Starbeamrainbowlabs 192e31a925 Write the the data input, but it's untested.
There's also some confusion over the batch size. If it doesn't work, we 
probably need to  revise our understanding of the batch size in 
different contexts.
2019-07-18 16:34:25 +01:00

82 lines
3 KiB

# Default settings file.
# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. Instead edit ../settings.toml (or create it if it doesn't exist yet).
program_name = "LoRaWAN Signal Mapper"
version = "v0.1"
description = "assists in mapping LoRaWAN signal coverage"
### Database settings ###
# The path to the sqlite database file. If it doesn't exist it will be created.
filename = "lorawan.sqlite"
# The options to pass to better-sqlite3. You probably don't need to change this.
### The Things Network settings ###
# The host to connect to via MQTT.
# See https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/docs/applications/mqtt/api.html
# and also "Application Overview -> Handler"
host = "eu.thethings.network"
# The port number to connect on.
# The Things Network uses 1883 for plain-text, and 8883 for TLS.
port = 8883
# Whether to use TLS or not.
tls = true
# The id of The Things Network application to connect with.
# Basically your application's name. Get this from the things network
# console - e.g. "lorawan-signal-mapping".
app_id = "CHANGE_THIS"
# The access key to connect to The Things Network with.
# Get this from the TTN console too. Click on your application, scroll to the
# "access keys" section at the bottom of the page, and copy the value you see
# there.
access_key = "CHANGE_THIS"
# The additional encryption key, in hex, generated when setting up the IoT device.
# This is used as an exrtra layer of encryption to ensure that The Things Network does not have access to the decrypted data.
encryption_key = "CHANGE_THIS"
# A list of devices to monitor.
# If a device isn't specified here, then we won't hear messages from it.
# FUTURE: Automatically fetch a list of devices from the TTN API
devices = [
# Settings relating to the training of the AI. Note that a number of these settings can also be specified by environment variables, to aid with fiddling with the parameters to find the right settings.
# Min / max dataset values when training the AI, since neural networks only take values between 0 and 1.
# Note that changing these means that you've got to retrain the AIs all over again!
rssi_min = -150
rssi_max = 0
# Data is streamed from the SQLite databse. The batch size specifies how many
# rows to gather for training at once.
# Note that the entire available dataset will eventually end up being used -
# this setting just controls how much of ti is in memory at once.
batch_size = 32
# The number of epochs to train for.
epochs = 5
# The format the date displayed when logging things should take.
# Allowed values: relative (e.g like when a Linux machine boots), absolute (e.g. like Nginx server logs), none (omits it entirely))
date_display_mode = "relative"
# Whether we should be verbose and log a bunch of stuff to the console.
# Disabled by default, but useful for debugging.
verbose = false
# Whether we should output ANSI escape sequences to colourise the output or not.
# Defaults to true, but you should turn it off if you're using syslog.
colour = true