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synced 2024-12-26 15:05:01 +00:00
....I was gettign increasinly nervous about not committing these to git. Hopefully at some point soon I'll be able to integrate the BkTree into Pepperminty Wiki properly - but I still need to implement word removal first before I can do that. Also, feature-search is getting big. It's refactoring time to be sure, but Im uncertain at this stage precisely _how_ I want to go about that. I've got 2 ideas: 1. Refactor the engine and the storage box into separate "library modules" 2. Refactor them into their own repository/ies or something, and include them as extra data 3. Extend the extra data system to support local files and include them in the main Pepperminty Wiki repository Thought is required. If anyone actually reads this message, do get in touch with your thoughts!
302 lines
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302 lines
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if (!function_exists('stats_standard_deviation')) {
* This user-land implementation follows the implementation quite strictly;
* it does not attempt to improve the code or algorithm in any way. It will
* raise a warning if you have fewer than 2 values in your array, just like
* the extension does (although as an E_USER_WARNING, not E_WARNING).
* @param array $a
* @param bool $sample [optional] Defaults to false
* @return float|bool The standard deviation or false on error.
function stats_standard_deviation(array $a, $sample = false) {
$n = count($a);
if ($n === 0) {
trigger_error("The array has zero elements", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
if ($sample && $n === 1) {
trigger_error("The array has only 1 element", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
$mean = array_sum($a) / $n;
$carry = 0.0;
foreach ($a as $val) {
$d = ((double) $val) - $mean;
$carry += $d * $d;
if ($sample) {
return sqrt($carry / $n);
* A serialisable BK-Tree Implementation.
* Ref: https://nullwords.wordpress.com/2013/03/13/the-bk-tree-a-data-structure-for-spell-checking/
class BkTree
private $box = null;
private $nodes = [];
// private $touched_ids = [];
private $cost_insert = 1;
private $cost_delete = 1;
private $cost_replace = 1;
public function __construct($filename) {
$this->box = new JsonStorageBox($filename);
* A utility function for calculating edit distance.
* Warning: Do not use this internally! It is *slow*. It's much faster to do this directly. This exists only for external use.
* @param string $a The first string.
* @param string $b The second string to compare against.
* @return int The computed edit distance.
public function edit_distance(string $a, string $b) : int {
return levenshtein($a, $b, $this->cost_insert, $this->cost_replace, $this->cost_delete);
private function get_node_count() : int {
return $this->box->get("node_count");
private function set_node_count(int $value) {
$this->box->set("node_count", $value);
private function increment_node_count() {
$this->box->set("node_count", $this->box->get("node_count") + 1);
* Adds a string to the tree.
* @param string $string The string to add.
* @return int The depth at which the new node was added.
public function add(string $string) : int {
// FUTURE: When we support deletes, we'll need to ensure that the root node is handled correctly
if(!$this->box->has("node|0")) {
$new = new stdClass();
$new->value = $string;
$new->children = new stdClass(); // [ "id" => int, "distance" => int ]
$this->box->set("node|0", $new);
$this->touched_ids[] = 0;
return 0;
// if($string == "bunny") echo("\nStart $string\n");
$next_node = $this->box->get("node|0"); // Grab the root to start with
$next_node_id = 0;
$depth = 0; $visted = 0;
while(true) {
$distance = levenshtein($string, $next_node->value, $this->cost_insert, $this->cost_replace, $this->cost_delete);
// if($string == "bunny") echo("$visted: Visiting $next_node->value, distance $distance (child distances ".implode(", ", array_map(function($el) { return $el->distance; }, $next_node->children)).")\n");
if(isset($next_node->children->$distance)) {
$child_id = $next_node->children->$distance;
$next_node = $this->box->get("node|$child_id");
$next_node_id = $child_id;
// if($string == "cake") echo("Identical distance as {$next_node["value"]}, restarting loop\n");
continue; // Continue on the outer while loop
// if($string == "bunny") echo("Inserting on $next_node->value\n");
// If we got here, then no existing children have the same edit distance
// Note that here we don't push to avoid the overhead from either array_push() (considerable) or count() (also considerable).
// Create the new child node
$new_id = $this->get_node_count();
$this->box->set("node|$new_id", (object) [
"value" => $string,
"children" => new stdClass()
// Create the edge that points from the existing node to the new node
$next_node->children->$distance = $new_id;
$this->box->set("node|$next_node_id", $next_node);
return $depth;
* Removes a string from the tree.
* @param string $string The string to remove.
* @return bool Whether the removal was successful.
public function remove(string $string) : bool {
throw new Error("Error: Not implemented");
// TODO: Remove a node from the tree.
// 1. Delete the connection from parent -> target
// 2. Iterate over the target's children (if any) and re-hang them from the parent
// NOTE: We need to be careful that the characteristics of the tree are preserved. We should test this by tracing a node's location in the tree and purposefully removing nodes in the chain and see if the results returned as still the same
* Convenience function that returns just the first result when looking up a string.
* @param string $string The string to lookup
* @param integer $distance The maximum edit distance to search.
* @return string|null The first matching string, or null if no results were found.
public function lookup_one(string $string, int $distance = 1) {
$result = $this->lookup($string, $distance, 1);
if(empty($result)) return null;
return $result[0];
// foreach($this->lookup($string, $distance) as $item)
// return $item;
* Generator that walks the BK-Tree and iteratively yields results.
* TODO: Refactor this to use an array, since generators are ~
* @param string $string The search string.
* @param integer $max_distance The maximum edit distance to search.
* @param integer $count The number of results to return. 0 = All results found. Note that results will be in a random order.
* @return Generator<string> Iteratively yielded similar resultant strings from the BK-Tree.
public function lookup(string $string, int $max_distance = 1, int $count = 0) {
if($this->get_node_count() == 0) return null;
$result = []; $result_count = 0;
$stack = [ $this->box->get("node|0") ];
$stack_top = 0;
// https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/a/226162/58491
while($stack_top >= 0) {
// Take the topmost node off the stack
$node_current = $stack[$stack_top];
$distance = levenshtein($string, $node_current->value, $this->cost_insert, $this->cost_replace, $this->cost_delete);
echo("[lookup] Visiting $node_current->value (distance $distance, child distances ".implode(", ", array_map(function($el) { return $el->distance; }, $node_current->children)).")\n");
if(in_array($node_current->value, ["worlds", "domicil", "mealiest", "stopgaps", "pibroch", "upwardly", "nontruth", "vizoring"])) {
echo("[lookup] Children: ".implode(", ", array_map(function($el) {
return "$el->distance: ".$this->box->get("node|$el->id")->value;
}, $node_current->children))."\n");
if($node_current->value == "bunny") exit();
// If the edit distance from the target string to this node is within the tolerance, yield it
if($distance <= $max_distance) {
// readline("press any key to continue");
$result[] = $node_current->value;
if($count != 0 && $result_count >= $count) break;
// yield $node_current["value"];
// Adding the key here speeds it up, apparently
// Ref: https://phpbench.com/
for($child_distance = $distance - $max_distance; $child_distance <= $distance + $max_distance; $child_distance++) {
// echo("[lookup] Recursing on child ".$this->box->get("node|$child->id")->value." (distance $child->distance)\n");
// Push the node onto the stack
// Note that it doesn't actually matter that the stack isn't an accurate representation of ancestor nodes at any given time here. The stack is really a hybrid between a stack and a queue, having features of both.
$stack[$stack_top] = $this->box->get("node|{$node_current->children->$child_distance}");
return $result;
* Calculate statistics about the BK-Tree.
* Useful for analysing a tree's structure.
* If the tree isn't balanced, you may need to insert items in a different order.
* @return array An array of statistics about this BK-Tree.
public function stats() {
$result = [
"depth_max" => 0,
"depth_min_leaf" => INF,
"depth_average" => 0,
"depth_average_noleaf" => 0,
"depth_standard_deviation" => [],
"child_count_average" => 0,
"child_count_max" => 0,
"nodes" => $this->get_node_count(),
"leaves" => 0,
"non_leaves" => 0
$start_time = microtime(true);
$stack = [ [ "node" => $this->box->get("node|0"), "depth" => 0 ] ];
// https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/a/226162/58491
while(!empty($stack)) {
// Take the top-most node off the stack
$current = array_pop($stack);
// echo("Visiting "); var_dump($current);
// Operate on the node
$result["depth_standard_deviation"][] = $current["depth"];
$result["depth_average"] += $current["depth"];
if($current["depth"] > $result["depth_max"])
$result["depth_max"] = $current["depth"];
if(empty($current["node"]->children) && $current["depth"] < $result["depth_min_leaf"])
$result["depth_min_leaf"] = $current["depth"];
$child_count = count((array)($current["node"]->children));
$result["child_count_average"] += $child_count;
if($child_count > $result["child_count_max"])
$result["child_count_max"] = $child_count;
if($child_count > 0) {
$result["depth_average_noleaf"] += $current["depth"];
// Iterate over the child nodes
foreach($current["node"]->children as $child_distance => $child_id) {
$stack[] = [
"node" => $this->box->get("node|$child_id"),
"depth" => $current["depth"] + 1
$result["depth_average"] /= $result["nodes"];
$result["depth_average_noleaf"] /= $result["non_leaves"];
$result["child_count_average"] /= $result["nodes"];
$result["depth_standard_deviation"] = stats_standard_deviation($result["depth_standard_deviation"]);
$result["time_taken"] = microtime(true) - $start_time;
return $result;
* Saves changes to the tree back to disk.
* @return void
public function close() {