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mirror of https://github.com/sbrl/Pepperminty-Wiki.git synced 2024-10-22 06:23:01 +00:00

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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"name" => "Statistics",
"version" => "0.4.5",
"author" => "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description" => "An extensible statistics calculation system. Comes with a range of built-in statistics, but can be extended by other modules too.",
"id" => "feature-stats",
"code" => function() {
global $settings, $env;
* @api {get} ?action=stats Show wiki statistics
* @apiName Stats
* @apiGroup Utility
* @apiPermission Anonymous
* @apiVersion 0.15.0
* @apiParam {string} format Specify the format the data should be returned in. Supported formats: html (default), json.
* @apiParam {string} stat HTML format only. If specified the page for the stat with this id is sent instead of the list of scalar stats.
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add_action("stats", function() {
global $settings, $statistic_calculators;
$allowed_formats = [ "html", "json" ];
$format = slugify($_GET["format"] ?? "html");
if(!in_array($format, $allowed_formats)) {
exit(page_renderer::render_main("Format error - $settings->sitename", "<p>Error: The format '$format' is not currently supported by this action on $settings->sitename. Supported formats: " . implode(", ", $allowed_formats) . "."));
$stats = stats_load();
if($format == "json") {
header("content-type: application/json");
exit(json_encode($stats, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
$stat_pages_list = "<a href='?action=stats'>Main</a> | ";
foreach($statistic_calculators as $stat_id => $stat_calculator) {
if($stat_calculator["type"] == "scalar")
$stat_pages_list .= "<a href='?action=stats&stat=" . rawurlencode($stat_id) . "'>{$stat_calculator["name"]}</a> | ";
$stat_pages_list = trim($stat_pages_list, " |");
if(!empty($_GET["stat"]) && !empty($statistic_calculators[$_GET["stat"]])) {
$stat_calculator = $statistic_calculators[$_GET["stat"]];
$content = "<h1>{$stat_calculator["name"]} - Statistics</h1>\n";
$content .= "<p>$stat_pages_list</p>\n";
switch($stat_calculator["type"]) {
case "page-list":
if(!module_exists("page-list")) {
$content .= "<p>$settings->sitename doesn't current have the page listing module installed, so HTML rendering of this statistic is currently unavailable. Try " . hide_email($settings->admindetails_email, "contacting ".htmlentities($settings->admindetails_name)) . ", $settings->sitename's administrator and asking then to install the <code>page-list</code> module.</p>";
$content .= "<p><strong>Count:</strong> " . count($stats->{$_GET["stat"]}->value) . "</p>\n";
$content .= generate_page_list($stats->{$_GET["stat"]}->value);
case "page":
$content .= $stat_calculator["render"]($stats->{$_GET["stat"]});
$content = "<h1>Statistics</h1>\n";
$content .= "<p>This page contains a selection of statistics about $settings->sitename's content. They are updated automatically about every " . trim(str_replace(["ago", "1 "], [""], human_time($settings->stats_update_interval))) . ", although $settings->sitename's local friendly moderators may update them earlier (you can see their names at the bottom of every page).</p>\n";
$content .= "<p>$stat_pages_list</p>\n";
$content .= "<table class='stats-table'>\n";
$content .= "\t<tr><th>Statistic</th><th>Value</th></tr>\n\n";
foreach($statistic_calculators as $stat_id => $stat_calculator) {
if($stat_calculator["type"] !== "scalar")
$content .= "\t<tr><td>{$stat_calculator["name"]}</td><td>{$stats->$stat_id->value}</td></tr>\n";
$content .= "</table>\n";
exit(page_renderer::render_main("Statistics - $settings->sitename", $content));
* @api {get|post} ?action=stats-update Recalculate the wiki's statistics
* @apiName UpdateStats
* @apiGroup Utility
* @apiPermission Administrator
* @apiVersion 0.15.0
* @apiParam {string} secret POST only, optional. If you're not logged in, you can specify the wiki's sekret instead (find it in peppermint.json) using this parameter.
* @apiParam {bool} force Whether the statistics should be recalculated anyway - even if they have already recently been recalculated. Default: no. Supported values: yes, no.
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add_action("stats-update", function() {
global $env, $paths, $settings;
if(!$env->is_admin &&
empty($_POST["secret"]) ||
$_POST["secret"] !== $settings->secret
exit(page_renderer::render_main("Error - Recalculating Statistics - $settings->sitename", "<p>You need to be logged in as a moderator or better to get $settings->sitename to recalculate it's statistics. If you're logged in, try <a href='?action=logout'>logging out</a> and logging in again as a moderator. If you aren't logged in, try <a href='?action=login&returnto=%3Faction%3Dstats-update'>logging in</a>.</p>"));
// Delete the old stats cache
update_statistics(true, ($_GET["force"] ?? "no") == "yes");
header("content-type: application/json");
echo(file_get_contents($paths->statsindex) . "\n");
add_help_section("150-statistics", "Statistics", "<p>$settings->sitename records some statistics about itself, including the number of pages, the longest pages, the most wanted pages, the most linked-to pages, and more. They are updated roughly every " . human_time($settings->stats_update_interval) . ", though moderators may occasionally update them sooner.</p>
<p>You can see these statistics <a href='?action=stats'>here</a>.</p>");
/// Built-in Statisics ///
"id" => "user_count",
"name" => "Users",
"type" => "scalar",
"update" => function($old_stats) {
global $settings;
$result = new stdClass(); // completed, value, state
$result->completed = true;
$result->value = count(get_object_vars($settings->users));
return $result;
"id" => "longest-pages",
"name" => "Longest Pages",
"type" => "page-list",
"update" => function($old_stats) {
global $pageindex;
$result = new stdClass(); // completed, value, state
$pages = [];
foreach($pageindex as $pagename => $pagedata) {
$pages[$pagename] = $pagedata->size;
$result->value = array_keys($pages);
$result->completed = true;
return $result;
"id" => "page_count",
"name" => "Page Count",
"type" => "scalar",
"update" => function($old_stats) {
global $pageindex;
$result = new stdClass(); // completed, value, state
$result->completed = true;
$result->value = count(get_object_vars($pageindex));
return $result;
"id" => "file_count",
"name" => "File Count",
"type" => "scalar",
"update" => function($old_stats) {
global $pageindex;
$result = new stdClass(); // completed, value, state
$result->completed = true;
$result->value = 0;
foreach($pageindex as $pagename => $pagedata) {
if(!empty($pagedata->uploadedfile) && $pagedata->uploadedfile)
return $result;
"id" => "redirect_count",
"name" => "Redirect Pages",
"type" => "scalar",
"update" => function($old_stats) {
global $pageindex;
$result = new stdClass(); // completed, value, state
$result->completed = true;
$result->value = 0;
foreach($pageindex as $pagename => $pagedata) {
if(!empty($pagedata->redirect) && $pagedata->redirect)
return $result;
// Perform an automatic recalculation of the statistics if needed, but only if we're not on the CLI
if($env->action !== "stats-update" && !is_cli())
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if(module_exists("feature-cli")) {
cli_register("stats", "Interact with and update the wiki statistics", function(array $args) : int {
global $settings, $env;
if(count($args) < 1) {
echo("stats: interact with an manipulate the wiki statistics
stats {subcommand}
recalculate Recalculates the statistics
show Shows the current statistics
return 0;
switch($args[0]) {
case "recalculate":
echo("Updating statistics - ");
$start_time = microtime(true);
update_statistics(true, true);
echo("done in ".round((microtime(true) - $start_time) * 1000, 2)."ms\n");
echo("Recalculated {$env->perfdata->stats_recalcuated} statistics in {$env->perfdata->stats_calctime}ms (not including serialisation / saving to disk)\n");
case "show":
$stats = stats_load();
foreach($stats as $name => $stat) {
$lastupdated = render_timestamp($stat->lastupdated, true, false);
if(is_object($stat->value)) {
echo("*** $stat->name *** (last updated $lastupdated)\n");
$i = 0;
foreach($stat->value as $key => $value) {
if($i >= 25) break;
echo("$key: $value\n");
else if(is_array($stat->value)) {
// Display array differently, and truncate to 25 entries
echo("*** $stat->name *** (last updated $lastupdated)\n");
echo(implode("\n", array_slice($stat->value, 0, 25)));
echo("$stat->name: ".var_export($stat->value, true)." (last updated $lastupdated)\n");
return 0;
* Updates the wiki's statistics.
* @package feature-stats
* @param bool $update_all Whether all the statistics should be checked and recalculated, or just as many as we have time for according to the settings.
* @param bool $force Whether we should recalculate statistics that don't currently require recalculating anyway.
function update_statistics($update_all = false, $force = false)
global $settings, $env, $paths, $statistic_calculators;
// If the firstrun wizard isn't complete, then there's no point in updating the statistics index
if(isset($settings->firstrun_complete) && $settings->firstrun_complete == false)
$stats_mtime = file_exists($paths->statsindex) ? filemtime($paths->statsindex) : 0;
// Clear the existing statistics if we are asked to recalculate them all
stats_save(new stdClass());
// If the stats index exists and has been modified recently, then don't
// even bother to load it
// This is an important optimisation, because json_decode is *slow*
else if(file_exists($paths->statsindex) && time() - $stats_mtime < $settings->stats_update_interval)
$stats = stats_load();
$start_time = microtime(true);
$ran_out_of_time = false;
$stats_updated = 0;
foreach($statistic_calculators as $stat_id => $stat_calculator)
// If statistic doesn't exist or it's out of date then we should recalculate it.
// Otherwise, leave it and continue on to the next stat.
if(!empty($stats->$stat_id) && $start_time - $stats->$stat_id->lastupdated < $settings->stats_update_interval)
$mod_start_time = microtime(true);
// Run the statistic calculator, passing in the existing stats data
$calculated = $stat_calculator["update"](!empty($stats->$stat_id) ? $stats->$stat_id : new stdClass());
$new_stat_data = new stdClass();
$new_stat_data->id = $stat_id;
$new_stat_data->name = $stat_calculator["name"];
$new_stat_data->lastupdated = $calculated->completed ? $mod_start_time : $stats->$stat_id->lastupdated;
$new_stat_data->value = $calculated->value;
$new_stat_data->state = $calculated->state;
// Save the new statistics
$stats->$stat_id = $new_stat_data;
// Check to make sure we haven't run out of time to update the statistics this session
if(!$update_all && microtime(true) - $start_time >= $settings->stats_update_processingtime) {
$ran_out_of_time = true;
$env->perfdata->stats_recalcuated = $stats_updated;
$env->perfdata->stats_calctime = round((microtime(true) - $start_time)*1000, 3);
if(!is_cli()) {
header("x-stats-recalculated: {$env->perfdata->stats_recalcuated}");
//round((microtime(true) - $pageindex_read_start)*1000, 3)
header("x-stats-calctime: {$env->perfdata->stats_calctime}ms");
// If we ran out of time, reset the mtime for performance reasons (see the
// beginning of this function)
touch($paths->statsindex, $stats_mtime);
* Loads and returns the statistics cache file.
* @package feature-stats
* @return object The loaded & decoded statistics.
function stats_load()
global $paths;
static $stats = null;
if($stats == null)
$stats = file_exists($paths->statsindex) ? json_decode(file_get_contents($paths->statsindex)) : new stdClass();
return $stats;
* Saves the statistics back to disk.
* @package feature-stats
* @param object The statistics cache to save.
* @return bool Whether saving succeeded or not.
function stats_save($stats)
global $paths;
return file_put_contents($paths->statsindex, json_encode($stats, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . "\n");