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"name" => "Parsedown",
"version" => "0.3",
"author" => "Johnny Broadway, Emanuil Rusev & Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description" => "An upgraded parser based on Emanuil Rusev's Parsedown Extra PHP library (https://github.com/erusev/parsedown-extra), which is licensed MIT. Please be careful, as this module adds a some weight to your installation, and also requires write access to the disk on first load.",
"id" => "parser-parsedown",
"code" => function() {
global $settings;
$parser = new PeppermintParsedown();
add_parser("parsedown", function($source) use ($parser) {
$result = $parser->text($source);
return $result;
add_help_section("20-parser-default", "Editor Syntax",
"<p>$settings->sitename's editor uses an extended version of <a href='http://parsedown.org/'>Parsedown</a> to render pages, which is a fantastic open source Github flavoured markdown parser. You can find a quick reference guide on Github flavoured markdown <a href='https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet'>here</a> by <a href='https://github.com/adam-p/'>adam-p</a>, or if you prefer a book <a href='https://www.gitbook.com/book/roachhd/master-markdown/details'>Mastering Markdown</a> by KB is a good read, and free too!</p>
<h3>Extra Syntax</h3>
<p>$settings->sitename's editor also supports some extra custom syntax, some of which is inspired by <a href='https://mediawiki.org/'>Mediawiki</a>.
<tr><th style='width: 40%'>Type this</th><th style='width: 20%'>To get this</th><th>Comments</th></th>
<tr><td><code>[[Internal link]]</code></td><td><a href='?page=Internal%20link'>Internal Link</a></td><td>An internal link.</td></tr>
<tr><td><code>[[Display Text|Internal link]]</code></td><td><a href='?page=Internal%20link'>Display Text</a></td><td>An internal link with some display text.</td></tr>
<tr><td><code>![Alt text](http://example.com/path/to/image.png | 256x256 | right)</code></td><td><img src='http://example.com/path/to/image.png' alt='Alt text' style='float: right; max-width: 256px; max-height: 256px;' /></td><td>An image floating to the right of the page that fits inside a 256px x 256px box, preserving aspect ratio.</td></tr>
/*** Parsedown versions ***
* Parsedown Core: 1.6.0 *
* Parsedown Extra: 0.7.0 *
$env->parsedown_paths = new stdClass();
$env->parsedown_paths->parsedown = "https://cdn.rawgit.com/erusev/parsedown/3ebbd730b5c2cf5ce78bc1bf64071407fc6674b7/Parsedown.php";
$env->parsedown_paths->parsedown_extra = "https://cdn.rawgit.com/erusev/parsedown-extra/11a44e076d02ffcc4021713398a60cd73f78b6f5/ParsedownExtra.php";
// Download parsedown and parsedown extra if they don't already exist
if(!file_exists("./Parsedown.php") || filesize("./Parsedown.php") === 0)
file_put_contents("./Parsedown.php", fopen($env->parsedown_paths->parsedown, "r"));
if(!file_exists("./ParsedownExtra.php") || filesize("./ParsedownExtra.php") === 0)
file_put_contents("./ParsedownExtra.php", fopen($env->parsedown_paths->parsedown_extra, "r"));
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class PeppermintParsedown extends ParsedownExtra
private $internalLinkBase = "./%s";
function __construct()
// Prioritise our internal link parsing over the regular link parsing
array_unshift($this->InlineTypes["["], "InternalLink");
// Prioritise our image parser over the regular image parser
array_unshift($this->InlineTypes["!"], "ExtendedImage");
//$this->inlineMarkerList .= "{";
protected function inlineInternalLink($fragment)
if(preg_match('/^\[\[(.*)\]\]/', $fragment["text"], $matches))
$display = $linkPage = $matches[1];
if(strpos($matches[1], "|"))
// We have a bar character
$parts = explode("|", $matches[1], 2);
$linkPage = $parts[0];
$display = $parts[1];
// Construct the full url
$linkUrl = str_replace(
"%s", rawurlencode($linkPage),
return [
"extent" => strlen($matches[0]),
"element" => [
"name" => "a",
"text" => $display,
"attributes" => [
"href" => $linkUrl
protected function inlineExtendedImage($fragment)
if(preg_match('/^!\[(.*)\]\(([^ |)]+)\s*\|([^|)]*)(?:\|([^)]*))?\)/', $fragment["text"], $matches))
* 0 - Everything
* 1 - Alt text
* 2 - Url
* 3 - First param
* 4 - Second Param (optional)
$altText = $matches[1];
$imageUrl = $matches[2];
$param1 = strtolower(trim($matches[3]));
$param2 = empty($matches[4]) ? false : strtolower(trim($matches[4]));
$floatDirection = false;
$imageSize = false;
$floatDirection = $param1;
$imageSize = $this->parseSizeSpec($param2);
else if($this->isFloatValue($param2))
$floatDirection = $param2;
$imageSize = $this->parseSizeSpec($param1);
$imageSize = $this->parseSizeSpec($param1);
// If they are both invalid then something very strange is going on
// Let the built in parsedown image handler deal with it
if($imageSize === false && $floatDirection === false)
$style = "";
if($imageSize !== false)
$style .= " max-width: " . $imageSize["x"] . "px; max-height: " . $imageSize["y"] . "px;";
$style .= " float: $floatDirection;";
return [
"extent" => strlen($matches[0]),
"element" => [
"name" => "img",
"attributes" => [
"src" => $imageUrl,
"alt" => $altText,
"style" => trim($style)
private function isFloatValue($value)
return in_array(strtolower($value), [ "left", "right" ]);
private function parseSizeSpec($text)
if(strpos($text, "x") === false)
return false;
$parts = explode("x", $text, 2);
if(count($parts) != 2)
return false;
array_map("trim", $parts);
array_map("intval", $parts);
if(in_array(0, $parts))
return false;
return [
"x" => $parts[0],
"y" => $parts[1]
* Sets the base url to be used for internal links. '%s' will be replaced
* with a URL encoded version of the page name.
* @param string $url The url to use when parsing internal links.
public function setInternalLinkBase($url)
$this->internalLinkBase = $url;