--- Scales the defined region down by the given scale factor in the given directions.
-- @param pos1 Vector Position 1 of the defined region,
-- @param pos2 Vector Position 2 of the defined region.
-- @param scale Vector The scale factor - as a vector - by which to scale down.
-- @param direction Vector The direction to scale in - as a vector. e.g. { x = -1, y = 1, z = -1 } would mean scale in the negative x, positive y, and nevative z directions.
-- @return boolean, string|table Whether the operation was successful or not. If not, then an error messagea as a string is also passed. If it was, then a statistics object is returned instead.
returnfalse,"Error: Scale factor vectors may not mix values -1 < factor < 1 and (1 < factor or factor < -1) - in other words, you can't scale both up and down at the same time (try worldeditadditions.scale, which automatically applies such scale factor vectors as 2 successive operations)"
returnfalse,"Error: One of the components of the direction vector was 0 (direction components should either be greater than or less than 0 to indicate the direction to scale in.)"