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Update tldr

This commit is contained in:
Starbeamrainbowlabs 2017-12-05 14:40:36 +00:00
parent 8c3e1c9a3f
commit 739c4e043a
Signed by: sbrl
GPG Key ID: 1BE5172E637709C2
1 changed files with 69 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set +vx -o pipefail
[[ $- = *i* ]] && echo "Don't source this script!" && return 1
# tldr-bash-client version 0.36
# tldr-bash-client version 0.39
# Bash client for tldr: community driven man-by-example
# - forked from Ray Lee, https://github.com/raylee/tldr
# - modified and expanded by pepa65: https://github.com/pepa65/tldr-bash-client
@ -49,21 +49,23 @@ version='0.36'
# $1: [optional] exit code; Uses: version cachedir
Out "$(cat <<-EOF
$HDEUSAGE: $HHE$(basename "$0")$XHHE [${HOP}option$XHOP] [${HPL}platform$XHPL/]${HCO}command$XHCO
${HDE}USAGE: $HHE$(basename "$0")$XHHE [${HOP}option$XHOP] [${HPL}platform$XHPL/]${HCO}command$XHCO
$HDE[${HPL}platform$XHPL/]${HCO}command$XHCO: Show page for ${HCO}command$XHCO (from ${HPL}platform$XHPL)
${HPL}platform$XHPL (optional) one of: ${HPL}common$XHPL, ${HPL}linux$XHPL, ${HPL}osx$XHPL, ${HPL}sunos$XHPL, ${HPL}current$XHPL (includes common)
${HPL}platform$XHPL (optional) one of: ${HPL}common$XHPL, ${HPL}linux$XHPL, ${HPL}osx$XHPL, ${HPL}sunos$XHPL, ${HPL}windows$XHPL,
${HPL}current$XHPL (includes ${HPL}common$XHPL)
${HOP}option$XHOP is optionally one of:
$HOP-s$XHOP, $HOP--search$XHOP ${HFI}regex$XHFI: Search for ${HFI}regex$XHFI in all tldr pages
$HOP-l$XHOP, $HOP--list$XHOP [${HPL}platform$XHPL]: List all pages (from ${HPL}platform$XHPL)
$HOP-a$XHOP, $HOP--list-all$XHOP: List all pages from current platform + common
$HOP-r$XHOP, $HOP--render$XHOP ${HFI}file$XHFI: Render a local ${HFI}file$XHFI as tldr markdown
$HOP-r$XHOP, $HOP--render$XHOP ${HFI}file$XHFI: Render ${HFI}file$XHFI as tldr markdown
$HOP-m$XHOP, $HOP--markdown$XHOP ${HCO}command$XHCO: Show the markdown source for ${HCO}command$XHCO
$HOP-u$XHOP, $HOP--update$XHOP: Update the pages cache by downloading repo archive
$HOP-v$XHOP, $HOP--version$XHOP: Version number and local repo location
$HOP-v$XHOP, $HOP--version$XHOP: Version number and github repo location
$HDE[$HOP-h$XHOP, $HOP-?$XHOP, $HOP--help$XHOP]: This help overview
${HDE}Element styling:$XHDE ${T}Title$XT ${D}Description$XD ${E}Example$XE ${C}Code$XC ${V}Value$XV
@ -189,6 +191,8 @@ Config(){
Darwin) os='osx' ;;
Linux) os='linux' ;;
SunOS) os='sunos' ;;
CYGWIN*) os='windows' ;;
MINGW*) os='windows' ;;
[[ $TLDR_LESS = 0 ]] &&
@ -208,11 +212,12 @@ Config(){
read cachedir <<<$TLDR_CACHE
[[ $cachedir ]] || {
[[ $XDG_DATA_HOME ]] && cachedir=$XDG_DATA_HOME/tldr \
|| cachedir=$HOME/.local/share/tldr
cachedir=$(echo $TLDR_CACHE)
if [[ -z $cachedir ]]
[[ $XDG_DATA_HOME ]] && cachedir=$XDG_DATA_HOME/tldr ||
[[ -d "$cachedir" ]] || mkdir -p "$cachedir" || {
Err "Can't create the pages cache location $cachedir"
exit 4
@ -220,6 +225,9 @@ Config(){
# update if the file doesn't exists, or if it's older than $TLDR_EXPIRY
[[ -f $index ]] && Recent "$index" || Cache_fill 0
# initiate autocomplete for current session
complete -W "$(q=($cachedir/*/*); sed 's@\.md @ @g' <<<${q[@]##*/})" tldr
# $1: error message; Uses: md REPLY ln
@ -231,7 +239,7 @@ Unlinted(){
# $1: page; Uses: index cachedir pages_url platform os dl cached md
# Sets: cached md
local desc err notfound
local desc err=0 notfound
# convert the local platform name to tldr's version
# extract the platform key from index.json, return preferred subpath to page
desc=$(tr '{' '\n' <"$index" |grep "\"name\":\"$1\"")
@ -239,10 +247,9 @@ Get_tldr(){
[[ $desc ]] || return # nothing found
if [[ $platform ]]
then # platform given on commandline
[[ ! $desc =~ \"$platform\" ]] && notfound=$I$platform$XI && error=1 || md=$platform/$1.md
[[ ! $desc =~ \"$platform\" ]] && notfound=$I$platform$XI && err=1 || md=$platform/$1.md
else # check common
[[ $desc =~ \"common\" ]] && md=common/$1.md || { # not in common either
[[ $notfound ]] && notfound+=" or "
@ -254,11 +261,11 @@ Get_tldr(){
[[ $desc =~ \"$os\" ]] && md=$os/$1.md
} || {
notfound+=" or $I$os$XI"
# if still no page found, get the first entry in index
[[ $md ]] || md=$(cut -d "$Q" -f 8 <<<"$desc")/"$1.md"
((error)) && Err "tldr page $I$1$XI not found in $notfound, from platform $U${md%/*}$XU instead"
((err)) && Err "tldr page $I$1$XI not found in $notfound, from platform $U${md%/*}$XU instead"
# return the local cached copy of the tldrpage, or retrieve and cache from github
@ -268,7 +275,7 @@ Get_tldr(){
# $1: text; Uses: page stdout; Sets: ln REPLY
# $1: file (optional); Uses: page stdout; Sets: ln REPLY
local newfmt len val
ln=0 REPLY=''
@ -345,24 +352,42 @@ List_pages(){
exit "$1"
# $1: regex, $2: exit code; Uses: cachedir
local list=$(grep "$1" "$cachedir"/*/*.md |cut -d: -f1) regex="$U$1$XU"
local n=$(wc -l <<<"$list")
list=$(sort -u <<<"$list")
[[ -z $list ]] && Err "Regex $regex not found" && exit 6
local t=$(wc -l <<<"$list")
if ((t==1))
Display_tldr "$list"
Inf "Regex $regex $I$n$XI times found in these $I$t$XI tldr pages:"
Out "$(while read -r c1 c2 c3; do printf "%-19s %-19s %-19s %-19s$N" $c1 $c2 $c3; done \
<<<$(sed -e 's@.*/@@' -e 's@...$@@' <<<"$list"))"
exit "$2"
# $1: exit code; Uses: dl cachedir zip_url
local tmp unzip
unzip="$(type -p unzip) -q" || {
Err "Unzip is necessary to fill the cache"
exit 6
exit 7
tmp=$(mktemp -d)
$dl "$tmp/pages.zip" "$zip_url" || {
rm -- "$tmp"
Err "Could not download pages archive from $U$zip_url$XU with $dl"
exit 7
exit 8
$unzip "$tmp/pages.zip" -d "$tmp" 'pages/*' || {
rm -- "$tmp"
Err "Couldn't unzip the cache archive on $tmp/pages.zip"
exit 8
exit 9
rm -rf -- "${cachedir:?}/"*
mv -- "$tmp/pages/"* "${cachedir:?}/"
rm -rf -- "$tmp"
@ -372,56 +397,56 @@ Cache_fill(){
# $@: commandline parameters; Uses: version cached; Sets: platform page
local markdown err nomore='No more command line arguments allowed'
local markdown=0 err=0 nomore='No more command line arguments allowed'
markdown=0 err=0
case "$1" in
-s|--search) [[ -z $2 ]] && Err "Search term (regex) needed" && Usage 10
[[ $3 ]] && Err "$nomore" && err=11
Find_regex "$2" "$err" ;;
-l|--list) [[ $2 ]] && {
[[ ,common,linux,osx,sunos,current, = *,$platform,* ]] || {
Err "Unknown platform $I$platform$XI"
Usage 9
[[ $3 ]] && Err "$nomore" && err=10
[[ ,common,linux,osx,sunos,windows,current, != *,$platform,* ]] &&
Err "Unknown platform $I$platform$XI" && Usage 12
[[ $3 ]] && Err "$nomore" && err=13
List_pages "$err" ;;
-a|--list-all) [[ $2 ]] && Err "$nomore" && err=11
-a|--list-all) [[ $2 ]] && Err "$nomore" && err=14
List_pages $err ;;
-u|--update) [[ $2 ]] && Err "$nomore" && err=12
-u|--update) [[ $2 ]] && Err "$nomore" && err=15
Cache_fill "$err" ;;
-v|--version) [[ $2 ]] && Err "$nomore" && err=13
-v|--version) [[ $2 ]] && Err "$nomore" && err=16
Inf "$version"
exit "$err" ;;
-r|--render) [[ -z $2 ]] && Err "Specify a file to render" && Usage 14
[[ $3 ]] && Err "$nomore" && err=15
-r|--render) [[ -z $2 ]] && Err "Specify a file to render" && Usage 17
[[ $3 ]] && Err "$nomore" && err=18
[[ -f "$2" ]] && {
Display_tldr "$2" && exit "$err"
Err "A file error occured"
exit 16
} || Err "No file: ${I}$2$XI" && exit 17 ;;
exit 19
} || Err "No file: ${I}$2$XI" && exit 20 ;;
-m|--markdown) shift
[[ -z $page ]] && Err "Specify a page to display" && Usage 18
[[ -z $page ]] && Err "Specify a page to display" && Usage 21
[[ -f "$page" && ${page: -3:3} = .md ]] && Out "$(cat "$page")" && exit 0
markdown=1 ;;
''|-h|-\?|--help) [[ $2 ]] && Err "$nomore" && err=19
''|-h|-\?|--help) [[ $2 ]] && Err "$nomore" && err=22
Usage "$err" ;;
-*) Err "Unrecognized option $I$1$XI"; Usage 20 ;;
-*) Err "Unrecognized option $I$1$XI"; Usage 23 ;;
*) page=$* ;;
[[ -z $page ]] && Err "No command specified" && Usage 21
[[ ${page:0:1} = '-' || $page = *' '-* ]] && Err "Only one option allowed" && Usage 22
[[ -z $page ]] && Err "No command specified" && Usage 24
[[ ${page:0:1} = '-' || $page = *' '-* ]] && Err "Only one option allowed" && Usage 25
[[ $page = */* ]] && platform=${page%/*} && page=${page##*/}
[[ $platform && ,common,linux,osx,sunos, != *,$platform,* ]] && {
[[ $platform && ,common,linux,osx,sunos,windows, != *,$platform,* ]] && {
Err "Unknown platform $I$platform$XI"
Usage 23
Usage 26
Get_tldr "${page// /-}"
[[ ! -s $cached ]] && Err "tldr page for command $I$page$XI not found" \
&& Inf "Contribute new pages at:$XB ${URL}https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr$XURL" && exit 24
&& Inf "Contribute new pages at:$XB ${URL}https://github.com/tldr-pages/tldr$XURL" && exit 27
((markdown)) && Out "$(cat "$cached")" || Display_tldr "$cached"