
50 lines
1.5 KiB

"name" => "API status",
"version" => "0.1",
"author" => "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description" => "Provides a basic JSON status action that provices a few useful bits of information for API consumption.",
"id" => "api-status",
"code" => function() {
global $settings;
* @api {get} ?action=raw&page={pageName} Get the raw source code of a page
* @apiName RawSource
* @apiGroup Page
* @apiPermission Anonymous
* @apiParam {string} page The page to return the source of.
add_action("status", function() {
global $version, $env, $settings, $actions;
// Make sure the client can accept JSON
if(!accept_contains_mime($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"] ?? "application/json", "application/json")) {
header("content-type: text/plain");
exit("Unfortunately, this API is currently only available in application/json at the moment, which you haven't indicated you accept in your http accept header. You said this in your accept header:\n" . $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"]);
$action_names = array_keys(get_object_vars($actions));
$result = new stdClass();
$result->status = "ok";
$result->version = $version;
$result->available_actions = $action_names;
$result->wiki_name = $settings->sitename;
$result->logo_url = $settings->favicon;
header("content-type: application/json");
exit(json_encode($result, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . "\n");
add_help_section("960-api-status", "Wiki Status API", "<p></p>");