mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 08:14:54 +00:00
Moved history logic to core & tied it in with $env.
Also fixed a few bugs in view & upgraded the display mode.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 139 additions and 103 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,14 @@
data# Changelog
# Changelog
## v0.13-dev
### Changed
- Overhauled internal history logic - history logic is now done in core.
- Added `$env->page_filename`, which points to the current page on disk.
- Changed the way different display modes are accessed. You can now use the new `mode` parameter to the `view` action. It supports 4 different modes at present: `normal`, `printable`, `contentonly`, and `parsedsourceonly`.
### Fixed
- Fxed huge issue with `contentonly` display mode.
## v0.12.1-dev
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ $guiConfig = <<<'GUICONFIG'
"nav_links_bottom": {"type": "text", "description": "An array of links in the above format that will be shown at the bottom of the page.", "default": [
"🖶 Printable version",
@ -313,6 +313,11 @@ $version = "v0.12.1-dev";
$env = new stdClass();
$env->action = $settings->defaultaction;
$env->page = "";
$env->page_filename = "";
$env->is_history_revision = false;
$env->history = new stdClass();
$env->history->revision_number = -1;
$env->history->revision_data = false;
$env->user = "Anonymous";
$env->is_logged_in = false;
$env->is_admin = false;
@ -329,7 +334,7 @@ foreach ($paths as &$path) {
$path = $env->storage_prefix . $path;
$paths->upload_file_prefix = "Files/"; // The prefix to append to uploaded files
$paths->upload_file_prefix = "Files/"; // The prefix to add to uploaded files
///////// Login System /////////
@ -1010,9 +1015,6 @@ if(makepathsafe($_GET["page"]) !== $_GET["page"])
// Finish setting up the environment object
$env->page = $_GET["page"];
$env->action = strtolower($_GET["action"]);
@ -1311,6 +1313,33 @@ class page_renderer
/// Finish setting up the environment object ///
$env->page = $_GET["page"];
if(isset($_GET["revision"]) and is_numeric($_GET["revision"]))
// We have a revision number!
$env->is_history_revision = true;
$env->history->revision_number = intval($_GET["revision"]);
$env->history->revision_data = $pageindex->{$env->page}->history[$revisionNumber];
// Make sure that the revision exists for later on
exit(page_renderer::render_main("404: Revision Not Found - $env->page - $settings->sitename", "<p>Revision #{$env->history->revision_number} of $env->page doesn't appear to exist. Try viewing the <a href='?action=history&page=" . rawurlencode($env->page) . "'>list of revisions for $env->page</a>, or viewing <a href='?page=" . rawurlencode($env->page) . "'>the latest revision</a> instead.</p>"));
// Construct the page's filename
$env->page_filename = $env->storage_prefix;
$env->page_filename .= $pageindex->{$env->page}->history[$env->history->revision_number]->filename;
$env->page_filename .= $pageindex->{$env->page}->filename;
$env->action = strtolower($_GET["action"]);
///// Extra consistency measures /////
@ -2161,7 +2190,7 @@ register_module([
* @api {get} ?action=idindex-show Show the id index.
* @api {get} ?action=idindex-show Show the id index
* @apiDescription Outputs the id index. Useful if you need to verify that it's working as expected.
* @apiName SearchShowIdIndex
* @apiGroup Search
@ -4673,7 +4702,7 @@ register_module([
* @apiUse PageParameter
* @apiParam {number} revision The revision number to display.
* @apiParam {string} printable Set to 'yes' to get a printable version of the specified page instead.
* @apiParam {string} mode Optional. The display mode to use. Can hld the following values: 'normal' - The default. Sends a normal page. 'printable' - Sends a printable version of the page. 'contentonly' - Sends only the content of the page, not the extra stuff around it. 'parsedsourceonly' - Sends only the raw rendered source of the page, as it appears just after it has come out of the page parser. Useful for writing external tools (see also the `raw` action).
* @apiError NonExistentPageError The page doesn't exist and editing is disabled in the wiki's settings. If editing isn't disabled, you will be redirected to the edit page instead.
* @apiError NonExistentRevisionError The specified revision was not found.
@ -4743,51 +4772,26 @@ register_module([
$isHistoryRevision = false;
if(isset($_GET["revision"]) and is_numeric($_GET["revision"]))
// We have a revision number!
$isHistoryRevision = true;
$revisionNumber = intval($_GET["revision"]);
$revisionData = $pageindex->{$env->page}->history[$revisionNumber];
// Make sure that the revision exists for later on
exit(page_renderer::render_main("404: Revision Not Found - $env->page - $settings->sitename", "<p>Revision #$revisionNumer of $env->page doesn't appear to exist. Try viewing the <a href='?action=history&page=" . rawurlencode($env->page) . "'>list of revisions for $env->page</a>, or viewing <a href='?page=" . rawurlencode($env->page) . "'>the latest revision</a> instead.</p>"));
$title = "$env->page - $settings->sitename";
if(isset($pageindex->$page->protect) && $pageindex->$page->protect === true)
$title = $settings->protectedpagechar . $title;
$content = "";
$content .= "<h1>$env->page</h1>\n";
$content .= "<h1>Revision #$revisionNumber of $env->page</h1>\n";
$content .= "<p class='revision-note'><em>(Revision saved by $revisionData->editor " . render_timestamp($revisionData->timestamp) . ". <a href='?page=" . rawurlencode($env->page) . "'>Jump to the current revision</a> or see a <a href='?action=history&page=" . rawurlencode($env->page) . "'>list of all revisions</a> for this page.)</em></p>\n";
$content .= "<h1>Revision #{$env->history->revision_number} of $env->page</h1>\n";
$content .= "<p class='revision-note'><em>(Revision saved by $revisionData->editor " . render_timestamp($env->history->revision_data->timestamp) . ". <a href='?page=" . rawurlencode($env->page) . "'>Jump to the current revision</a> or see a <a href='?action=history&page=" . rawurlencode($env->page) . "'>list of all revisions</a> for this page.)</em></p>\n";
// Add an extra message if the requester was redirected from another page
$content .= "<p><em>Redirected from <a href='?page=" . rawurlencode($_GET["redirected_from"]) . "&redirect=no'>" . $_GET["redirected_from"] . "</a>.</em></p>";
// Construct the filename
$pageFilename = "$env->storage_prefix";
$pageFilename .= $pageindex->{$env->page}->history[$revisionNumber]->filename;
$pageFilename .= $pageindex->{$env->page}->filename;
$parsing_start = microtime(true);
$content .= parse_page_source(file_get_contents($pageFilename));
$rawRenderedSource = parse_page_source(file_get_contents($env->page_filename));
$content .= $rawRenderedSource;
@ -4831,15 +4835,24 @@ register_module([
time() - $pageindex->{$env->page}->lastmodified < $settings->delayed_indexing_time)
header("x-robots-tag: noindex");
// Content only mode: Send only the raw rendered page
if(isset($_GET["contentonly"]) and $_GET["contentonly"] === "yes")
// Printable: Sends a printable version of the page
if(isset($_GET["printable"]) and $_GET["printable"] === "yes")
exit(page_renderer::render_minimal($title, $content));
// Normal page
$settings->footer_message = "Last edited at " . date('h:ia T \o\n j F Y', $pageindex->{$env->page}->lastmodified) . ".</p>\n<p>"; // Add the last edited time to the footer
exit(page_renderer::render_main($title, $content));
case "contentonly":
// Content only mode: Send only the content of the page
case "parsedsourceonly":
// Parsed source only mode: Send only the raw rendered source
case "printable":
// Printable mode: Sends a printable version of the page
exit(page_renderer::render_minimal($title, $content));
case "normal":
// Normal mode: Send a normal page
exit(page_renderer::render_main($title, $content));
@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ $version = "{version}";
$env = new stdClass();
$env->action = $settings->defaultaction;
$env->page = "";
$env->page_filename = "";
$env->is_history_revision = false;
$env->history = new stdClass();
$env->history->revision_number = -1;
$env->history->revision_data = false;
$env->user = "Anonymous";
$env->is_logged_in = false;
$env->is_admin = false;
@ -28,7 +33,7 @@ foreach ($paths as &$path) {
$path = $env->storage_prefix . $path;
$paths->upload_file_prefix = "Files/"; // The prefix to append to uploaded files
$paths->upload_file_prefix = "Files/"; // The prefix to add to uploaded files
///////// Login System /////////
@ -709,9 +714,6 @@ if(makepathsafe($_GET["page"]) !== $_GET["page"])
// Finish setting up the environment object
$env->page = $_GET["page"];
$env->action = strtolower($_GET["action"]);
@ -1010,6 +1012,33 @@ class page_renderer
/// Finish setting up the environment object ///
$env->page = $_GET["page"];
if(isset($_GET["revision"]) and is_numeric($_GET["revision"]))
// We have a revision number!
$env->is_history_revision = true;
$env->history->revision_number = intval($_GET["revision"]);
$env->history->revision_data = $pageindex->{$env->page}->history[$revisionNumber];
// Make sure that the revision exists for later on
exit(page_renderer::render_main("404: Revision Not Found - $env->page - $settings->sitename", "<p>Revision #{$env->history->revision_number} of $env->page doesn't appear to exist. Try viewing the <a href='?action=history&page=" . rawurlencode($env->page) . "'>list of revisions for $env->page</a>, or viewing <a href='?page=" . rawurlencode($env->page) . "'>the latest revision</a> instead.</p>"));
// Construct the page's filename
$env->page_filename = $env->storage_prefix;
$env->page_filename .= $pageindex->{$env->page}->history[$env->history->revision_number]->filename;
$env->page_filename .= $pageindex->{$env->page}->filename;
$env->action = strtolower($_GET["action"]);
///// Extra consistency measures /////
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Adds recent changes. Access through the 'recent-changes' action.",
"id": "feature-recent-changes",
"lastupdate": 1465757910,
"lastupdate": 1476809773,
"optional": false
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Adds proper search functionality to Pepperminty Wiki using an inverted index to provide a full text search engine. If pages don't show up, then you might have hit a stop word. If not, try requesting the `invindex-rebuild` action to rebuild the inverted index from scratch.",
"id": "feature-search",
"lastupdate": 1472229999,
"lastupdate": 1476809773,
"optional": false
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Adds the ability to upload files to Pepperminty Wiki. Uploaded files act as pages and have the special 'File\/' prefix.",
"id": "feature-upload",
"lastupdate": 1471884345,
"lastupdate": 1476809773,
"optional": false
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Adds the credits page. You *must* have this module :D",
"id": "page-credits",
"lastupdate": 1471632910,
"lastupdate": 1472230366,
"optional": false
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Allows you to edit pages by adding the edit and save actions. You should probably include this one.",
"id": "page-edit",
"lastupdate": 1471809336,
"lastupdate": 1476809773,
"optional": false
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Adds a page that you can use to export your wiki as a .zip file. Uses $settings->export_only_allow_admins, which controls whether only admins are allowed to export the wiki.",
"id": "page-export",
"lastupdate": 1466582751,
"lastupdate": 1472230366,
"optional": false
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Adds a rather useful help page. Access through the 'help' action. This module also exposes help content added to Pepperminty Wiki's inbuilt invisible help section system.",
"id": "page-help",
"lastupdate": 1471697534,
"lastupdate": 1472230366,
"optional": false
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Adds a page that lists all the pages in the index along with their metadata.",
"id": "page-list",
"lastupdate": 1471633011,
"lastupdate": 1472230366,
"optional": false
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Adds a pair of actions (login and checklogin) that allow users to login. You need this one if you want your users to be able to login.",
"id": "page-login",
"lastupdate": 1472061908,
"lastupdate": 1472230366,
"optional": false
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Adds an action to allow administrators to move pages.",
"id": "page-move",
"lastupdate": 1471632807,
"lastupdate": 1476809773,
"optional": false
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
"author": "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "Allows you to view pages. You really should include this one.",
"id": "page-view",
"lastupdate": 1471784271,
"lastupdate": 1476811748,
"optional": false
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
"author": "Emanuil Rusev & Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description": "An upgraded (now default!) parser based on Emanuil Rusev's Parsedown Extra PHP library (https:\/\/github.com\/erusev\/parsedown-extra), which is licensed MIT. Please be careful, as this module adds some weight to your installation, and also *requires* write access to the disk on first load.",
"id": "parser-parsedown",
"lastupdate": 1471954922,
"lastupdate": 1476809773,
"optional": false
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"name" => "Page viewer",
"version" => "0.15",
"version" => "0.16",
"author" => "Starbeamrainbowlabs",
"description" => "Allows you to view pages. You really should include this one.",
"id" => "page-view",
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ register_module([
* @apiUse PageParameter
* @apiParam {number} revision The revision number to display.
* @apiParam {string} printable Set to 'yes' to get a printable version of the specified page instead.
* @apiParam {string} mode Optional. The display mode to use. Can hld the following values: 'normal' - The default. Sends a normal page. 'printable' - Sends a printable version of the page. 'contentonly' - Sends only the content of the page, not the extra stuff around it. 'parsedsourceonly' - Sends only the raw rendered source of the page, as it appears just after it has come out of the page parser. Useful for writing external tools (see also the `raw` action).
* @apiError NonExistentPageError The page doesn't exist and editing is disabled in the wiki's settings. If editing isn't disabled, you will be redirected to the edit page instead.
* @apiError NonExistentRevisionError The specified revision was not found.
@ -84,51 +84,26 @@ register_module([
$isHistoryRevision = false;
if(isset($_GET["revision"]) and is_numeric($_GET["revision"]))
// We have a revision number!
$isHistoryRevision = true;
$revisionNumber = intval($_GET["revision"]);
$revisionData = $pageindex->{$env->page}->history[$revisionNumber];
// Make sure that the revision exists for later on
exit(page_renderer::render_main("404: Revision Not Found - $env->page - $settings->sitename", "<p>Revision #$revisionNumer of $env->page doesn't appear to exist. Try viewing the <a href='?action=history&page=" . rawurlencode($env->page) . "'>list of revisions for $env->page</a>, or viewing <a href='?page=" . rawurlencode($env->page) . "'>the latest revision</a> instead.</p>"));
$title = "$env->page - $settings->sitename";
if(isset($pageindex->$page->protect) && $pageindex->$page->protect === true)
$title = $settings->protectedpagechar . $title;
$content = "";
$content .= "<h1>$env->page</h1>\n";
$content .= "<h1>Revision #$revisionNumber of $env->page</h1>\n";
$content .= "<p class='revision-note'><em>(Revision saved by $revisionData->editor " . render_timestamp($revisionData->timestamp) . ". <a href='?page=" . rawurlencode($env->page) . "'>Jump to the current revision</a> or see a <a href='?action=history&page=" . rawurlencode($env->page) . "'>list of all revisions</a> for this page.)</em></p>\n";
$content .= "<h1>Revision #{$env->history->revision_number} of $env->page</h1>\n";
$content .= "<p class='revision-note'><em>(Revision saved by $revisionData->editor " . render_timestamp($env->history->revision_data->timestamp) . ". <a href='?page=" . rawurlencode($env->page) . "'>Jump to the current revision</a> or see a <a href='?action=history&page=" . rawurlencode($env->page) . "'>list of all revisions</a> for this page.)</em></p>\n";
// Add an extra message if the requester was redirected from another page
$content .= "<p><em>Redirected from <a href='?page=" . rawurlencode($_GET["redirected_from"]) . "&redirect=no'>" . $_GET["redirected_from"] . "</a>.</em></p>";
// Construct the filename
$pageFilename = "$env->storage_prefix";
$pageFilename .= $pageindex->{$env->page}->history[$revisionNumber]->filename;
$pageFilename .= $pageindex->{$env->page}->filename;
$parsing_start = microtime(true);
$content .= parse_page_source(file_get_contents($pageFilename));
$rawRenderedSource = parse_page_source(file_get_contents($env->page_filename));
$content .= $rawRenderedSource;
@ -172,15 +147,24 @@ register_module([
time() - $pageindex->{$env->page}->lastmodified < $settings->delayed_indexing_time)
header("x-robots-tag: noindex");
// Content only mode: Send only the raw rendered page
if(isset($_GET["contentonly"]) and $_GET["contentonly"] === "yes")
// Printable: Sends a printable version of the page
if(isset($_GET["printable"]) and $_GET["printable"] === "yes")
exit(page_renderer::render_minimal($title, $content));
// Normal page
$settings->footer_message = "Last edited at " . date('h:ia T \o\n j F Y', $pageindex->{$env->page}->lastmodified) . ".</p>\n<p>"; // Add the last edited time to the footer
exit(page_renderer::render_main($title, $content));
case "contentonly":
// Content only mode: Send only the content of the page
case "parsedsourceonly":
// Parsed source only mode: Send only the raw rendered source
case "printable":
// Printable mode: Sends a printable version of the page
exit(page_renderer::render_minimal($title, $content));
case "normal":
// Normal mode: Send a normal page
exit(page_renderer::render_main($title, $content));
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
"nav_links_bottom": {"type": "text", "description": "An array of links in the above format that will be shown at the bottom of the page.", "default": [
"🖶 Printable version",
Reference in a new issue