
77 lines
3.8 KiB

local function parse_slope_range(text)
if string.match(text, "%.%.") then
-- It's in the form a..b
local parts = worldeditadditions.split(text, "..", true)
if not parts then return nil end
if #parts ~= 2 then return false, "Error: Exactly 2 numbers may be separated by a double dot '..' (e.g. 10..45)" end
local min_slope = tonumber(parts[1])
local max_slope = tonumber(parts[2])
if not min_slope then return false, "Error: Failed to parse the specified min_slope '"..tostring(min_slope).."' value as a number." end
if not max_slope then return false, "Error: Failed to parse the specified max_slope '"..tostring(max_slope).."' value as a number." end
-- math.rad converts degrees to radians
return true, math.rad(min_slope), math.rad(max_slope)
-- It's a single value
local max_slope = tonumber(text)
if not max_slope then return nil end
return true, 0, math.rad(max_slope)
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worldeditadditions_core.register_command("layers", {
params = "[<max_slope|min_slope..max_slope>] [<node_name_1> [<layer_count_1>]] [<node_name_2> [<layer_count_2>]] ...",
description = "Replaces the topmost non-airlike nodes with layers of the given nodes from top to bottom. Like WorldEdit for MC's //naturalize command. Optionally takes a maximum or minimum and maximum slope value. If a column's slope value falls outside the defined range, then it's skipped. Default: dirt_with_grass dirt 3",
privs = { worldedit = true },
require_pos = 2,
parse = function(params_text)
if not params_text or params_text == "" then
params_text = "dirt_with_grass dirt 3"
local parts = worldeditadditions.split_shell(params_text)
local success, min_slope, max_slope
if #parts > 0 then
success, min_slope, max_slope = parse_slope_range(parts[1])
if success then
table.remove(parts, 1) -- Automatically shifts other values down
if not min_slope then min_slope = 0 end
if not max_slope then max_slope = 180 end
local node_list
success, node_list = worldeditadditions.parse.weighted_nodes(
return success, node_list, min_slope, max_slope
nodes_needed = function(name)
return worldedit.volume(worldedit.pos1[name], worldedit.pos2[name])
func = function(name, node_list, min_slope, max_slope)
local start_time = worldeditadditions.get_ms_time()
local changes = worldeditadditions.layers(
worldedit.pos1[name], worldedit.pos2[name],
min_slope, max_slope
local time_taken = worldeditadditions.get_ms_time() - start_time
-- print("DEBUG min_slope", min_slope, "max_slope", max_slope)
-- print("DEBUG min_slope", math.deg(min_slope), "max_slope", math.deg(max_slope))
minetest.log("action", name .. " used //layers at " .. worldeditadditions.vector.tostring(worldedit.pos1[name]) .. ", replacing " .. changes.replaced .. " nodes and skipping " .. changes.skipped_columns .. " columns ("..changes.skipped_columns_slope.." due to slope constraints) in " .. time_taken .. "s")
return true, changes.replaced .. " nodes replaced and " .. changes.skipped_columns .. " columns skipped ("..changes.skipped_columns_slope.." due to slope constraints) in " .. worldeditadditions.format.human_time(time_taken)