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worldedit.register_command("erode", {
params = "[<snowballs|...> [<key_1> [<value_1>]] [<key_2> [<value_2>]] ...]",
description = "**experimental** Runs the specified erosion algorithm over the given defined region. This may occur in 2d or 3d. Currently implemented algorithms: snowballs (default;2d hydraulic-like). Also optionally takes an arbitrary set of key - value pairs representing parameters to pass to the algorithm. See the full documentation for details.",
privs = { worldedit = true },
require_pos = 2,
parse = function(params_text)
if not params_text or params_text == "" then
return true, "snowballs", {}
if params_text:find("%s") == nil then
return true, params_text, {}
local algorithm, params = params_text:match("([^%s]+)%s(.+)")
if algorithm == nil then
return false, "Failed to split params_text into 2 parts (this is probably a bug)"
local success, map = worldeditadditions.parse_map(params)
if not success then return success, map end
return true, algorithm, map
nodes_needed = function(name)
return worldedit.volume(worldedit.pos1[name], worldedit.pos2[name])
func = function(name, algorithm, params)
local start_time = worldeditadditions.get_ms_time()
local success, msg, stats = worldeditadditions.erode.run(
worldedit.pos1[name], worldedit.pos2[name],
algorithm, params
if not success then return success, msg end
local time_taken = worldeditadditions.get_ms_time() - start_time
minetest.log("action", name .. " used //erode "..algorithm.." at " .. worldeditadditions.vector.tostring(worldedit.pos1[name]) .. ", adding " .. stats.added .. " nodes and removing " .. stats.removed .. " nodes in " .. time_taken .. "s")
return true, msg.."\n"..stats.added .. " nodes added and " .. stats.removed .. " nodes removed in " .. worldeditadditions.human_time(time_taken)