mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 20:24:55 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/sbrl/Pepperminty-Wiki
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 660 additions and 23 deletions
@ -7,3 +7,6 @@
# The page index
# All uploaded files
@ -174,6 +174,29 @@ $settings->footer_message = "All content is under <a href='?page=License' target
// page. May contain HTML.
$settings->editing_message = "By submitting your edit, you are agreeing to release your changes under <a href='?action=view&page=License' target='_blank'>this license</a>. Also note that if you don't want your work to be edited by other users of this site, please don't submit it here!";
// Whether to allow image uploads to the server. Currently disabled temporarily
// for security reasons while I finish writing the file uploader.
$settings->upload_enabled = true;
// An array of mime types that are allowed to be uploaded.
$settings->upload_allowed_file_types = [
// The location of a file that maps mime types onto file extensions and vice
// versa. Used to generate the file extension for an uploaded file. Set to the
// default location of the mime.types file on Linux. If you aren't using linux,
// download this pastebin and point this setting at it instead:
// http://pastebin.com/mjM3zKjz
$settings->mime_extension_mappings_location = "/etc/mime.types";
// The minimum and maximum sizes of generated preview images in pixels.
$settings->min_preview_size = 1;
$settings->max_preview_size = 2048;
// A string of css to include. Will be included in the <head> of every page
// inside a <style> tag. This may also be a url - urls will be referenced via a
// <link rel='stylesheet' /> tag.
@ -404,7 +427,7 @@ function glob_recursive($pattern, $flags = 0)
* @summary Gets a list of all the sub pagess of the current page.
* @summary Gets a list of all the sub pages of the current page.
* @param $pageindex - The pageindex to use to search.
* @param $pagename - The name of the page to list the sub pages of.
@ -478,7 +501,9 @@ function check_subpage_parents($pagename)
function makepathsafe($string)
return preg_replace("/[^0-9a-zA-Z\_\-\ \/]/i", "", $string);
$string = preg_replace("/[^0-9a-zA-Z\_\-\ \/\.]/i", "", $string);
$string = preg_replace("/\.+/", ".", $string);
return $string;
@ -504,6 +529,50 @@ function hide_email($str)
return $hidden_email;
* @summary Checks to see if $haystack starts with $needle.
* @param $haystack {string} The string to search.
* @param $needle {string} The string to search for at the beginning of $haystack.
* @returns {boolean} Whether $needle can be found at the beginning of $haystack.
function starts_with($haystack, $needle)
$length = strlen($needle);
return (substr($haystack, 0, $length) === $needle);
function system_mime_type_extensions() {
global $settings;
# Returns the system MIME type mapping of MIME types to extensions, as defined in /etc/mime.types (considering the first
# extension listed to be canonical).
$out = array();
$file = fopen($settings->mime_extension_mappings_location, 'r');
while(($line = fgets($file)) !== false) {
$line = trim(preg_replace('/#.*/', '', $line));
$parts = preg_split('/\s+/', $line);
if(count($parts) == 1)
$type = array_shift($parts);
$out[$type] = array_shift($parts);
return $out;
function system_mime_type_extension($type) {
# Returns the canonical file extension for the MIME type specified, as defined in /etc/mime.types (considering the first
# extension listed to be canonical).
# $type - the MIME type
static $exts;
$exts = system_mime_type_extensions();
return isset($exts[$type]) ? $exts[$type] : null;
@ -626,8 +695,8 @@ class page_renderer
<p>Powered by Pepperminty Wiki v0.9-dev, which was built by <a href='//starbeamrainbowlabs.com/'>Starbeamrainbowlabs</a>. Send bugs to 'bugs at starbeamrainbowlabs dot com' or open an issue <a href='//github.com/sbrl/Pepperminty-Wiki'>on github</a>.</p>
<p>Your local friendly administrators are {admins-name-list}.
<p>Powered by Pepperminty Wiki v0.9-dev, which was built by <a href='//starbeamrainbowlabs.com/'>Starbeamrainbowlabs</a>. Send bugs to 'bugs at starbeamrainbowlabs dot com' or <a href='//github.com/sbrl/Pepperminty-Wiki' title='Github Issue Tracker'>open an issue</a>.</p>
<p>Your local friendly administrators are {admins-name-list}.</p>
<p>This wiki is managed by <a href='mailto:{admin-details-email}'>{admin-details-name}</a>.</p>
@ -1154,6 +1223,250 @@ register_module([
"name" => "Uploader",
"version" => "0.1",
"author" => "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description" => "Adds the ability to upload files to Pepperminty Wiki. Uploaded files act as pages and have the special 'File:' prefix.",
"id" => "feature-upload",
"code" => function() {
add_action("upload", function() {
global $settings, $env, $pageindex;
case "GET":
// Send upload page
exit(page_renderer::render("Upload Disabled - $setting->sitename", "<p>You can't upload anything at the moment because $settings->sitename has uploads disabled. Try contacting " . $settings->admindetails["name"] . ", your site Administrator. <a href='javascript:history.back();'>Go back</a>.</p>"));
exit(page_renderer::render("Upload Error - $settings->sitename", "<p>You are not currently logged in, so you can't upload anything.</p>
<p>Try <a href='?action=login&returnto=" . rawurlencode("?action=upload") . "'>logging in</a> first.</p>"));
exit(page_renderer::render("Upload - $settings->sitename", "<p>Select an image below, and then type a name for it in the box. This server currently supports uploads up to " . get_max_upload_size() . " in size.</p>
<p>$settings->sitename currently supports uploading of the following file types: " . implode(", ", $settings->upload_allowed_file_types) . ".</p>
<form method='post' action='?action=upload' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
<label for='file'>Select a file to upload.</label>
<input type='file' name='file' />
<br />
<label for='name'>Name:</label>
<input type='text' name='name' />
<br />
<label for='description'>Description:</label>
<textarea name='description'></textarea>
<br />
<input type='submit' value='Upload' />
case "POST":
// Recieve file
// Make sure uploads are enabled
exit(page_renderer::render("Upload failed - $settings->sitename", "<p>Your upload couldn't be processed because uploads are currently disabled on $settings->sitename. <a href='index.php'>Go back to the main page</a>.</p>"));
// Make sure that the user is logged in
exit(page_renderer::render("Upload failed - $settings->sitename", "<p>Your upload couldn't be processed because you are not logged in.</p><p>Try <a href='?action=login&returnto=" . rawurlencode("?action=upload") . "'>logging in</a> first."));
// Calculate the target ename, removing any characters we
// are unsure about.
$target_name = makepathsafe($_POST["name"]);
$temp_filename = $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"];
$mimechecker = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
$mime_type = finfo_file($mimechecker, $temp_filename);
// Perform appropriate checks based on the *real* filetype
switch(substr($mime_type, 0, strpos($mime_type, "/")))
case "image":
$extra_data = [];
$imagesize = getimagesize($temp_filename, $extra_data);
// Make sure that the image size is defined
if(!is_int($imagesize[0]) or !is_int($imagesize[1]))
exit(page_renderer::render("Upload Error - $settings->sitename", "<p>The file that you uploaded doesn't appear to be an image. $settings->sitename currently only supports uploading images (videos coming soon). <a href='?action=upload'>Go back to try again</a>.</p>"));
case "video":
exit(page_renderer::render("Upload Error - $settings->sitename", "<p>You uploaded a video, but $settings->sitename doesn't support them yet. Please try again later.</p>"));
exit(page_renderer::render("Upload Error - $settings->sitename", "<p>You uploaded an unnknown file type which couldn't be processed. $settings->sitename thinks that the file you uploaded was a(n) '$mime_type', which isn't supported.</p>"));
$file_extension = system_mime_type_extension($mime_type);
$new_filename = "Files/$target_name.$file_extension";
$new_description_filename = "$new_filename.md";
exit(page_renderer::render("Upload Error - $settings->sitename", "<p>A page or file has already been uploaded with the name '$new_filename'. Try deleting it first. If you do not have permission to delete things, try contacting one of the moderators.</p>"));
mkdir("Files", 0664);
if(!move_uploaded_file($temp_filename, $new_filename))
exit(page_renderer::render("Upload Error - $settings->sitename", "<p>The file you uploaded was valid, but $settings->sitename couldn't verify that it was tampered with during the upload process. This probably means that $settings->sitename has been attacked. Please contact " . $settings->admindetails . ", your $settings->sitename Administrator.</p>"));
file_put_contents($new_description_filename, $_POST["description"]);
$description = $_POST["description"];
$description = htmlentities($description, ENT_QUOTES);
file_put_contents($new_description_filename, $description);
// Construct a new entry for the pageindex
$entry = new stdClass();
// Point to the description's filepath since this property
// should point to a markdown file
$entry->filename = $new_description_filename;
$entry->size = strlen($description);
$entry->lastmodified = time();
$entry->lasteditor = $env->user;
$entry->uploadedfile = true;
$entry->uploadedfilepath = $new_filename;
$entry->uploadedfilemime = $mime_type;
// Add the new entry to the pageindex
// Assign the new entry to the image's filepath as that
// should be the page name.
$pageindex->$new_filename = $entry;
// Save the pageindex
file_put_contents("pageindex.json", json_encode($pageindex, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
header("location: ?action=view&page=$new_filename&upload=success");
add_action("preview", function() {
global $settings, $env, $pageindex;
$filepath = $pageindex->{$env->page}->uploadedfilepath;
$mime_type = $pageindex->{$env->page}->uploadedfilemime;
switch(substr($mime_type, 0, strpos($mime_type, "/")))
case "image":
$preview = false;
case "image/jpeg":
$preview = imagecreatefromjpeg($filepath);
case "image/gif":
$preview = imagecreatefromgif($filepath);
case "image/png":
$preview = imagecreatefrompng($filepath);
case "image/webp":
$preview = imagecreatefromwebp($filepath);
$preview = errorimage("Unsupported image type.");
$aspect_ratio = imagesx($preview) / imagesy($preview);
$target_width = intval($_GET["size"]);
if($target_width < $settings->min_preview_size)
$target_width = $settings->min_preview_size;
if($target_width > $settings->max_preview_size)
$target_width = $settings->max_preview_size;
$target_height = $target_width;
// Todo Scale image to fit inside size.
// todo render a preview here
* size (image outputs only, possibly width / height)
* 1-2048 (configurable)
* filetype
* either a mime type or 'native'
page_renderer::register_part_preprocessor(function(&$parts) {
// Todo add the preview to the top o fthe page here, but onyl if the current action is view and we are on a page prefixed with file:
//// Pair of functions to calculate the actual maximum upload size supported by the server
//// Lifted from Drupal by @meustrus from Stackoverflow. Link to answer:
//// http://stackoverflow.com/a/25370978/1460422
// Returns a file size limit in bytes based on the PHP upload_max_filesize
// and post_max_size
function get_max_upload_size()
static $max_size = -1;
if ($max_size < 0) {
// Start with post_max_size.
$max_size = parse_size(ini_get('post_max_size'));
// If upload_max_size is less, then reduce. Except if upload_max_size is
// zero, which indicates no limit.
$upload_max = parse_size(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
if ($upload_max > 0 && $upload_max < $max_size) {
$max_size = $upload_max;
return $max_size;
function parse_size($size) {
$unit = preg_replace('/[^bkmgtpezy]/i', '', $size); // Remove the non-unit characters from the size.
$size = preg_replace('/[^0-9\.]/', '', $size); // Remove the non-numeric characters from the size.
if ($unit) {
// Find the position of the unit in the ordered string which is the power of magnitude to multiply a kilobyte by.
return round($size * pow(1024, stripos('bkmgtpezy', $unit[0])));
} else {
return round($size);
function errorimage($text)
$width = 640;
$height = 480;
$image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
imagefill($image, 0, 0, imagecolorallocate($image, 238, 232, 242)); // Set the background to #eee8f2
$fontwidth = imagefontwidth(3);
imagetext($image, 3,
($width / 2) - (($fontwidth * strlen($text)) / 2),
($height / 2) - (imagefontheight(3) / 2),
imagecolorallocate($image, 17, 17, 17) // #111111
return $image;
"name" => "Credits",
@ -213,7 +213,9 @@ function check_subpage_parents($pagename)
function makepathsafe($string)
return preg_replace("/[^0-9a-zA-Z\_\-\ \/]/i", "", $string);
$string = preg_replace("/[^0-9a-zA-Z\_\-\ \/\.]/i", "", $string);
$string = preg_replace("/\.+/", ".", $string);
return $string;
@ -239,6 +241,50 @@ function hide_email($str)
return $hidden_email;
* @summary Checks to see if $haystack starts with $needle.
* @param $haystack {string} The string to search.
* @param $needle {string} The string to search for at the beginning of $haystack.
* @returns {boolean} Whether $needle can be found at the beginning of $haystack.
function starts_with($haystack, $needle)
$length = strlen($needle);
return (substr($haystack, 0, $length) === $needle);
function system_mime_type_extensions() {
global $settings;
# Returns the system MIME type mapping of MIME types to extensions, as defined in /etc/mime.types (considering the first
# extension listed to be canonical).
$out = array();
$file = fopen($settings->mime_extension_mappings_location, 'r');
while(($line = fgets($file)) !== false) {
$line = trim(preg_replace('/#.*/', '', $line));
$parts = preg_split('/\s+/', $line);
if(count($parts) == 1)
$type = array_shift($parts);
$out[$type] = array_shift($parts);
return $out;
function system_mime_type_extension($type) {
# Returns the canonical file extension for the MIME type specified, as defined in /etc/mime.types (considering the first
# extension listed to be canonical).
# $type - the MIME type
static $exts;
$exts = system_mime_type_extensions();
return isset($exts[$type]) ? $exts[$type] : null;
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Adds a utility action (that anyone can use) called hash that hashes a given string. Useful when changing a user's password.",
"id": "action-hash",
"lastupdate": 1444478036,
"lastupdate": 1445170746,
"optional": false
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Exposes Pepperminty Wiki's new page protection mechanism and makes the protect button in the 'More...' menu on the top bar work.",
"id": "action-protect",
"lastupdate": 1443593234,
"lastupdate": 1445170746,
"optional": false
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Adds a 'raw' action that shows you the raw source of a page.",
"id": "action-raw",
"lastupdate": 1442903519,
"lastupdate": 1445170746,
"optional": false
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Adds a sidebar to the left hand side of every page. Add '$settings->sidebar_show = true;' to your configuration, or append '&sidebar=yes' to the url to enable. Adding to the url sets a cookie to remember your setting.",
"id": "extra-sidebar",
"lastupdate": 1438776654,
"lastupdate": 1445170746,
"optional": false
@ -41,7 +41,16 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Adds support for redirect pages. Uses the same syntax that Mediawiki does.",
"id": "feature-redirect",
"lastupdate": 1444295544,
"lastupdate": 1445170746,
"optional": false
"name": "Uploader",
"version": "0.1",
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Adds the ability to upload files to Pepperminty Wiki. Uploaded files act as pages and have the special 'File:' prefix.",
"id": "feature-upload",
"lastupdate": 1445504176,
"optional": false
@ -50,7 +59,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Adds the credits page. You *must* have this module :D",
"id": "page-credits",
"lastupdate": 1444323484,
"lastupdate": 1445170746,
"optional": false
@ -59,7 +68,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Adds an action to allow administrators to delete pages.",
"id": "page-delete",
"lastupdate": 1442929182,
"lastupdate": 1445170746,
"optional": false
@ -68,7 +77,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Allows you to edit pages by adding the edit and save actions. You should probably include this one.",
"id": "page-edit",
"lastupdate": 1443958991,
"lastupdate": 1445170746,
"optional": false
@ -77,7 +86,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Adds a page that you can use to export your wiki as a .zip file. Uses $settings->export_only_allow_admins, which controls whether only admins are allowed to export the wiki.",
"id": "page-export",
"lastupdate": 1442927946,
"lastupdate": 1445170746,
"optional": false
@ -86,7 +95,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Adds the help action. You really want this one.",
"id": "page-help",
"lastupdate": 1432661123,
"lastupdate": 1445170746,
"optional": false
@ -95,7 +104,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Adds a page that lists all the pages in the index along with their metadata.",
"id": "page-list",
"lastupdate": 1444295525,
"lastupdate": 1445170746,
"optional": false
@ -104,7 +113,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Adds a pair of actions (login and checklogin) that allow users to login. You need this one if you want your users to be able to login.",
"id": "page-login",
"lastupdate": 1444477827,
"lastupdate": 1445170746,
"optional": false
@ -113,7 +122,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Adds an action to let users user out. For security reasons it is wise to add this module since logging in automatically opens a session that is valid for 30 days.",
"id": "page-logout",
"lastupdate": 1442928225,
"lastupdate": 1445170746,
"optional": false
@ -122,7 +131,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Adds an action to allow administrators to move pages.",
"id": "page-move",
"lastupdate": 1442928409,
"lastupdate": 1445170746,
"optional": false
@ -131,7 +140,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Adds an update page that downloads the latest stable version of Pepperminty Wiki. This module is currently outdated as it doesn't save your module preferences.",
"id": "page-update",
"lastupdate": 1442928402,
"lastupdate": 1445170746,
"optional": false
@ -140,7 +149,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Allows you to view pages. You reallyshould include this one.",
"id": "page-view",
"lastupdate": 1443946169,
"lastupdate": 1445170746,
"optional": false
@ -149,7 +158,7 @@
"author": "Johnny Broadway & Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "The default parser for Pepperminty Wiki. Based on Johnny Broadway's Slimdown (with more than a few modifications). This parser's features are documented in the help page.",
"id": "parser-default",
"lastupdate": 1443964067,
"lastupdate": 1445170746,
"optional": false
@ -158,7 +167,7 @@
"author": "Johnny Broadway, Emanuil Rusev & Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "An upgraded parser based on Emanuil Rusev's Parsedown Extra PHP library (https:\/\/github.com\/erusev\/parsedown-extra), which is licensed MIT. Also uses a modified Slimdown engine by Johnny Broadway in order to add support for internal links etc. Please be careful, as this module adds a _ton_ of weight to your installation.",
"id": "parser-parsedown",
"lastupdate": 1443968417,
"lastupdate": 1445170746,
"optional": true
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
"name" => "Uploader",
"version" => "0.1",
"author" => "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description" => "Adds the ability to upload files to Pepperminty Wiki. Uploaded files act as pages and have the special 'File:' prefix.",
"id" => "feature-upload",
"code" => function() {
add_action("upload", function() {
global $settings, $env, $pageindex;
case "GET":
// Send upload page
exit(page_renderer::render("Upload Disabled - $setting->sitename", "<p>You can't upload anything at the moment because $settings->sitename has uploads disabled. Try contacting " . $settings->admindetails["name"] . ", your site Administrator. <a href='javascript:history.back();'>Go back</a>.</p>"));
exit(page_renderer::render("Upload Error - $settings->sitename", "<p>You are not currently logged in, so you can't upload anything.</p>
<p>Try <a href='?action=login&returnto=" . rawurlencode("?action=upload") . "'>logging in</a> first.</p>"));
exit(page_renderer::render("Upload - $settings->sitename", "<p>Select an image below, and then type a name for it in the box. This server currently supports uploads up to " . get_max_upload_size() . " in size.</p>
<p>$settings->sitename currently supports uploading of the following file types: " . implode(", ", $settings->upload_allowed_file_types) . ".</p>
<form method='post' action='?action=upload' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
<label for='file'>Select a file to upload.</label>
<input type='file' name='file' />
<br />
<label for='name'>Name:</label>
<input type='text' name='name' />
<br />
<label for='description'>Description:</label>
<textarea name='description'></textarea>
<br />
<input type='submit' value='Upload' />
case "POST":
// Recieve file
// Make sure uploads are enabled
exit(page_renderer::render("Upload failed - $settings->sitename", "<p>Your upload couldn't be processed because uploads are currently disabled on $settings->sitename. <a href='index.php'>Go back to the main page</a>.</p>"));
// Make sure that the user is logged in
exit(page_renderer::render("Upload failed - $settings->sitename", "<p>Your upload couldn't be processed because you are not logged in.</p><p>Try <a href='?action=login&returnto=" . rawurlencode("?action=upload") . "'>logging in</a> first."));
// Calculate the target ename, removing any characters we
// are unsure about.
$target_name = makepathsafe($_POST["name"]);
$temp_filename = $_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"];
$mimechecker = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
$mime_type = finfo_file($mimechecker, $temp_filename);
// Perform appropriate checks based on the *real* filetype
switch(substr($mime_type, 0, strpos($mime_type, "/")))
case "image":
$extra_data = [];
$imagesize = getimagesize($temp_filename, $extra_data);
// Make sure that the image size is defined
if(!is_int($imagesize[0]) or !is_int($imagesize[1]))
exit(page_renderer::render("Upload Error - $settings->sitename", "<p>The file that you uploaded doesn't appear to be an image. $settings->sitename currently only supports uploading images (videos coming soon). <a href='?action=upload'>Go back to try again</a>.</p>"));
case "video":
exit(page_renderer::render("Upload Error - $settings->sitename", "<p>You uploaded a video, but $settings->sitename doesn't support them yet. Please try again later.</p>"));
exit(page_renderer::render("Upload Error - $settings->sitename", "<p>You uploaded an unnknown file type which couldn't be processed. $settings->sitename thinks that the file you uploaded was a(n) '$mime_type', which isn't supported.</p>"));
$file_extension = system_mime_type_extension($mime_type);
$new_filename = "Files/$target_name.$file_extension";
$new_description_filename = "$new_filename.md";
exit(page_renderer::render("Upload Error - $settings->sitename", "<p>A page or file has already been uploaded with the name '$new_filename'. Try deleting it first. If you do not have permission to delete things, try contacting one of the moderators.</p>"));
mkdir("Files", 0664);
if(!move_uploaded_file($temp_filename, $new_filename))
exit(page_renderer::render("Upload Error - $settings->sitename", "<p>The file you uploaded was valid, but $settings->sitename couldn't verify that it was tampered with during the upload process. This probably means that $settings->sitename has been attacked. Please contact " . $settings->admindetails . ", your $settings->sitename Administrator.</p>"));
file_put_contents($new_description_filename, $_POST["description"]);
$description = $_POST["description"];
$description = htmlentities($description, ENT_QUOTES);
file_put_contents($new_description_filename, $description);
// Construct a new entry for the pageindex
$entry = new stdClass();
// Point to the description's filepath since this property
// should point to a markdown file
$entry->filename = $new_description_filename;
$entry->size = strlen($description);
$entry->lastmodified = time();
$entry->lasteditor = $env->user;
$entry->uploadedfile = true;
$entry->uploadedfilepath = $new_filename;
$entry->uploadedfilemime = $mime_type;
// Add the new entry to the pageindex
// Assign the new entry to the image's filepath as that
// should be the page name.
$pageindex->$new_filename = $entry;
// Save the pageindex
file_put_contents("pageindex.json", json_encode($pageindex, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
header("location: ?action=view&page=$new_filename&upload=success");
add_action("preview", function() {
global $settings, $env, $pageindex;
$filepath = $pageindex->{$env->page}->uploadedfilepath;
$mime_type = $pageindex->{$env->page}->uploadedfilemime;
switch(substr($mime_type, 0, strpos($mime_type, "/")))
case "image":
$preview = false;
case "image/jpeg":
$preview = imagecreatefromjpeg($filepath);
case "image/gif":
$preview = imagecreatefromgif($filepath);
case "image/png":
$preview = imagecreatefrompng($filepath);
case "image/webp":
$preview = imagecreatefromwebp($filepath);
$preview = errorimage("Unsupported image type.");
$aspect_ratio = imagesx($preview) / imagesy($preview);
$target_width = intval($_GET["size"]);
if($target_width < $settings->min_preview_size)
$target_width = $settings->min_preview_size;
if($target_width > $settings->max_preview_size)
$target_width = $settings->max_preview_size;
$target_height = $target_width;
// Todo Scale image to fit inside size.
// todo render a preview here
* size (image outputs only, possibly width / height)
* 1-2048 (configurable)
* filetype
* either a mime type or 'native'
page_renderer::register_part_preprocessor(function(&$parts) {
// Todo add the preview to the top o fthe page here, but onyl if the current action is view and we are on a page prefixed with file:
//// Pair of functions to calculate the actual maximum upload size supported by the server
//// Lifted from Drupal by @meustrus from Stackoverflow. Link to answer:
//// http://stackoverflow.com/a/25370978/1460422
// Returns a file size limit in bytes based on the PHP upload_max_filesize
// and post_max_size
function get_max_upload_size()
static $max_size = -1;
if ($max_size < 0) {
// Start with post_max_size.
$max_size = parse_size(ini_get('post_max_size'));
// If upload_max_size is less, then reduce. Except if upload_max_size is
// zero, which indicates no limit.
$upload_max = parse_size(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'));
if ($upload_max > 0 && $upload_max < $max_size) {
$max_size = $upload_max;
return $max_size;
function parse_size($size) {
$unit = preg_replace('/[^bkmgtpezy]/i', '', $size); // Remove the non-unit characters from the size.
$size = preg_replace('/[^0-9\.]/', '', $size); // Remove the non-numeric characters from the size.
if ($unit) {
// Find the position of the unit in the ordered string which is the power of magnitude to multiply a kilobyte by.
return round($size * pow(1024, stripos('bkmgtpezy', $unit[0])));
} else {
return round($size);
function errorimage($text)
$width = 640;
$height = 480;
$image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
imagefill($image, 0, 0, imagecolorallocate($image, 238, 232, 242)); // Set the background to #eee8f2
$fontwidth = imagefontwidth(3);
imagetext($image, 3,
($width / 2) - (($fontwidth * strlen($text)) / 2),
($height / 2) - (imagefontheight(3) / 2),
imagecolorallocate($image, 17, 17, 17) // #111111
return $image;
@ -171,6 +171,29 @@ $settings->footer_message = "All content is under <a href='?page=License' target
// page. May contain HTML.
$settings->editing_message = "By submitting your edit, you are agreeing to release your changes under <a href='?action=view&page=License' target='_blank'>this license</a>. Also note that if you don't want your work to be edited by other users of this site, please don't submit it here!";
// Whether to allow image uploads to the server. Currently disabled temporarily
// for security reasons while I finish writing the file uploader.
$settings->upload_enabled = true;
// An array of mime types that are allowed to be uploaded.
$settings->upload_allowed_file_types = [
// The location of a file that maps mime types onto file extensions and vice
// versa. Used to generate the file extension for an uploaded file. Set to the
// default location of the mime.types file on Linux. If you aren't using linux,
// download this pastebin and point this setting at it instead:
// http://pastebin.com/mjM3zKjz
$settings->mime_extension_mappings_location = "/etc/mime.types";
// The minimum and maximum sizes of generated preview images in pixels.
$settings->min_preview_size = 1;
$settings->max_preview_size = 2048;
// A string of css to include. Will be included in the <head> of every page
// inside a <style> tag. This may also be a url - urls will be referenced via a
// <link rel='stylesheet' /> tag.
Reference in a new issue