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The server-side API is accessed through api.php, and supports a number of GET parameters. On the main production instance, this can be found here.

The most important of these is the action parameter, Which determines what the API will do. The following values are supported:

Action Meaning
version Gets the version of Air Quality Web that's currently running.
fetch-data Fetches air quality data from the system for a specific data type at a specific date and time.
list-devices Fetches a list of devices currently in the system.
device-info Gets (lots of) information about a single device.
list-reading-types Lists the different types of readings that can be specified.
device-data-bounds Gets the start and end DateTime bounds for the data recorded for a specific device.
device-data Gets data by device given a start and end time.
changelog Gets the changelog as a fragment of HTML.

These are explained in detail below:


Returns the version of the application.

No parameters are currently supported by this action.



Fetches air quality data from the system for a specific data type at a specific date and time.

Parameter Type Meaning
datetime date/time Required. Specifies the date and time for which readings are desired. For current data use the special keyword now.
reading_type string Required. Specifies the type of reading desired.
format string Optional. Specifies the format that the response will be returned in. Valid values: json, csv. Default: json.



Fetches a list of devices currently in the system.

Parameter Type Meaning
only-with-location bool Optional. If present only devices with a defined location will be returned. Useful for getting a list of devices to place on a map.
format string Optional. Specifies the format that the response will be returned in. Valid values: json, csv. Default: json.



Gets (lots of) information about a single device.

Parameter Type Meaning
device-id int Required. The id of the device to get extended information for. See the list-device action for how to get a hold of one.



Lists the different types of readings that can be specified.

Parameter Type Meaning
device-id int Optional. If specified, this filters the list of measurement types to list only those reported by the device with the specified id.
format string Optional. Specifies the format that the response will be returned in. Valid values: json, csv. Default: json.


Gets the start and end DateTime bounds for the data recorded for a specific device.

Parameter Type Meaning
device-id int Required. The id of the device to get the data DateTime bounds for.


Gets data by device given a start and end time.

Parameter Type Meaning
device-id int The id of the device to get data for.
reading-type string The type of reading to obtain data for.
start datetime The starting datetime.
end datetime The ending datetime.
average-seconds int Optional. If specified, readings will be grouped into lumps of this many seconds and averaged. For example a value of 3600 (1 hour) will return 1 data point per hour, with the value of each point an average of all the readings for that hour.
format string Optional. Specifies the format that the response will be returned in. Valid values: json, csv. Default: json.


Gets the changelog as a fragment of HTML.

No parameters are currently supported by this action.