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mirror of https://github.com/sbrl/Pepperminty-Wiki.git synced 2025-03-21 18:04:57 +00:00

Roll back first-run changes, as they're now in a branch.

This commit is contained in:
Starbeamrainbowlabs 2017-11-13 19:13:46 +00:00
parent 49857ac2f4
commit 7bbd2f3328
2 changed files with 0 additions and 146 deletions

View file

@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
"name" => "First Run Interface",
"version" => "0.1",
"author" => "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description" => "Provides the first-run interface some thigns might be a be skew-whiff if you don't go through the first-run interface, but if you know what you're doing you shouldn't need this module. Currently in development.",
"id" => "action-first-run",
"optional" => true,
"code" => function() {
global $settings;
// Force the user to the first-run interface
$env->action = "first-run";
* @api {get} ?action=first-run Show the first-run interface
* @apiName Hash
* @apiGroup Utility
* @apiPermission Anonymous
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add_action("first-run", function() {
global $settings, $paths;
$stage = intval($_GET["stage"] ?? 0);
$stage_count = 4; // The number of setup stages
switch($stage) {
case 0:
$peppermint_config_url = dirname(full_url()) . "/peppermint.json";
$config_checker = curl_init($peppermint_config_url);
curl_setopt($config_checker, CURL_HEADER, true);
curl_setopt($config_checker, CURL_NOBODY, true);
curl_setopt($config_checker, CURL_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($config_checker, CURL_TIMEOUT, 5);
$peppermint_config_returnstatus = intval(curl_getinfo($config_checker, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE));
if($peppermint_config_returnstatus >= 200 &&
$peppermint_config_returnstatus < 300) {
if(!rename($paths->settings_file, "$paths->settings_file.compromised")) {
exit(page_renderer::render_minimal("Configuration Error - Pepperminty Wiki", "<h1>0: Configuration Error</h1>
<p>Welcome to Pepperminty Wiki! Unforutnately, your setup doesn't appear to be quite right, as not only is your new <code>peppermint.json</code> configuration file exposed to the internet (causing your site's secret to be divulged), but Pepperminty Wiki doesn't appear to have write access to rename it either.</p>
<p>You might need to check the permissions on the directory you've copied Pepperminty Wiki to.</p>
<p>Once you've fixed these issues, simply delete the created <code>peppermint.json</code> file and reload this page.</p>"));
exit(page_renderer::render_minimal("Security Error - Pepperminty Wiki", "<h1>0: Security Error</h1>
<p>Welcome to Pepperminty Wiki! Unforutnately, your setup doesn't appear to be quite right, as your the new <code>peppermint.json</code> configuration file for your brand-new Pepperminty Wiki instance appears to be accessible from the internet. This means that anyone could get a hold of your site secret and password hashes! To protect your installation, it's been moved to <code>peppermint.json.compromised</code> - and you'll need to delete (or move it) out of the way to continue.</p>
<p>Please block access from the internet to this file - Pepperminty Wiki reads it directly from disk.</p>"));
$content = "<h1>0: Begin!</h1>";
$content .= "<p>Welcome to Pepperminty Wiki! This page is a first-run page that will be shown just this once (if you want to access it again, visit the <code>first-run</code> action), and will guide you through the setup of your new Pepperminty Wiki instance.</p>
<p>To get started, enter the site secret into the box below to prove that you own the site. It was can found in the <code>peppermint.json</code> file that Pepperminty Wiki has just created, under the name <code>secret</code>.</p>
<p>Security check: &#10004; - <code>peppermint.json</code> doesn't appear to be accessible form the internet (though it doesn't hurt to check yourself)</p>
<form method='POST' action='?action=first-run&stage=1'>
<label for='secret'>Site Secret:</label>
<input type='text' id='secret' name='secret' placeholder='e.g. 170cc5fdef9075a0d9510e3' />
<input type='submit' value='Continue &raquo;' />
case 1:
if(empty($_POST["secret"]) || $_POST["secret"] !== $settings->secret)
exit(page_renderer::render_main("Error - Setup - Pepperminty Wiki", "<p>That site secret doesn't appear to match what's stored in <code>pepperminty.json</code>. <a href='?action=first-run&stage=0'>Go back</a>.</p>"));
$content .= "<h1>1: Get Ready!</h1>
<p>Cool! Now that we've got you verified, let's get started! Fill out the form below to start to customise your Pepperminty Wiki instance.</p>
<form method='POST' action='?action=first-run&stage=2'>
<label><h3>Wiki name:</h3></label>
<p>The name of your wiki.</p>
<input type='text' id='sitename' name='sitename' value='e.g. CrossCode Wiki' />
<h3>Administrator Account</h3>
<p>It's time to create your very first account! This account is special - it's your administrator account (you can promote more users to be administrators by editing <code>peppermint.json</code> after completing this setup). The username must not contain spaces - they'll be stripped out if you include them!</p>
<label for='admin-username'>Username:</label>
<input type='text' id='admin-username' name='admin-username' placeholder='e.g. jebediah' />
<p>Your email address. Users will be invited to contact you with this address if they experience issues.</p>
<label for='admin-email'>Email address:</label>
<input type='email' id='admin-email' name='admin-email' />
<p>The password for your new account. Make sure it's secure!</p>
<label for='password'>Password:</label>
<input type='password' id='password' name='password' />
<br />
<label for='password-repeat'>Repeat Password:</label>
<input type='password' id='password-repeat' name='password-repeat' />
<br />
<input type='submit' value='Continue &raquo;' />
case 2:
if($_GET["password"] !== $_GET["password-repeat"])
exit(page_renderer::render_minimal("Password mismatch - Pepperminty Wiki", "<p>Those passwords don't seem to match! <a href='?action=first-run&stage=0'>Go back</a>.</p>"));
$admin_username = $_GET["admin-username"];
$admin_email = $_GET["admin-email"];
// Set the sitename
$settings->sitename = $_GET["sitename"];
// Set the admin details
$settings->admindetails_name = $admin_username;
$settings->admindetails_email = $admin_email;
// Setup a new users table
$settings->users = [
$admin_username => [
"email" => $admin_email,
"password" => hash_password($_GET["password"])
// Save the new settings
file_put_contents($paths->settings_file, json_encode($settings, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
$content .= "<p>Brilliant! You're practically all set. There's just some small step to complete though: Pepperminty Wiki needs to download a few resources from the internet. To do this, Pepperminty Wiki will need access to the following domains:</p>";
$content .= "<p>If you're not sure what this means, then the server $settings->sitename is running on is probably already configured correctly.</p>";
exit(page_renderer::render_minimal("Setup [ $stage / $stage_count ] - $settings->sitename", $content));

View file

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
"defaultpage": {"type": "text", "description": "The name of the page that will act as the home page for the wiki. This page will be served if you don't specify a page.", "default": "Main Page"},
"admindetails_name": {"type": "text", "description": "Your name as the wiki administrator.", "default": "Administrator"},
"admindetails_email": {"type": "email", "description": "Your email address as the wiki administrator. Will be displayed as a support contact address.", "default": "admin@localhost"},
"setup_complete": {"type": "checkbox", "description": "Whether the first-run tutorial has been completed or not.", "default": false}
"favicon": {"type": "url", "description": "A url that points to the favicon you want to use for your wiki. By default this is set to a data: url of a Peppermint (Credit: by bluefrog23, source: https://openclipart.org/detail/19571/peppermint-candy-by-bluefrog23)", "default": ""},
"logo_url": {"type": "url", "description": "A url that points to the site's logo. Leave blank to disable. When enabled the logo will be inserted next to the site name on every page.", "default": "//starbeamrainbowlabs.com/images/logos/peppermint.png"},
"logo_position": {"type": "text", "description": "The side of the site name at which the logo should be placed.", "default": "left"},