.
-- @param is_delta bool Whether the provided data table is of type delta or not. Used for validation.
-- @returns bool,string,table|string 1. Success bool (`true` == success)
-- 2. Error code. "SUCCESS" is passed if the operation was successful.
-- 3. Either the resulting Lua table if parsing was successful, or an error message as a string if not.
function weaschem.parse_data_table(source, is_delta)
local data_table = {}
local values = split(source, ",", true)
local i = 0
for _, next_val in pairs(values) do
if next_val:find("x") ~= nil then
local multi_count, multi_node_id = string.match(next_val, "^(%d+)x(-?[%d]+)$")
-- print("DEBUG:parse_data_table next_val", next_val, "multi_count", multi_count, "multi_node_id", multi_node_id)
if multi_count == nil or multi_node_id == nil then
return false, "DATA_TABLE_INVALID_VALUE", "Error: Encountered an invalid node id / count pair at position '"..tostring(i).."'."
-- These tonumber() calls are guaranteed to work since we only pass a number here
multi_count = tonumber(multi_count)
multi_node_id = tonumber(multi_node_id)
if is_delta then
if multi_node_id < -2 then
return false, "DATA_TABLE_INVALID_NODE_ID", "Error: When type=delta, then node ids must not be less then -2."
if multi_node_id < -1 then
return false, "DATA_TABLE_INVALID_NODE_ID", "Error: When type=delta, then node ids must not be less then -1."
for _ = 1,multi_count do
data_table[i] = multi_node_id
i = i + 1
local node_id = tonumber(next_val)
if type(node_id) ~= "number" then
"Encountered node id value in data table at position '" .. tostring(i) .. "'."
if is_delta then
if node_id < -2 then
"Error: When type=delta, then node ids must not be less then -2."
if node_id < -1 then
"Error: When type=delta, then node ids must not be less then -1."
data_table[i] = node_id
i = i + 1
return true, "SUCCESS", data_table
--- Parses the WorldEditAdditions schematic file from the given handle.
-- This requires a file handle, as significant optimisations can be made in the case of invalid files.
-- @param handle File A Lua file handle to read from.
-- @param [delta_which=both] string If the schematic file is of type delta (i.e. as opposed to full), then this indicates which state is desired. Useful to significantly optimise both CPU and memory usage by avoiding parsing more than necessary if only one state is desired. Possible values: both (default; read both the previous and current states), prev (read only the previous state), current (read only the current state).
-- @returns bool,string,table|string 1. Success bool (`true` == success)
-- 2. Error code. "SUCCESS" is passed if the operation was successful.
-- 3. Either the resulting Lua table if parsing was successful, or an error message as a string if not.
function weaschem.parse(handle, delta_which)
if delta_which == nil then delta_which = "both" end
if delta_which ~= "both" and delta_which ~= "prev" and delta_which ~= "current" then
return false, "INVALID_DELTA_WHICH", "Invalid delta_which argument. Possible values: both [default], prev, current."
local temp, temp2 = handle:read(8, 1)
if temp ~= "WEASCHEM" then
return false, "INVALID_MAGIC_BYTES", "The magic bytes 'WEASCHEM' were not found, so the input is an invalid .weaschem schematic."
if temp2 ~= " " then
return false, "INVALID_MAGIC_SPACE", "Invalid character after magic bytes (expected a single U+20 space)"
local version = handle:read("*n")
if version ~= 1 then
return false, "INVALID_VERSION", "Invalid schematic version. Expected 1, but found '"..tostring(version).."'."
temp = handle:read(1)
if temp ~= "\n" then
return false, "UNEXPECTED_TOKEN", "Invalid character present after schematic version number (expected a new line character U+0A)"
temp = handle:read("*l")
local success, code, header = weaschem.parse_header(temp)
if not success then return success, code, header end
temp = handle:read("*l")
if temp == nil then return false, "NO_ID_MAP", "Unable to read the id map from the file." end
local id_map
success, code, id_map = weaschem.parse_id_map(temp)
if not success then return success, code, id_map end
local data_tables = {}
if header["type"] == "full" then
temp = handle:read("*l")
if temp == nil then return false, "NO_DATA_TABLE", "Unable to read the data table full:data from the file." end
success, code, temp2 = weaschem.parse_data_table(temp, false)
if not success then return success, code, temp2 end
data_tables["data"] = temp2
temp = handle:read("*l")
if temp == nil then return false, "NO_DATA_TABLE", "Unable to read the data table full:param2 from the file." end
success, code, temp2 = weaschem.parse_data_table(temp, false)
if not success then return success, code, temp2 end
data_tables["param2"] = temp2
temp = handle:read("*l")
if temp == nil then return false, "NO_DATA_TABLE", "Unable to read the data table delta:data_previous from the file." end
-- delta_which="current" is the only state in which we would NOT want to parse the previous state. Regardless, we still need to read the line in though even if we immediately discard it otherwise we'll be out of sync.
if delta_which ~= "current" then
success, code, temp2 = weaschem.parse_data_table(temp, true)
if not success then return success, code, temp2 end
data_tables["data_prev"] = temp2
temp = handle:read("*l")
if temp == nil then return false, "NO_DATA_TABLE", "Unable to read the data table delta:param2_previous from the file." end
if delta_which ~= "current" then
success, code, temp2 = weaschem.parse_data_table(temp, true)
if not success then return success, code, temp2 end
data_tables["param2_prev"] = temp2
temp = handle:read("*l")
if temp == nil then return false, "NO_DATA_TABLE", "Unable to read the data table delta:data_current from the file." end
if delta_which ~= "prev" then
success, code, temp2 = weaschem.parse_data_table(temp, true)
if not success then return success, code, temp2 end
data_tables["data_current"] = temp2
temp = handle:read("*l")
if temp == nil then return false, "NO_DATA_TABLE", "Unable to read the data table delta:param2_current from the file." end
if delta_which ~= "prev" then
success, code, temp2 = weaschem.parse_data_table(temp, true)
if not success then return success, code, temp2 end
data_tables["param2_current"] = temp2
local result = {
header = header,
id_map = id_map,
data_tables = data_tables
return true, "SUCCESS", result
return weaschem