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layout: layouts/main
title: Pepperminty Wiki
<div class="double lean-right panel">
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<p>Welcome to Pepperminty Wiki!</p>
<p>Pepperminty Wiki is a complete wiki engine contained in a single file, inspired by @am2064's <a href="">Minty Wiki</a>. It's <a href="">open source</a> too (under MPL-2.0), so contributions are welcome!</p>
<p class="centre-text">
<a href=""><img src=";label=stable" alt="stable version badge" /></a>
<a href=""><img src=";include_prereleases&amp;label=pre-release" alt="pre-release version badge" /></a>
<img src=";label=development&amp;query=latest_version&amp;" alt="development version badge" />
<!-- ([Changelog]( -->
<p class="centre-text">
<a href=""><img src="" alt="License: MPL-2.0" /></a>
<a href=""><img src=";label=Docker%20Pulls&amp;query=%24.pull_count&amp;" alt="Docker pulls count" /></a>
<div class="right perspective">
<span class="fancy-browser-window feature-tilted">
<img src="static/images/page-light.png" alt="A screenshot of Pepperminty Wiki" />
<section class="panel-small margin-top padding-medium">
<h2 id="quick-links">Quick Links</h2>
<div class="display-items">
<a class="action-button margin-narrow major" href="#features">Features</a>
<a class="action-button margin-narrow major" href="#screenshots">Screenshots</a>
<a class="action-button margin-narrow major" href="#download">Download</a>
<div class="display-items">
<a class="action-button margin-narrow major" href="">Documentation</a>
<a class="action-button margin-narrow major" href="">Code Repository</a>
<a class="action-button margin-narrow major" href="">Read-Only Demo</a>
<!-- Feature list -->
<h2 class="margin-top" id="features">Features</h2>
<div class="feature-list">
<figure class="feature">
<img class="invert-when-dark" alt="" src="static/images/icon-file.png" aria-hidden="hidden" />
<strong>No database</strong>
Simple flat file structure that scales to millions of words and 1000s of pages, and makes for easy backups too!
<figure class="feature">
<img class="invert-when-dark" alt="" src="static/images/icon-cloud-download.png" aria-hidden="hidden" />
<strong>Simple installation</strong>
Just upload a single file to a clean directory on a PHP-enabled web server, and you're good to go!
<figure class="feature">
<img class="invert-when-dark" alt="" src="static/images/markdown.svg" aria-hidden="hidden" />
<strong>Markdown syntax</strong>
Powered by <a href="">Parsedown</a>, familiar <a href="">Markdown</a> syntax with helpful extensions can be used to format your pages. <!-- Power users can make use of the expressive templating syntax too for ultimate composability.-->
<figure class="feature">
<img class="invert-when-dark" alt="" src="static/images/icon-magnifying-glass.png" aria-hidden="hidden" />
<strong>Full-text search</strong>
Find that obscure nugget of information easily with a performant full-text search engine <sup><a href="#footnote-fulltext-search">1</a></sup>!
<figure class="feature">
<img class="invert-when-dark" alt="" src="static/images/icon-clock.png" aria-hidden="hidden" />
<strong>Revision history</strong>
Accidentally delete an important part of a page? No worries. Just check the page revision history. Limited only by the size of your hard drive!
<figure class="feature">
<img class="invert-when-dark" alt="" src="static/images/icon-image.png" aria-hidden="hidden" />
<strong>File upload</strong>
Upload images, videos, audio and more and embed them in your pages!
<figure class="feature">
<img class="invert-when-dark" alt="" src="static/images/icon-question-mark.png" aria-hidden="hidden" />
<strong>Inbuilt help page</strong>
Confused on how to use a feature? The inbuilt dynamic help page is here to help! From Markdown extension syntax to redirect pages, the help page will show you the ropes.
<!-- Moderators get love too, with extra help sections that appear on login. -->
<figure class="feature">
<img class="invert-when-dark" alt="" src="static/images/icon-list-rich.png" aria-hidden="hidden" />
<strong>Page lists</strong>
Get an overview of the pages on your wiki with a page list. Tags are supported too, for easy logical categorisation of pages.
<figure class="feature">
<img class="invert-when-dark" alt="" src="static/images/icon-comment.png" aria-hidden="hidden" />
<strong>Threaded comments</strong>
Want to discuss a page's content? Per-page threaded comments are just the thing! Email notifications are sent to users verified email addresses <sup><a href="#footnote-threaded-comments">2</a></sup>
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<div class="left centre">
<img class="tall-image-limiter" alt="" src="static/images/android-client-dark.png" />
<div class="right centre">
<p><strong>Android App</strong></p>
<p>A native android client app enables browsing your wiki at speed on your phone!</p>
<p>It's a work in progress, so more features will be added incrementally.</p>
<div class="display-items margin-top">
<a class="margin-narrow" href="">
<img src="static/images/gplay.svg" alt="Get the app on Google Play" />
<a class="margin-narrow" href="">
<img class="invert-when-dark" src="static/images/github.svg" alt="App code on GitHub" />
<div class="feature-small panel padding-medium centre-text">
<p>And more! Check out the full <a href="">feature list</a> for an extended list of supported features.</p>
<p>Don't see a feature you need? <a href="">Open an issue</a>!</p>
<!-- Screenshots -->
<h2 class="margin-top" id="screenshots">Screenshots</h2>
<div class="double lean-left">
<img class="left margin-medium lift-from-page" src="static/images/page-dark.png" alt="Screenshot showing the dark theme and the menu off" />
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<div class="right centre padding-wide">
<p>A dark-theme comes built-in. By using the new <a href=""><code>prefers-color-scheme</code></a> CSS feature, it's enabled automatically based on your browser preference.</p>
<p>Pepperminty Wiki is accessible for users of assistive technologies too. It should be pretty great already, but any accessibility issues should be reported by <a href="">opening an issue</a>.</p>
<div class="double lean-right margin-vertical panel">
<div class="left centre padding-wide">
<p>Easily manage user access with the user table. Add and remove users, reset passwords, and view email addresses with ease!</p>
<p>Multiple wiki-wide themes are also supported - this screenshot is taken with the <em>photo</em> theme, which allows for customisation of the background photo.</p>
<img class="right margin-medium lift-from-page" src="static/images/page-photo-usertable.jpeg" alt="Screenshot showing the user management page with the photo theme" />
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<img class="left margin-medium lift-from-page" src="static/images/page-dark-recent-changes.png" alt="Screenshot showing the recent changes page" />
<div class="right centre padding-wide">
<p>Stay up-to-date with the latest changes to your wiki with the recent changes page. Know exactly who changed what and when.</p>
<p>File uploads are shown too - along with the size of the file that was uploaded.</p>
<div class="double lean-right panel">
<div class="left centre padding-wide">
<p>The full-text search engine helps you to find what you're looking for - be it part of a page, or a tag.</p>
<p>Ninjas can use the advanced query syntax to find even the most stubborn of pages.</p>
<img class="right margin-medium lift-from-page" src="static/images/page-search.png" alt="Screenshot showing the search page with the default theme in light mode" />
<!-- Download -->
<div class="feature-small">
<h2 class="margin-top" id="download">Download</h2>
<div class="padding-horizontal centre-text">
<p>Download Pepperminty Wiki in the way that's best for you. Simply upload the <code>index.php</code> file you download to an empty directory on your PHP-enabled web server, and you're away!</p>
<p>If you encounter difficulties, try reading the <a href="">documentation</a>. Still having issues? <a href="">Open an issue</a> and we'll try and help you out.</p>
<p>Wondering what's changed recently? Check out the <a href="">changelog</a>.</p>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Travis CI Build status" /></a>
<a href=";utm_medium=badge&amp;utm_campaign=pr-badge&amp;utm_content=badge"><img src="" alt="Join the chat at" /></a>
<div class="feature-list">
<div class="feature vertical centre-text panel-small padding-medium">
<p>Get a prebuilt version with all the latest features.</p>
<p><a class="action-button major" href="">Latest Release</a></p>
<div class="feature vertical centre-text panel-small padding-medium">
<p>Pick and choose features to include.</p>
<p><a class="action-button" href="">Online Downloader</a></p>
<div class="feature vertical centre-text panel-small padding-medium">
<p>Advanced users: Get the ultimate control over the build.</p>
<p><a class="action-button" href="">From Source</a></p>
<div class="panel-small padding-medium margin-medium centre-text">
<p>Got your copy? Now check out the getting started guide - contains complete setup instructions and system requirements.</p>
<br />
<p><a class="action-button major" href="">Getting Started Guide</a></p>
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<ol class="list-thin">
<li id="footnote-fulltext-search"><strong>Full-text search:</strong> Tested on an Intel® Core™ i7-7500U with 5 million words from Wikipedia spread across 2011 pages. Average search time for a single-word query that returned ~307 results was ~110ms.</li>
<li id="footnote-threaded-comments">The PHP <code>mail()</code> function is used to send email notifications. This requires PHP to be configured to send emails correctly.</li>
<br />
<p class="centre-text">Created with ♥ by <a href=""><img class="logo medium" src="static/images/sbrl.png" alt="SBRL logo" aria-hidden="true" /> Starbeamrainbowlabs</a></p>
<p class="centre-text">Page content shown in screenshots <a href="">pulled</a> from <a href="">Wikipedia database dumps</a> | Icons from <a href="">Open Iconic</a></p>
<p class="centre-text"><a rel="license" href=""><img class="logo" title="This website is licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License" alt="This website is licenced under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License" src="static/images/cc-by-sa.svg" /></a></p>