
218 lines
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Raw Normal View History

local wea_c = worldeditadditions_core
local EventEmitter = worldeditadditions_core.EventEmitter
local Vector3 = wea_c.Vector3
local anchor
local entity_wall_size = 10
local collision_thickness = 0.2
local WEAPositionMarkerWall = {
initial_properties = {
visual = "cube",
visual_size = { x = 1, y = 1, z = 1 },
collisionbox = { -0.55, -0.55, -0.55, 0.55, 0.55, 0.55 },
-- ^^ { xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax } relative to obj pos
physical = false,
collide_with_objects = false,
static_save = false,
textures = {
on_activate = function(self, staticdata)
-- noop
on_punch = function(self, _)
on_blast = function(self, damage)
return false, false, {} -- Do not damage or knockback the player
--- Updates the properties of a single wall to match it's side and size
local function single_setup(entity, size, side)
local new_props = {
visual_size = {
x = math.min(10, math.abs(size.x)+1),
y = math.min(10, math.abs(size.y)+1),
z = math.min(10, math.abs(size.z)+1)
local cthick = Vector3.new(
local cpos1 = Vector3.clone(new_props.visual_size):multiply(-1):divide(2):add(cthick)
local cpos2 = Vector3.clone(new_props.visual_size):divide(2):subtract(cthick)
if side == "x" or side == "-x" then
new_props.visual_size.x = collision_thickness - 0.1
cpos1.x = -collision_thickness
cpos2.x = collision_thickness
if side == "y" or side == "-y" then
new_props.visual_size.y = collision_thickness - 0.1
cpos1.y = -collision_thickness
cpos2.y = collision_thickness
if side == "z" or side == "-z" then
new_props.visual_size.z = collision_thickness - 0.1
cpos1.z = -collision_thickness
cpos2.z = collision_thickness
new_props.collisionbox = {
cpos1.x, cpos1.y, cpos1.z,
cpos2.x, cpos2.y, cpos2.z
print("DEBUG:marker_wall setup_single new_props", wea_c.inspect(new_props))
--- Creates a single marker wall entity.
-- @param player_name string The name of the player it should belong to.
-- @param pos1 Vector3 The pos1 corner of the area the SINGLE marker should cover.
-- @param pos2 Vector3 The pos2 corner of the area the SINGLE marker should cover.
-- @param side string The side that this wall is on. Valid values: x, -x, y, -y, z, -z.
-- @returns Entity<WEAPositionMarkerWall>
local function create_single(player_name, pos1, pos2, side)
print("DEBUG:marker_wall create_single --> START player_name", player_name, "pos1", pos1, "pos2", pos2, "side", side)
local offset = Vector3.new()
if side == "x" then offset.x = 0.5
elseif side == "-x" then offset.x = -0.5
elseif side == "y" then offset.y = 0.5
elseif side == "-y" then offset.y = -0.5
elseif side == "z" then offset.z = 0.5
elseif side == "-z" then offset.z = -0.5 end
local pos_centre = ((pos2 - pos1) / 2) + pos1 + offset
local entity = minetest.add_entity(pos_centre, "worldeditadditions:marker_wall")
print("DEBUG:marker_wall create_single --> spawned at", pos_centre)
entity:get_luaentity().player_name = player_name
single_setup(entity, pos2 - pos1, side)
return entity
--- Creates a marker wall around the defined region.
-- @param player_name string The name of the player that the wall belongs to.
-- @param pos1 Vector3 pos1 of the defined region.
-- @param pos2 Vector3 pos2 of the defined region.
-- @returns table<entitylist> A list of all created entities.
local function create_wall(player_name, pos1, pos2)
print("DEBUG:marker_wall create_wall --> START player_name", player_name, "pos1", pos1, "pos2", pos2)
local pos1s, pos2s = Vector3.sort(pos1, pos2)
local entities = {}
-- local dim1, dim2
-- if side == "x" or side == "-x" then dim1, dim2 = size.z, size.y
-- elseif side == "z" or size == "-z" then dim1, dim2 = size.x, size.y
-- elseif side == "y" or size == "-y" then dim1, dim2 = size.x, size.z
-- end
-- x → z, y
-- z → x, y
-- y → x, z
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-- First, do positive x
local posx_pos1 = Vector3.new(
math.max(pos1s.x, pos2s.x),
math.min(pos1s.y, pos2s.y),
math.min(pos1s.z, pos2s.z)
local posx_pos2 = Vector3.new(
math.max(pos1s.x, pos2s.x),
math.max(pos1s.y, pos2s.y),
math.max(pos1s.z, pos2s.z)
for z = posx_pos2.z, posx_pos1.z, -entity_wall_size do
for y = posx_pos2.y, posx_pos1.y, -entity_wall_size do
local single_pos1 = Vector3.new(
local single_pos2 = Vector3.new(
math.max(y - entity_wall_size, posx_pos1.y),
math.max(z - entity_wall_size, posx_pos1.z)
local entity = create_single(player_name, single_pos1, single_pos2, "x")
table.insert(entities, entity)
-- TODO: All the other sides. For testing we're doing 1 side for now, so we can vaoid having to do everything all over again if we make a mistake.
-- for z = pos2.z, pos1.z, -entity_wall_size do
-- for y = pos2.y, pos1.y, -entity_wall_size do
-- for x = pos2.x, pos1.x, -entity_wall_size do
-- end
-- end
-- end
return entities
--- Deletes all entities in the given entity list
-- @param entitylist table<entity> A list of wall entities that make up the wall to delete.
local function delete(entitylist)
print("DEBUG:marker_wall delete --> START with "..#entitylist.." entities")
local player_name
for _, entity in ipairs(entitylist) do
if not entity.get_luaentity or not entity:get_luaentity() then return end -- Ensure the entity is still valid
if not player_name then
player_name = entity:get_luaentity().player_name
anchor:emit("delete", {
player_name = player_name
anchor = EventEmitter.new({
create = create_wall,
delete = delete
return anchor