
162 lines
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local Vector3 = {}
Vector3.__index = Vector3
function Vector3.new(x, y, z)
if type(x) ~= "number" then
error("Error: Expected number for the value of x, but received argument of type "..type(x)..".")
if type(y) ~= "number" then
error("Error: Expected number for the value of y, but received argument of type "..type(y)..".")
if type(z) ~= "number" then
error("Error: Expected number for the value of z, but received argument of type "..type(z)..".")
local result = {
x = x,
y = y,
z = z
setmetatable(result, Vector3)
return result
--- Adds the specified vectors or numbers together.
-- Returns the result as a new vector.
-- If 1 of the inputs is a number and the other a vector, then the number will
-- be added to each of the components of the vector.
-- @param a Vector3|number The first item to add.
-- @param a Vector3|number The second item to add.
-- @returns Vector3 The result as a new Vector3 object.
function Vector3.add(a, b)
if type(a) == "number" then
return Vector3.new(b.x + a, b.y + a, b.z + a)
elseif type(b) == "number" then
return Vector3.new(a.x + b, a.y + b, a.z + b)
return Vector3.new(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y, a.z + b.z)
--- Subtracts the specified vectors or numbers together.
-- Returns the result as a new vector.
-- If 1 of the inputs is a number and the other a vector, then the number will
-- be subtracted to each of the components of the vector.
-- @param a Vector3|number The first item to subtract.
-- @param a Vector3|number The second item to subtract.
-- @returns Vector3 The result as a new Vector3 object.
function Vector3.subtract(a, b)
if type(a) == "number" then
return Vector3.new(b.x - a, b.y - a, b.z - a)
elseif type(b) == "number" then
return Vector3.new(a.x - b, a.y - b, a.z - b)
return Vector3.new(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y, a.z - b.z)
--- Alias for Vector3.subtract.
function Vector3.sub(a, b) return Vector3.subtract(a, b) end
--- Multiplies the specified vectors or numbers together.
-- Returns the result as a new vector.
-- If 1 of the inputs is a number and the other a vector, then the number will
-- be multiplied to each of the components of the vector.
-- If both of the inputs are vectors, then the components are multiplied
-- by each other (NOT the cross product). In other words:
-- a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y, a.z * b.z
-- @param a Vector3|number The first item to multiply.
-- @param a Vector3|number The second item to multiply.
-- @returns Vector3 The result as a new Vector3 object.
function Vector3.multiply(a, b)
if type(a) == "number" then
return Vector3.new(b.x * a, b.y * a, b.z * a)
elseif type(b) == "number" then
return Vector3.new(a.x * b, a.y * b, a.z * b)
return Vector3.new(a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y, a.z * b.z)
--- Alias for Vector3.multiply.
function Vector3.mul(a, b) return Vector3.multiply(a, b) end
--- Divides the specified vectors or numbers together.
-- Returns the result as a new vector.
-- If 1 of the inputs is a number and the other a vector, then the number will
-- be divided to each of the components of the vector.
-- @param a Vector3|number The first item to divide.
-- @param a Vector3|number The second item to divide.
-- @returns Vector3 The result as a new Vector3 object.
function Vector3.divide(a, b)
if type(a) == "number" then
return Vector3.new(b.x / a, b.y / a, b.z / a)
elseif type(b) == "number" then
return Vector3.new(a.x / b, a.y / b, a.z / b)
return Vector3.new(a.x / b.x, a.y / b.y, a.z / b.z)
--- Alias for Vector3.divide.
function Vector3.div(a, b) return Vector3.divide(a, b) end
--- Rounds the components of this vector down.
-- @param a Vector3 The vector to operate on.
-- @returns Vector3 A new instance with the x/y/z components rounded down.
function Vector3.floor(a)
return Vector3.new(math.floor(a.x), math.floor(a.y), math.floor(a.z))
--- Rounds the components of this vector up.
-- @param a Vector3 The vector to operate on.
-- @returns Vector3 A new instance with the x/y/z components rounded up.
function Vector3.ceil(a)
return Vector3.new(math.ceil(a.x), math.ceil(a.y), math.ceil(a.z))
--- Rounds the components of this vector.
-- @param a Vector3 The vector to operate on.
-- @returns Vector3 A new instance with the x/y/z components rounded.
function Vector3.round(a)
return Vector3.new(math.floor(a.x+0.5), math.floor(a.y+0.5), math.floor(a.z+0.5))
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function Vector3.__call(x, y, z)
return Vector3.new(x, y, z)
function Vector3.__add(a, b)
return Vector3.add(a, b)
function Vector3.__sub(a, b)
return Vector3.sub(a, b)
function Vector3.__mul(a, b)
return Vector3.mul(a, b)
function Vector3.__div(a, b)
return Vector3.divide(a, b)
--- Returns the current Vector3 as a string.
function Vector3.__tostring(a)
return "("..a.x..", "..a.y..", "..a.z..")"
if worldeditadditions then
worldeditadditions.Vector3 = Vector3
return Vector3