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synced 2025-02-18 20:14:56 +00:00
This is more complicated than I expected. We've got a new parser and a state machine for the args, but we now need to put these values to use and pass them to worldeditadditions.rotate(). NOTE TO SELF: BE REAL CAREFUL WITH ORIGIN HANDLING. We MUST NOT pull from sorted pos1/2 by accident! Though I doubt this would be an issue since weac.pos.get(player_name, i) is a thing
95 lines
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95 lines
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local wea_c = worldeditadditions_core
local Vector3 = wea_c.Vector3
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worldeditadditions_core.register_command("rotate", {
params = "<axis> <degrees> [<axis> <degrees> ...] [origin|o [<pos_number>]]",
description = "Rotates the defined region arounnd the given axis by the given number of degrees. Angles are NOT limited to 90-degree increments. When multiple axes and angles are specified, these transformations are applied in order. If o [<pos_number>] is specified, then the specific position number (default: 3) is considered a custom rotation origin instead of the centre of the region. CAUTION: Rotating large areas of memory by 45° can be memory intensive!",
privs = { worldedit = true },
require_pos = 2,
parse = function (params_text)
if not params_text then params_text = "" end
local parts = wea_c.split_shell(params_text)
local mode_store
local mode = "AXIS"
local success, axis_next, angle
local origin = "__AUTO__"
local rotlist = {}
for i,part in ipairs(parts) do
if part == "origin" or part == "o" then
mode_store = mode
mode = "ORIGIN"
elseif mode == "ORIGIN" then
origin = tonumber(part)
if not origin or origin < 1 then
return false, "Error: Expected positive integer as the WorldEditAdditions position that should be considered the origin point for rotation operation."
origin = math.floor(origin)
mode = mode_store
mode_store = nil
elseif mode == "AXIS" then
axis_next = wea_c.parse.axis_rotation.axis_name(part)
if not success then return success, axis_next end
mode = "ANGLE"
elseif mode == "ANGLE" then
angle = part
-- 1: Determine if radians; strip suffix
local pos_rad = part:find("ra?d?$")
if pos_rad then
angle = angle:sub(1, pos_rad-1)
-- 2: Parse as number
angle = tonumber(angle)
if not angle then
return false, "Error: Expected numerical angle value, but found '"..tostring(part).."'."
-- 3: Convert degrees → radians
if not pos_rad then
-- We have degrees! Convert em to radians 'cauuse mathematics
angle = math.rad(angle)
-- 4: Add to rotlist
table.insert(rotlist, {
axis = axis_next,
rad = angle
-- 5: Change mode and continue
mode = "AXIS"
return false, "Error: Unknown parsing mode "..tostring(mode)..". This is a bug."
return true, origin, rotlist
nodes_needed = function(name, times)
-- TODO: .......this is a good question, actually.
func = function(name, origin, rotlist)
local start_time = wea_c.get_ms_time()
-- TODO: Do rotation operation here.
local time_taken = wea_c.get_ms_time() - start_time
-- TODO: Update logging below. This will obviously crash due to unknown variables right now.
minetest.log("action", name .. " used //rotate at "..pos1.." - "..pos2.." with origin "..origin..", replacing "..changed.." nodes in "..time_taken.."s")
return true, changed.." nodes replaced in "..wea_c.format.human_time(time_taken)