# systemquery protocol This document details the protocol implemented by systemquery. The protocol has multiple layers to it - these are documented each in their own sections: 1. Framed transport 2. Encryption 3. JSON messages - Also handles key exchange The protocol aims to have the following properties: - It's peer-to-peer - It's decentralised (i.e. there's no leading peer) - This may change in the future if there's a need for a leading peer - It follows existing established standards where possible - All communication is encrypted - In order to join, peers must know the same join secret (aka a pre-shared key) - In the future, full mesh network routing The following properties are out-of-scope: - Tolerate malicious nodes ## Framed Transport ## JSON messages JSON messages look like this: ```json { "event": "EVENT_NAME", "message": { "message_object": "here" } } ``` The following event names and their associated message objects are listed below: ### Event `query` The sender requests a table from the receiver. Properties: - **string `name`:** The name of the table being requested. ### Event `query-response` The send response to the receiver's earlier `query` message. Properties: - **string `name`:** The name of the table. - **object `table`:** The requested table.