
193 lines
7 KiB

local Vector3
if worldeditadditions then
local wea = worldeditadditions
Vector3 = dofile(wea.modpath.."/utils/vector3.lua")
Vector3 = require("worldeditadditions.utils.vector3")
--- Parses an absolute axis name to a Vector3 instance.
-- @example
-- local v3instance = parse_abs_axis_name("-x")
-- -- v3instance will now be equal to Vector3.new(-1, 0, 0)
-- @param axis_name string The axis name to parse.
-- @returns bool,Vector3|string A bool success value, followed by the resulting Vector3 instance (if succeeded) or an error message string (if failed).
local function parse_abs_axis_name(axis_name)
if type(axis_name) ~= "string" then
return false, "Error: Expected axis_name to be of type string, but found value of type '"..type(axis_name).."' instead."
local result = Vector3.new()
if axis_name:match("-x") then result.x = -1
elseif axis_name:match("x") then result.x = 1 end
if axis_name:match("-y") then result.y = -1
elseif axis_name:match("y") then result.y = 1 end
if axis_name:match("-z") then result.z = -1
elseif axis_name:match("z") then result.z = 1 end
if Vector3.new() == result then
return false, "Error: Unknown axis_name '"..axis_name.."'."
return true, result
-- Parses a relative axis name (e.g. "front", "back", etc) to an absolute
-- Vector3 instance.
-- @param axis_name string The axis name to parse.
-- @param player_name PlayerDir The directional information that the parsing should be relative to.
-- @returns bool,Vector3|string A bool success value, followed by the resulting Vector3 instance (if succeeded) or an error message string (if failed).
local function parse_relative_axis_name(axis_name, facing_dir)
if type(axis_name) ~= "string" then
return false, "Error: Expected axis_name to be of type string, value was of type '"..type(axis_name).."' instead."
local dir
local flip = Vector3.new(-1, -1, -1)
if axis_name == "?" then dir = facing_dir.front end
if axis_name == "front" or axis_name == "f" then dir = facing_dir.front end
if axis_name == "back" or axis_name == "b" then dir = facing_dir.back end
if axis_name == "left" or axis_name == "l" then dir = facing_dir.left end
if axis_name == "right" or axis_name == "r" then dir = facing_dir.right end
if axis_name == "up" or axis_name == "u" then dir = facing_dir.up end
if axis_name == "down" or axis_name == "d" then dir = facing_dir.down end
if not dir then return false, "Error: Unknown axis name '"..axis_name.."'. Valid values: ?, front, f, back, b, left, l, right, r, up, u, down, d." end
axis_name = (dir.sign < 0 and "-" or "")..dir.axis
local success, result = parse_abs_axis_name(axis_name)
if not success then return success, result end
return true, result
--- Parses a relative or absolute axis name into a Vector3 instance.
-- @param axis_name string The axis name to parse.
-- @param facing_dir table The direction the player is facing. Obtain this by calling worldeditadditions.
local function parse_axis_name(axis_name, facing_dir)
local success, result = parse_relative_axis_name(axis_name, facing_dir)
if not success then
success, result = parse_abs_axis_name(axis_name)
return success, result
local function vregion_apply(vpos1, vpos2, offset)
-- It's a specific axis
if offset.x < 0 then vpos1.x = vpos1.x + offset.x
else vpos2.x = vpos2.x + offset.x end
if offset.y < 0 then vpos1.y = vpos1.y + offset.y
else vpos2.y = vpos2.y + offset.y end
if offset.z < 0 then vpos1.z = vpos1.z + offset.z
else vpos2.z = vpos2.z + offset.z end
return vpos1, vpos2
local function in_list(list, str)
for i,item in ipairs(list) do
if item == str then return true end
return false
--- Parses a token list of axes and counts into a Vector3.
-- For example, "x 4" would become { x = 4, y = 0, z = 0 }, and "? 4 -z 10"
-- might become { x = 4, y = 0, z = -10 }.
-- Note that the input here needs to be *post split*. wea.split_shell is
-- recommended for this purpose.
-- @param token_list string[] A list of tokens to parse
-- @param facing_dir PlayerDir The direction the player is facing. Returned from wea.player_dir(name).
-- @returns Vector3,Vector3 A Vector3 pair generated from parsing out the input token list representing the delta change that can be applied to a defined pos1, pos2 region.
local function parse_axes(token_list, facing_dir)
local mirroring_keywords = {
"sym", "symmetrical",
"mirror", "mir",
"rev", "reverse",
if type(token_list) ~= "table" then
return false, "Error: Expected list of tokens as a table, but found value of type '"..type(token_list).."' instead."
if type(facing_dir) ~= "table" then
return false, "Error: Expected facing_dir to be a table, but found value of type '"..type(facing_dir).."' instead."
local vpos1, vpos2 = Vector3.new(), Vector3.new()
if #token_list < 2 then
return false, "Error: Not enough arguments (at least 2 are required)"
local state = "AXIS"
local current_axis = nil
local current_axis_text = nil
local success
-- for i,token in ipairs(token_list) do
for i=1,#token_list do
local token = token_list[i]
local token_next
if i < #token_list then token_next = token_list[i + 1] end
if type(token) ~= "string" then
return false, "Error: Found token of unexpected type '"..type(token).."' at position "..i.."."
-- print("DEBUG i", i, "token", token)
if state == "AXIS" then
if token == "h" or token == "horizontal" then
current_axis_text = "horizontal"
current_axis = Vector3.new(1, 0, 1)
elseif token == "v" or token == "vertical" then
current_axis_text = "vertical"
current_axis = Vector3.new(0, 1, 0)
elseif not in_list(mirroring_keywords, token) then
current_axis_text = token
success, current_axis = parse_axis_name(token, facing_dir)
if not success then return success, current_axis end
state = "VALUE"
elseif state == "VALUE" then
local offset_this = tonumber(token)
if not offset_this then
return false, "Error: Invalid count value '"..tostring(token).."' for axis '"..current_axis_text.."'. Values may only be positive or negative integers."
offset_this = current_axis * offset_this
-- print("DEBUG STATE VALUE offset_this", offset_this)
-- Apply the new offset to the virtual defined region
if current_axis_text == "horizontal" or current_axis_text == "vertical" then
-- We're horizonal / vertical
vpos1 = vpos1 + (offset_this * -1)
vpos2 = vpos2 + offset_this
vpos1, vpos2 = vregion_apply(vpos1, vpos2, offset_this)
-- Handle the extra mirroring keyword
if in_list(mirroring_keywords, token_next) then
vpos1, vpos2 = vregion_apply(vpos1, vpos2, offset_this * -1)
state = "AXIS"
return false, "Error: Failed to parse input due to unknown state '"..tostring(state).."' (this is probably a bug - please report it!)"
return true, vpos1, vpos2
return {
parse_axes = parse_axes,
parse_axis_name = parse_axis_name,
parse_abs_axis_name = parse_abs_axis_name,
parse_relative_axis_name = parse_relative_axis_name