{ "firstrun_complete": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether the first-run wizard has completed or not.", "default": false }, "sitename": { "type": "text", "description": "Your wiki's name.", "default": "Pepperminty Wiki" }, "defaultpage": { "type": "text", "description": "The name of the page that will act as the home page for the wiki. This page will be served if you don't specify a page.", "default": "Main Page" }, "admindetails_name": { "type": "text", "description": "Your name as the wiki administrator.", "default": "Administrator" }, "admindetails_email": { "type": "email", "description": "Your email address as the wiki administrator. Will be displayed as a support contact address.", "default": "admin@localhost" }, "favicon": { "type": "url", "description": "A url that points to the favicon you want to use for your wiki. By default this is set to a data: url of a Peppermint (Credit: by bluefrog23, source: https://openclipart.org/detail/19571/peppermint-candy-by-bluefrog23)", "default": "" }, "logo_url": { "type": "url", "description": "A url that points to the site's logo. Leave blank to disable. When enabled the logo will be inserted next to the site name on every page.", "default": "https://starbeamrainbowlabs.com/images/logos/peppermint.png" }, "logo_position": { "type": "text", "description": "The side of the site name at which the logo should be placed.", "default": "left" }, "show_subpages": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether to show a list of subpages at the bottom of the page.", "default": true}, "subpages_display_depth": { "type": "text", "description": "The depth to which we should display when listing subpages at the bottom the page.", "default": 3}, "random_page_exclude": { "type": "text", "description": "The pages names matching this regular expression won't be chosen when a random page is being picked to send you to by the random action.", "default": "/^Files\\/.*$/i" }, "random_page_exclude_redirects": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Causes the random action to avoid sending the user to a redirect page.", "default": true }, "redirect_absolute_enable": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether to enable absolute redirects or not. Enable only if you trust everyone who has edit access to your wiki, as it is possible to redirect a page to anywhere on the Internet - including a malicious website - hence the reason why this is disabled by default for safety.", "default": false }, "footer_message": { "type": "textarea", "description": "A message that will appear at the bottom of every page. May contain HTML.", "default": "All content is under this license. Please make sure that you read and understand the license, especially if you are thinking about copying some (or all) of this site's content, as it may restrict you from doing so." }, "editing_message": { "type": "textarea", "description": "A message that will appear just before the submit button on the editing page. May contain HTML.", "default": "Formatting help (Markdown Cheatsheet)
\nBy submitting your edit or uploading your file, you are agreeing to release your changes under this license. Also note that if you don't want your work to be edited by other users of this site, please don't submit it here!" }, "editing_tags_autocomplete": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether to enable autocomplete for the tags box in the page editor.", "default": true }, "admindisplaychar": { "type": "text", "description": "The string that is prepended before an admin's name on the nav bar. Defaults to a diamond shape (◆).", "default": "◆" }, "protectedpagechar": { "type": "text", "description": "The string that is prepended a page's name in the page title if it is protected. Defaults to a lock symbol. (🔒)", "default": "🔒" }, "editing": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether editing is enabled.", "default": true}, "anonedits": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether users who aren't logged in are allowed to edit your wiki.", "default": false }, "maxpagesize": { "type": "number", "description": "The maximum page size in characters.", "default": 135000 }, "parser": { "type": "text", "description": "The parser to use when rendering pages. Defaults to an extended version of parsedown (http://parsedown.org/)", "default": "parsedown" }, "parser_cache": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether parser output should be cached to speed things up. The cache directory is ._cache in the data directory - delete it if you experience issues (unlikely).", "default": false }, "parser_cache_min_size": { "type": "number", "description": "The minimum size a source string must be (in bytes) before it's considered eligible for caching.", "default": 1024 }, "parser_ext_renderers_enabled": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether to enable external diagram renderer support, which is part of the parsedown parser. See the parser_ext_renderers setting below for more information.", "default": true }, "parser_ext_renderers": { "type": "parserext", "description": "Used by the parsedown parser as an object mapping fenced code block languages to their respective external renderers. Should be in the form language_codeexternal renderer definition. See the default for examples on how to define an external renderer. Warning: On Windows, the enforcement of strict time limits is not possible. Beware of DoS attacks!", "default": { "nomnoml": { "name": "nomnoml", "description": "The nomnoml UML diagram renderer. Requires the 'nomnoml' npm package to be globally installed.", "url": "http:\/\/nomnoml.com\/", "cli": "nomnoml {input_file} {output_file} 0", "cli_mode": "file", "output_format": "image\/svg+xml", "output_classes": [ "invert-when-dark" ] }, "plantuml": { "name": "PlantUML", "description": "The PlantUML diagram renderer. Supports many different diagram types. Requires plantuml to be installed.", "url": "http:\/\/plantuml.com\/", "cli": "plantuml -tsvg -pipe", "cli_mode": "pipe", "output_format": "image\/svg+xml" }, "abc": { "name": "ABC Notation", "description": "A simple music notation typesetter. Much easier to understand than Lilypond. Requires abcm2ps to be installed.", "url": "https:\/\/abcnotation.com\/", "cli": "abcm2ps -g -O - -", "cli_mode": "pipe", "output_format": "image\/svg+xml", "output_classes": [ "invert-when-dark" ] }, "latexserver": { "name": "Server-Side MathJax", "description": "Client-side Mathjax via the 'enable_math_rendering' setting not your thing? Try it server-side instead! Requires the 'mathjax-node-cli' npm package to be globally installed. Note that you obviously don't want to include the latex math inside dolar signs $$ as the reference link tells you to.", "url": "https://math.meta.stackexchange.com/q/5020/221181", "cli": "tex2svg -- {input_text}", "cli_mode": "substitution_pipe", "output_format": "image\/svg+xml", "output_classes": [ "invert-when-dark" ] }, "svginkscape": { "name": "Inkscape SVG", "description": "Server-side SVG-to-PNG rendering with inkscape. Requires inkscape to be installed and in your PATH, of course.", "url": "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element", "cli": "inkscape {input_file} -e {output_file}", "cli_mode": "file", "output_format": "image\/svg+xml", "output_classes": [ ] } } }, "parser_ext_time_limit": { "type": "number", "description": "The number of seconds external renderers are allowed to run for. Has no effect if external renderers are turned off. Also currently has no effect on Windows.", "default": 5 }, "parser_ext_allow_anon": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "

Whether to allow anonymous users to render new diagrams with the external renderer. When disabled, anonymous users will still be allowed to recall pre-rendered items from the cache, but will be unable to generate brand-new diagrams.

Note that if you allow anonymous edits this setting won't fully protect you: anonymous users could edit a page and insert a malicious diagram, and then laer a logged in user could unwittingly invoke the external renderer on the anonymous user's behalf.", "default": false }, "parser_toc_heading_level": { "type": "number", "description": "The level of heading to create when generating a table of contents. Corresponds directly with the HTML h1-h6 tags. A value of 0 disables the heading.", "default": 2 }, "parser_mangle_external_links": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether [display text](./Page Name.md) style links are transparently handled as internal links. Useful to increase compatibility to other systems that use this style of link such as Wiki.js.", "default": false }, "parser_onebox_enabled": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether oneboxing is enabled or not. Oneboxes are fancy renderings of an internal link with a preview of the text on the linked page. To generate a onebox, an internal link must be on it's own on a line with nothing before or after it.", "default": true }, "parser_onebox_preview_length": { "type": "number", "description": "The number of characters preview to display in oneboxes. ", "default": 250 }, "interwiki_index_location": { "type": "text", "description": "The location to find the interwiki wiki definition file, which contains a list of wikis along with their names, prefixes, and root urls. May be a URL, or simply a file path - as it's passed to file_get_contents(). If left blank, interwiki link parsing is disabled.", "default": null }, "clean_raw_html": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether page sources should be cleaned of HTML before rendering. It is STRONGLY recommended that you keep this option turned on.", "default": true }, "all_untrusted": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether to treat both page sources and comment text as untrusted input. Untrusted input has additional restrictions to protect against XSS attacks etc. Turn on if your wiki allows anonymous edits.", "default": false}, "enable_math_rendering": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether to enable client side rendering of mathematical expressions with MathJax (https://www.mathjax.org/). Math expressions should be enclosed inside of dollar signs ($). Turn off if you don't use it.", "default": true }, "theme_colour": { "type": "text", "description": "The theme colour to set in the <meta name='theme-color' content='value' /> meta tag. Apparently used to customise the UI colour on mobile devices, and also by when platforms such as Discord are generating rich embeds to set the accent colour. Set to an empty string to disable.", "default": "#fc1c1c" }, "users": { "type": "usertable", "description": "An array of usernames and passwords - passwords should be hashed with password_hash() (the hash action can help here)", "default": { "admin": { "email": "admin@somewhere.com", "password": "$2y$10$kX6QgET6SfL47GsJjxwp/.JE6SSJo4Nx8/wG13eNvLDGIduYTlCXO" }, "user": { "email": "example@example.net", "password": "$2y$10$tWYjgh5WvaJrwiszZ1e2Keo3ras6mqa4ptqruwUn3de4UB6eV9cnW" } }}, "admins": { "type": "array", "description": "An array of usernames that are administrators. Administrators can delete and move pages.", "default": [ "admin" ]}, "anonymous_user_name": { "type": "text", "description": "The default name for anonymous users.", "default": "Anonymous" }, "user_page_prefix": { "type": "text", "description": "The prefix for user pages. All user pages will be considered to be under this page. User pages have special editing restrictions that prevent anyone other thant he user they belong to from editing them. Should not include the trailing forward slash.", "default": "Users" }, "user_preferences_button_text": { "type": "text", "description": "The text to display on the button that lets logged in users change their settings. Defaults to a cog (aka a 'gear' in unicode-land).", "default": "⚙ " }, "password_algorithm": { "type": "text", "description": "The algorithm to utilise when hashing passwords. Takes any value PHP's password_hash() does.", "default": "PASSWORD_DEFAULT" }, "password_cost": { "type": "number", "description": "The cost to use when hashing passwords.", "default": 12}, "password_cost_time": { "type": "number", "description": "The desired number of milliseconds to delay by when hashing passwords. Pepperminty Wiki will automatically update the value of password_cost to take the length of time specified here. If you're using PASSWORD_ARGON2I, then the auto-update will be disabled.", "default": 350}, "password_cost_time_interval": { "type": "number", "description": "The interval, in seconds, at which the password cost should be recalculated. Set to -1 to disable. Default: 1 week", "default": 604800}, "password_cost_time_lastcheck": { "type": "number", "description": "Pseudo-setting used to keep track of the last recalculation of password_cost. Is updated with the current unix timestamp every time password_cost is recalculated.", "default": 0}, "new_password_length": { "type": "number", "description": "The length of newly-generated passwords. This is currently used in the user table when creating new accounts.", "default": 32 }, "require_login_view": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether to require that users login before they do anything else. Best used with the data_storage_dir option.", "default": false}, "readingtime_enabled": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether to display the estimated reading time beneath the header of every wiki page.", "default": true }, "readingtime_language": { "type": "text", "description": "The language code to use when estimating the reading time. Possible values: en, ar, de, es, fi, fr, he, it, jw, nl, pl, pt, ru, sk, sv, tr, zh. Unfrotuantely adding multi-language support to the user interface is an absolutely massive undertaking that would take ages, as Peppermitny Wiki waasn't designed with that in mind :-/", "default": "en" }, "readingtime_action": { "type": "text", "description": "The name of the action to enable the reading time estimation on. You probably shouldn't change this unless you know what you're doing.", "default": "view" }, "data_storage_dir": { "type": "text", "description": "The directory in which to store all files, except the main index.php and peppermint.json.", "default": "." }, "watchlists_enable": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether the watchlists feature should be enabled or not.", "default": true }, "delayed_indexing_time": { "type": "number", "description": "The amount of time, in seconds, that pages should be blocked from being indexed by search engines after their last edit. Aka delayed indexing.", "default": 0}, "nav_links": { "type": "nav", "description": "

An array of links and display text to display at the top of the site.
Format: \"Display Text\": \"Link\"

You can also use strings here and they will be printed as-is, except the following special strings:

", "default": [ "user-status", [ "Home", "index.php" ], "search", [ "Read", "index.php?page={page}" ], [ "Edit", "index.php?action=edit&page={page}" ], [ "All Pages", "index.php?action=list" ], "menu" ]}, "nav_links_extra": { "type": "nav", "description": "An array of additional links in the above format that will be shown under \"More\" subsection.", "default": { "Moderator": [ [ "◆ 🚫 Delete", "index.php?action=delete&page={page}" ], [ "◆ 🚠 Move", "index.php?action=move&page={page}" ], [ "◆ 🔐 Toggle Protection", "index.php?action=protect&page={page}" ], [ "◆ 🔧 Edit master settings", "index.php?action=configure" ] ], "Wiki": [ [ "📊 Statistics", "?action=stats" ], [ "👥 All Users", "index.php?action=user-list" ] ], "Navigation": [ [ "🎫 All Tags", "index.php?action=list-tags" ], [ "🎊 Random Page", "?action=random" ], [ "📅 Recent changes", "?action=recent-changes" ] ], "Page": [ [ "⌛ Page History", "?action=history&page={page}" ], [ "📤 Upload", "index.php?action=upload" ], [ "🔭 Watch", "index.php?action=watchlist-edit&do=add&page={page}" ] ] } }, "nav_links_bottom": { "type": "nav", "description": "An array of links in the above format that will be shown at the bottom of the page.", "default": [ [ "🖨 Printable version", "index.php?action=view&mode=printable&page={page}" ], [ "Credits", "index.php?action=credits" ], [ "🚪 Help", "index.php?action=help" ] ]}, "comment_enabled": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether commenting is enabled or not. If disabled, nobody will be able to post new comments, but existing comments will still be shown (if the feature-comments module is installed, of course - otherwise this setting will have no effect).", "default": true }, "comment_hide_all": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether to hide all comments, as if the commenting feature never existed. If you want to enable this setting, consider using the downloader (link in the docs) to exclude the feature-comments module instead.", "default": false }, "anoncomments": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether to allow anonymous user to make comments. Note that anonymous users are not able to delete their own comments (since they are not logged in, there's no way to know if they were the original poster or not)", "default": false }, "comment_max_length": { "type": "number", "description": "The maximum allowed length, in characters, for comments", "default": 5000 }, "comment_min_length": { "type": "number", "description": "The minimum allowed length, in characters, for comments", "default": 10 }, "comment_time_icon": { "type": "text", "description": "The icon to show next to the time that a comment was posted.", "default": "🕗" }, "history_max_revisions": { "type": "number", "description": "The maximum revisions that should be stored. If this limit is reached, them the oldest revision will be deleted. Defaults to -1, which is no limit.", "default": -1 }, "history_revert_require_moderator": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether a user must be a moderator in order use the page reversion functionality.", "default": true }, "upload_enabled": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether to allow uploads to the server.", "default": true}, "upload_allowed_file_types": { "type": "array", "description": "An array of mime types that are allowed to be uploaded.", "default": [ "image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/gif", "image/webp", "image/avif", "image/jxl", "image/heif", "image/heic", "image/svg+xml", "video/mp4", "video/webm", "audio/mp4", "audio/mpeg", "audio/flac", "audio/ogg", "application/pdf" ]}, "preview_file_type": { "type": "text", "description": "The default file type for previews.", "default": "image/png" }, "default_preview_size": { "type": "number", "description": "The default size of preview images in pixels.", "default": 640}, "mime_extension_mappings_location": { "type": "text", "description": "The location of a file that maps mime types onto file extensions and vice versa. Used to generate the file extension for an uploaded file. See the configuration guide for windows instructions.", "default": "/etc/mime.types" }, "mime_mappings_overrides": { "type": "map", "description": "Override mappings to convert mime types into the appropriate file extension. Used to override the above file if it assigns weird extensions to any mime types.", "default": { "text/plain": "txt", "audio/mpeg": "mp3" }}, "min_preview_size": { "type": "number", "description": "The minimum allowed size of generated preview images in pixels.", "default": 1 }, "max_preview_size": { "type": "number", "description": "The maximum allowed size of generated preview images in pixels.", "default": 2048 }, "avatars_show": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether or not to show avatars requires the 'user-preferences' and 'upload' modules, though uploads themselves can be turned off so long as all avatars have already been uploaded - it's only the 'preview' action that's actually used.", "default": true }, "avatars_gravatar_enabled": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether gravatars should be displayed if an uploaded avatar is not found. If disabled, users without avatars will show a blank image instead.", "default": true }, "avatars_size": { "type": "number", "description": "The image size to render avatars at. Does not affect the size they're stored at - only the inline rendered size (e.g. on the recent changes page etc.)", "default": 32 }, "search_characters_context": { "type": "number", "description": "The number of characters that should be displayed either side of a matching term in the context below each search result.", "default": 75}, "search_characters_context_total": { "type": "number", "description": "The total number of characters that a search result context should display at most.", "default": 250 }, "search_title_matches_weighting": { "type": "number", "description": "The weighting to give to search term matches found in a page's title.", "default": 50 }, "search_tags_matches_weighting": { "type": "number", "description": "The weighting to give to search term matches found in a page's tags.", "default": 15 }, "search_didyoumean_enabled": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether to enable the 'did you mean?' search query typo correction engine.", "default": false }, "search_didyoumean_editdistance": { "type": "number", "description": "The maximmum edit distance to search when checking for typos. Increasing this number causes an exponential increase in the amount of computing power required to correct all spellings.", "default": 2 }, "search_didyoumean_cost_insert": { "type": "number", "description": "The insert cost to use when calculating levenshtein distances. If this value is changed then the did you mean index must be rebuilt.", "default": 1 }, "search_didyoumean_cost_delete": { "type": "number", "description": "The delete cost to use when calculating levenshtein distances. If this value is changed then the did you mean index must be rebuilt.", "default": 1 }, "search_didyoumean_cost_replace": { "type": "number", "description": "The replace cost to use when calculating levenshtein distances. If this value is changed then the did you mean index must be rebuilt.", "default": 1 }, "search_didyoumean_seed_word": { "type": "text", "description": "The seed word for the didyoumean index tree. Has a number of special properties:Since words are transliterated to lowercase ascii before indexing, it's recommended to set this to a word that contains characters that will never be present after transliteration.", "default": ":peppermint:" }, "dynamic_page_suggestion_count": { "type": "number", "description": "The number of dynamic page name suggestions to fetch from the server when typing in the page search box. Note that lowering this number doesn't really improve performance. Set to 0 to disable.", "default": 7 }, "similarpages_enabled": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether similar pages are displayed beneath the content and above the comments on a page", "default": true }, "similarpages_count": { "type": "number", "description": "The number of similar page suggestions to make.", "default": 3 }, "defaultaction": { "type": "text", "description": "The default action. This action will be performed if no other action is specified. It is recommended you set this to \"view\" - that way the user automatically views the default page (see above).", "default": "view" }, "email_debug_dontsend": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "If set to true, emails are logged to the standard error instead of being actually sent.", "default": false }, "email_subject_utf8": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether to encode the subject of emails sent to allow them to contain unicode characters. Without this, email subjects will be transliterated to ASCII. If utf-8 email subjects are disabled, page names may not be represented properly.", "default": true }, "email_body_utf8": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether to send emails with utf-8 bodies. If set to false, email bodies will be transliterated to ASCII. If utf-8 email bodies are disabled, page names may not be represented properly.", "default": true }, "email_verify_addresses": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether user email addresses must be verified in order to send emails to them.", "default": true }, "updateurl": { "type": "url", "description": "The url from which to fetch updates. Defaults to the master (development) branch. MAKE SURE THAT THIS POINTS TO A *HTTPS* URL, OTHERWISE SOMEONE COULD INJECT A VIRUS INTO YOUR WIKI!", "default": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sbrl/pepperminty-wiki/master/index.php" }, "optimize_pages": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether to optimise all webpages generated.", "default": true }, "minify_pageindex": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether to minify the page index when saving it. Improves performance slightly (especially on larger wikis), but can make debugging and quick ninja-edits more awkward. Note that this only takes effect when the page index is next saved.", "default": true }, "http2_server_push": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether HTTP/2.0 server should should be enabled. If true, then 'link' HTTP headers will be attached to rendered pages specifying files to push down. Note that web server support also has to be abled for this to work, as PHP can't push resources to the client on its own.", "default": true }, "http2_server_push_items": { "type": "server-push", "description": "An array of items to push to clients when rendering pages. Should be in the format [ [type, path], [type, path], ....], where type is a resource type, and path is a relative url path to a static file to send via HTTP/2.0 Server Push.
Note: These resources will only be pushed if your web server also has support for the link: HTTP/2.0 header, and it's a page that being rendered. If it's some other thing that being sent (e.g. an image, error message, event stream, redirect, etc.), then no server push is indicated by Pepperminty Wiki. Test your estup with your browser's developer tools, or This testing site.", "default": [] }, "max_recent_changes": { "type": "number", "description": "The maximum number of recent changes to display on the recent changes page.", "default": 512 }, "export_allow_only_admins": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether to only allow adminstrators to export the your wiki as a zip using the page-export module.", "default": false}, "stats_update_interval": { "type": "number", "description": "The number of seconds which should elapse before a statistics update should be scheduled. Defaults to once a day.", "default": 86400}, "stats_update_processingtime": { "type": "number", "description": "The maximum number of milliseconds that should be spent at once calculating statistics. If some statistics couldn't fit within this limit, then they are scheduled and updated on the next page load. Note that this is a target only - if an individual statistic takes longer than this, then it won't be interrupted. Defaults to 100ms.", "default": 100}, "sessionprefix": { "type": "text", "description": "You shouldn't need to change this. The prefix that should be used in the names of the session variables. Defaults to \"auto\", which automatically generates this field. See the readme for more information.", "default": "auto" }, "sessionlifetime": { "type": "number", "description": "Again, you shouldn't need to change this under normal circumstances. This setting controls the lifetime of a login session. Defaults to 24 hours, but it may get cut off sooner depending on the underlying PHP session lifetime.", "default": 86400 }, "cookie_secure": { "type": "text", "description": "Whether to set the 'Secure' flag on all cookies. This prevents cookies from being transmitted over an unencrypted connection. Default: auto (sets the flag if HTTPS is detected). Other possible values: false (the flag is never set), true (the flag will always be set, regardless of whether HTTPS is detected or not)", "default": "auto" }, "disable_peppermint_access_check": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Disables the access check for peppermint.json on first-run. VERY DANGEROUS. Use only for development. Note that it's recommend to block access to peppermint.json for a reason - it contains your site secret and password hashes, so an attacker could do all sorts of nefarious things if it's left unblocked.", "default": false }, "peppermint_json_perms": { "type": "text", "description": "The permissions to chmod peppermint.json to after saving it. Defaults to null, which means do not alter permissions. String must be a linux octal string with a leading 0: for example 0640. WARNING: Do NOT mark peppermint.json as 0777 - this is very insecure! Generally 0660, 0640, and 0600 work well for most purposes. Do not edit this setting unless you know what you're doing!", "default": null }, "css_theme_autoupdate_url": { "type": "url", "description": "A url that points to the css theme file to check for updates. If blank, then automatic updates are disabled.", "default": "" }, "css_theme_autoupdate_interval": { "type": "number", "description": "The interval, in seconds, that updates to the theme should be checked for. Defaults to every week. A value of -1 disables automatic updates.", "default": 604800 }, "css_theme_autoupdate_lastcheck": { "type": "number", "description": "The timestamp of the last time that updates for the selected theme were last checked for. To disable automatic updates, you should set css_theme_autoupdate_interval to -1 instead of changing this setting.", "default": 0 }, "css_theme_gallery_index_url": { "type": "text", "description": "A url that points to an index file that contains a list of themes. Used to populate the gallary. Multiple urls are allowed - separate them with a space.", "default": "https://starbeamrainbowlabs.com/labs/peppermint/themes/themeindex.json" }, "css_theme_gallery_selected_id": { "type": "text", "description": "The id of the currently selected theme. Defaults to the internal default theme.", "default": "default" }, "css": { "type": "textarea", "description": "A string of css to include. Will be included in the <head> of every page inside a <style> tag. This may also be an absolute url - urls will be referenced via a <link rel='stylesheet' /> tag. If the theme gallery is installed and automatic updates enabled, then the value of this property is managed by the theme gallery and changes may be overwritten (try the css_custom setting instead).", "default": "auto" }, "css_custom": { "type": "textarea", "description": "A string of custom CSS to include on top of the base theme css. Allows for theme customisations while still enabling automatic updates :D Just like the css setting, this one can also be a url.", "default": "/* Enter your custom css here. */" }, "cli_enabled": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether the Pepperminty Wiki CLI is enabled or not.", "default": true }, "cli_prompt": { "type": "text", "description": "The string to use as the prompt in the CLI shell.", "default": "\u0001\u001b[1m\u001b[31m\u0002#\u0001\u001b[0m\u0002 " }, "sidebar_show": { "type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether to show the sidebar by default to all users or not.", "default": false }, "sidebar_maxdepth": { "type": "number", "description": "The maximum depth of pages to show in the sidebar. Top-level pages are of depth 0, subpages thereof are of depth 1, etc. Defaults to a depth of 1, which indicates to display both top-level pages and their subpages.", "default": 1 } }