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2D erosion algorithm based on snowballs
Note that this *mutates* the given heightmap.
@source https://jobtalle.com/simulating_hydraulic_erosion.html
function worldeditadditions.erode.snowballs(heightmap, heightmap_size, params)
-- Apply the default settings
rate_deposit = 0.03,
rate_erosion = 0.04,
friction = 0.07,
speed = 0.15,
radius = 0.8,
snowball_max_steps = 80,
scale_iterations = 0.04,
drops_per_cell = 0.4,
snowball_count = 50000
}, params)
local normals = worldeditadditions.calculate_normals(heightmap, heightmap_size)
for i = 1, params.snowball_count do
heightmap, normals, heightmap_size,
{ x = math.random() }
local function snowball(heightmap, normalmap, heightmap_size, startpos, params)
local offset = { -- Random jitter - apparently helps to avoid snowballs from entrenching too much
x = (math.random() * 2 - 1) * params.radius,
z = (math.random() * 2 - 1) * params.radius
local sediment = 0
local pos = { x = startpos.x, z = startpos.z }
local pos_prev = { x = pos.x, z = pos.z }
local velocity = { x = 0, z = 0 }
local heightmap_length = #heightmap
for i = 1, params.snowball_max_steps do
local hi = math.floor(pos.z+offset.z+0.5)*heightmap_size[1] + math.floor(pos.x+offset.x+0.5)
if hi > heightmap_length then break end
-- Stop if we go out of bounds
if offset.x < 0 or offset.z < 0
or offset.x >= heightmap[1] or offset.z >= heightmap[0] then
local step_deposit = sediment * params.rate_deposit * normalmap[hi].z
local step_erode = params.rate_erosion * (1 - normalmap[hi].z) * math.min(1, i*params.scale_iterations)
-- Erode / Deposit, but only if we are on a different node than we were in the last step
if math.floor(pos_prev.x) ~= math.floor(pos.x)
and math.floor(pos_prev.z) ~= math.floor(pos.z) then
heightmap[hi] = heightmap[hi] + (deposit - erosion)
velocity.x = params.friction * velocity.x + normalmap[hi].x * params.speed
velocity.z = params.friction * velocity.z + normalmap[hi].y * params.speed
pos_prev.x = pos.x
pos_prev.z = pos.z
pos.x = pos.x + velocity.x
pos.z = pos.z + velocity.z
-- Round everything to the nearest int, since you can't really have
-- something like .141592671 of a node
for i,v in ipairs(heightmap) do
heightmap[i] = math.floor(heightmap[i] + 0.5)