mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 15:34:56 +00:00
299 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable file
299 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Make sure the current directory is the location of this script to simplify matters
cd "$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))";
### Settings ###
# The name of this project
project_name="Pepperminty Wiki";
# The path to the lantern build engine git submodule
# Custom Settings
# Put any custom settings here.
# The file to store the development server's PID in.
# Check out the lantern git submodule if needed
if [ ! -f "${lantern_path}/lantern.sh" ]; then git submodule update --init "${lantern_path}"; fi
source "${lantern_path}/lantern.sh";
if [[ "$#" -lt 1 ]]; then
echo -e "${FBLE}${project_name}${RS} build script";
echo -e " by Starbeamrainbowlabs";
echo -e "${LC}Powered by the lantern build engine, v${version}${RS}";
echo -e "";
echo -e "${CSECTION}Usage${RS}";
echo -e " ./build ${CTOKEN}{action}${RS} ${CTOKEN}{action}${RS} ${CTOKEN}{action}${RS} ...";
echo -e "";
echo -e "${CSECTION}Available actions${RS}";
echo -e " ${CACTION}setup${RS} - Perform initial setup, check the environment (skip if only building Pepperminty Wiki itself)";
echo -e " ${CACTION}build${RS} - Build Pepperminty Wiki";
echo -e " ${CACTION}themes${RS} - Rebuild the theme index";
echo -e " ${CACTION}docs${RS} - Build the documentation";
echo -e " ${CACTION}docs-livereload${RS} - Start the documentation livereload server";
echo -e " ${CACTION}start-server${RS} - Start a development server";
echo -e " ${CACTION}stop-server${RS} - Stop the development server";
echo -e "";
exit 1;
# Tests to see if a PHP module is installed.
# $1 - The name of the module to check for
# $2 - The mode of operation. Values: optional, required
# $3 - The error message to show
test_php_module() {
subtask_begin "Checking for ${module_name} PHP module";
php -m | grep -q "${module_name}";
if [[ "${mode}" = "optional" ]] && [[ "${exit_code}" -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "${FYEL}${HC}Warning: The PHP module ${module} was not found. It is needed to ${reason}.${RS}";
subtask_end "${exit_code}";
task_setup() {
task_begin "Checking Environment";
check_command git true;
check_command npm true;
check_command php true;
test_php_module "mbstring" "required" "handle utf-8 characters correctly";
test_php_module "imagick" "optional" "generate image previews";
test_php_module "fileinfo" "optional" "properly check the mime type of uploaded files";
test_php_module "zip" "optional" "compressing exports";
test_php_module "intl" "required" "transliteration in the search engine and when sending emails when utf-8 is disabled";
test_php_module "sqlite" "optional" "store the inverted search index";
check_command jq true optional;
[[ "$?" -eq 0 ]] || echo -e "${FYEL}${HC}Warning: jq is required to update the theme index.${RS}";
check_command firefox true optional;
[[ "$?" -eq 0 ]] || echo -e "${FYEL}${HC}Warning: firefox is required to generate theme previews.${RS}";
check_command convert true optional;
[[ "$?" -eq 0 ]] || echo -e "${FYEL}${HC}Warning: The convert imagemagick command is required to generate theme previews.${RS}";
check_command nproc true optional;
[[ "$?" -eq 0 ]] || echo -e "${FYEL}${HC}Warning: nproc is required to generate theme previews.${RS}";
task_end $?;
task_begin "Initialising submodules";
git submodule update --init;
task_end $?;
task_begin "Installing packages";
npm install;
task_end $?;
task_begin "Creating build folders";
mkdir -p build/_tmp;
echo "This folder contains build tools automatically downloaded." >build/_tmp/README.txt;
task_end $?;
task_build() {
if [ -f "./build/index.php" ]; then
task_begin "Deleting old build result";
rm build/index.php;
task_end "$?";
task_begin "Building";
php build.php
task_end $?;
task_themes() {
if [[ ! -f "${server_pid_file}" ]]; then
NO_BROWSER=true tasks_run start-server;
stage_begin "Updating theme index";
task_begin "Preparing";
[ -f "themes/themeindex.json" ] && cp "themes/themeindex.json" "themes/themeindex.json.old";
# Temporary firefox profile directory
tmp_profile="$(mktemp -d /tmp/peppermint-firefox-profile-XXXXXXX)";
# Temporary file for theme index items
tmp_themeindex_parts="$(mktemp /tmp/peppermint-themeindex-items-XXXXXXX)";
task_end $?;
while read -r filename; do
task_begin "Processing ${filename}";
hash="$(sha256sum "${filename}" | cut -d' ' -f1)";
read -r -d "" awk_script <<'AWK'
items[0] = "\"hash\": \"" prop_hash "\"";
/\s+\*\s+@/ {
gsub(/@/, "", atrule);
gsub(/\s*\*\s*@[a-z\_]+\s+/, "", $0);
items[count] = "\"" atrule "\": \"" $0 "\"";
for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
result = result items[i];
if(i < count - 1) result = result ",";
print(result "}");
# TODO: Consider mapping it out as TSV, then using JQ to generate the object
subtask_begin "Generating index entry";
awk -v prop_hash="${hash}" "${awk_script}" <"${filename}" >>"${tmp_themeindex_parts}";
subtask_end "$?";
# Capture the screenshot
if [ -f "themes/themeindex.json.old" ]; then
theme_id="$(awk '/@id/ { print $3 }' <"${filename}")";
old_hash="$(jq --raw-output --arg theme_id "${theme_id}" '.[] | select(.id == $theme_id).hash' <"themes/themeindex.json")";
# If the hash is the same as last time, don't bother to retake the screenshot
if [[ "${hash}" = "${hash_old}" ]]; then
screenshot_loc_full="$(dirname "${filename}")/preview_large.png";
screenshot_loc_small="$(dirname "${filename}")/preview_small.png";
# Set the theme
cp "build/peppermint.json" "build/peppermint.json.bak";
tmp_file="$(mktemp /tmp/peppermint-json-XXXXXXX)";
jq --arg theme_css "$(cat "${filename}")" '.css = $theme_css' <"build/peppermint.json" >"${tmp_file}";
mv "${tmp_file}" "build/peppermint.json";
# Capture the full-res screenshot
execute firefox --new-instance --headless --profile "${tmp_profile}" --window-size 1920,1080 --screenshot "${screenshot_loc_full}" "http://[::1]:35623/index.php";
# Resize to get the smaller preview
execute convert "${screenshot_loc_full}" -resize 512x512 "${screenshot_loc_small}";
mv "build/peppermint.json.bak" "build/peppermint.json";
task_end "$?";
done < <(find themes -type f -name "theme.css");
task_begin "Optimising new previews";
find "themes/" -iname "*.png" -print0 | xargs -0 -P"$(nproc)" -n1 optipng -preserve;
task_end "$?";
task_begin "Generating theme index";
jq --tab --slurp . <"${tmp_themeindex_parts}" >"themes/themeindex.json"
task_end "$?";
# Clean up
task_begin "Cleaning up";
[[ -d "${tmp_profile}" ]] && rm -r "${tmp_profile}";
[[ -f "themes/themeindex.json.old" ]] && rm "themes/themeindex.json.old";
task_end 0;
stage_end 0;
task_docs() {
task_begin "Building HTTP API Docs";
node_modules/apidoc/bin/apidoc -o './docs/RestApi/' --config apidoc.json -f '.*\.php' -e 'index.php|ModuleApi'
rm -rf doc/;
task_end "${exit_code}";
task_begin "Building PHP Module API Docs";
if [ ! -f "./build/_tmp/phpdoc" ]; then
subtask_begin "Downloading PHPDoc";
# Create the temporary directory if it doesn't exist yet
[ -d "./build/_tmp" ] || mkdir -p "./build/_tmp/";
curl -sSL https://phpdoc.org/phpDocumentor.phar -o ./build/_tmp/phpdoc
subtask_end $?;
php ./build/_tmp/phpdoc run \
--directory . \
--target docs/ModuleApi\
--cache-folder build/_tmp/ModuleApiCache \
--ignore build/,Parsedown*,*.html \
--title "Pepperminty Wiki Module API" \
--visibility public;
task_end $?;
task_begin "Building Main Documentation";
node_modules/.bin/nightdocs -c nightdocs.toml
task_end $?;
task_docs-livereload() {
task_begin "Listening for changes to docs";
while :; do
inotifywait -qr -e modify --format '%:e %f' ./docs/ nightdocs.toml;
node_modules/.bin/nightdocs -c nightdocs.toml;
task_end $?;
task_start-server() {
task_begin "Starting server";
if [ -f "${server_pid_file}" ]; then
task_end 1 "${FRED}${HC}Error: A development server appears to be running already. Try running the 'stop-server' task before starting it again.${RS}";
php -S [::]:35623 -t build/ &
local exit_code=$?; local pid=$!;
echo "${pid}" >"${server_pid_file}";
task_end "${exit_code}" "";
task_begin "Starting theme server";
php -S [::]:35624 -t themes/ &
exit_code=$?; pid=$!;
echo "${pid}" >"${server_pid_file}.themes";
task_end "${exit_code}";
if [[ -z "${NO_BROWSER}" ]]; then
task_begin "Opening Browser";
sensible-browser [::]:35623;
task_end $?;
task_stop-server() {
task_begin "Stopping server";
kill "$(cat "${server_pid_file}")";
rm "${server_pid_file}";
task_end $?;
task_begin "Stopping theme server";
kill "$(cat "${server_pid_file}.themes")";
rm "${server_pid_file}.themes";
task_end "$?";
tasks_run $@;