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mirror of https://github.com/sbrl/Pepperminty-Wiki.git synced 2024-10-01 12:05:57 +00:00

182 lines
7.7 KiB

"name" => "Page viewer",
"version" => "0.16.7",
"author" => "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description" => "Allows you to view pages. You really should include this one.",
"id" => "page-view",
"code" => function() {
* @api {get} ?action=view[&page={pageName}][&revision=rid][&printable=yes][&mode={mode}] View a page
* @apiName View
* @apiGroup Page
* @apiPermission Anonymous
* @apiUse PageParameter
* @apiParam {number} revision The revision number to display.
* @apiParam {string} mode Optional. The display mode to use. Can hold the following values: 'normal' - The default. Sends a normal page. 'printable' - Sends a printable version of the page. 'contentonly' - Sends only the content of the page, not the extra stuff around it. 'parsedsourceonly' - Sends only the raw rendered source of the page, as it appears just after it has come out of the page parser. Useful for writing external tools (see also the `raw` action).
* @apiError NonExistentPageError The page doesn't exist and editing is disabled in the wiki's settings. If editing isn't disabled, you will be redirected to the edit page instead.
* @apiError NonExistentRevisionError The specified revision was not found.
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add_action("view", function() {
global $pageindex, $settings, $env;
// Check to make sure that the page exists
$page = $env->page;
// todo make this intelligent so we only redirect if the user is actually able to create the page
// Editing is enabled, redirect to the editing page
http_response_code(307); // Temporary redirect
header("location: index.php?action=edit&newpage=yes&page=" . rawurlencode($env->page));
// Editing is disabled, show an error message
exit(page_renderer::render_main("404: Page not found - $env->page - $settings->sitename", "<p>$env->page does not exist.</p><p>Since editing is currently disabled on this wiki, you may not create this page. If you feel that this page should exist, try contacting this wiki's Administrator.</p>"));
header("last-modified: " . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s T', $pageindex->{$env->page}->lastmodified));
// Perform a redirect if the requested page is a redirect page
if(isset($pageindex->$page->redirect) &&
$pageindex->$page->redirect === true)
$send_redirect = true;
if(isset($_GET["redirect"]) && $_GET["redirect"] == "no")
$send_redirect = false;
// Todo send an explanatory page along with the redirect
$redirectUrl = "?action=$env->action&redirected_from=" . rawurlencode($env->page);
$hashCode = "";
$newPage = $pageindex->$page->redirect_target;
if(strpos($newPage, "#") !== false)
// Extract the part after the hash symbol
$hashCode = substr($newPage, strpos($newPage, "#") + 1);
// Remove the hash from the new page name
$newPage = substr($newPage, 0, strpos($newPage, "#"));
$redirectUrl .= "&page=" . rawurlencode($newPage);
$redirectUrl .= "&redirect=no";
if(strlen($hashCode) > 0)
$redirectUrl .= "#$hashCode";
header("location: $redirectUrl");
$title = "$env->page - $settings->sitename";
if(isset($pageindex->$page->protect) && $pageindex->$page->protect === true)
$title = $settings->protectedpagechar . $title;
$content = "";
$content .= "<h1>$env->page</h1>\n";
$content .= "<h1>Revision #{$env->history->revision_number} of $env->page</h1>\n";
$content .= "<p class='revision-note'><em>(Revision saved by {$env->history->revision_data->editor} " . render_timestamp($env->history->revision_data->timestamp) . ". <a href='?page=" . rawurlencode($env->page) . "'>Jump to the current revision</a> or see a <a href='?action=history&page=" . rawurlencode($env->page) . "'>list of all revisions</a> for this page.)</em></p>\n";
// Add a visit parent page link if we're a subpage
if(get_page_parent($env->page) !== false) {
$content .= "<p class='link-parent-page'><em><a href='?action=view&page=" . rawurlencode(get_page_parent($env->page)) . "'>&laquo; " . htmlentities(get_page_parent($env->page)) . "</a></em></p>\n";
// Add an extra message if the requester was redirected from another page
$content .= "<p><em>Redirected from <a href='?page=" . rawurlencode($_GET["redirected_from"]) . "&redirect=no'>" . $_GET["redirected_from"] . "</a>.</em></p>\n";
$parsing_start = microtime(true);
$rawRenderedSource = parse_page_source(file_get_contents($env->page_filename));
$content .= $rawRenderedSource;
$content .= "<ul class='page-tags-display'>\n";
foreach($pageindex->$page->tags as $tag)
$content .= "<li><a href='?action=list-tags&tag=" . rawurlencode($tag) . "'>$tag</a></li>\n";
$content .= "\n</ul>\n";
$content .= "<aside class='page-tags-display'><small><em>(No tags yet! Add some by <a href='?action=edit&page=" . rawurlencode($env->page) . "'>editing this page</a>!)</em></small></aside>\n";
$subpages = get_object_vars(get_subpages($pageindex, $env->page));
if(count($subpages) > 0)
$content .= "<hr />";
$content .= "Subpages: ";
foreach($subpages as $subpage => $times_removed)
if($times_removed <= $settings->subpages_display_depth)
$content .= "<a href='?action=view&page=" . rawurlencode($subpage) . "'>$subpage</a>, ";
// Remove the last comma from the content
$content = substr($content, 0, -2);
$content .= "\n\t\t<!-- Took " . round((microtime(true) - $parsing_start) * 1000, 2) . "ms to parse page source -->\n";
// Prevent indexing of this page if it's still within the noindex
// time period
if(isset($settings->delayed_indexing_time) and
time() - $pageindex->{$env->page}->lastmodified < $settings->delayed_indexing_time)
header("x-robots-tag: noindex");
$settings->footer_message = "$env->page was last edited by {$pageindex->{$env->page}->lasteditor} at " . date('h:ia T \o\n j F Y', $pageindex->{$env->page}->lastmodified) . ".</p>\n<p>" . $settings->footer_message; // Add the last edited time to the footer
$mode = isset($_GET["mode"]) ? strtolower(trim($_GET["mode"])) : "normal";
case "contentonly":
// Content only mode: Send only the content of the page
case "parsedsourceonly":
// Parsed source only mode: Send only the raw rendered source
case "printable":
// Printable mode: Sends a printable version of the page
exit(page_renderer::render_minimal($title, $content));
case "normal":
// Normal mode: Send a normal page
exit(page_renderer::render_main($title, $content));