"use strict"; import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import { once, EventEmitter } from 'events'; import log from './io/NamespacedLog.mjs'; const l = log("systemquery"); import ItemQueue from './async/ItemQueue.mjs'; import current_git_commit from './io/current_git_commit.mjs'; import Agent from './agent/Agent.mjs'; import InfoBroker from './core/InfoBroker.mjs'; import HttpSubsystem from './agent/subsystems/http/HttpSubsystem.mjs'; const __dirname = import.meta.url.slice(7, import.meta.url.lastIndexOf("/")); class SystemQuery extends EventEmitter { /** * Returns an object representing our local information that looks and * even quacks a bit like a real Peer object, but isn't. * @return {Object} */ get peer_local() { return { id: this.agent.peer_id, id_short: (this.agent.peer_id || "").substring(0, 7), name: this.agent.peer_name, address: this.agent.local_bind_address, port: this.agent.local_port, self: true } } get listening() { return this.agent !== null ? this.agent.listening : false; } // TODO: Handle duplicate connections better by both skipping counting them here, and also implementing a more robust reaper for killing duplicate connections that always kills the newest/oldest connection to avoid issues. constructor(config, mode = "agent") { super(); // The operating mode. Possible values: agent [default], query_client // TODO: Is this the best way of doing this? Maybe we should have a separate class for this? I'm not sure. this.mode = mode; this.config = config; this.info = new InfoBroker(); this.pkg = null; this.version = null; this.commit = null; this.agent = null; this.http = new HttpSubsystem(this); } /** * Initialises the SystemQuery agent. * @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves when initialisation is complete. */ async init() { /// // 0: Preamble /// this.pkg = JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(path.join(__dirname, "../../package.json"))); this.version = this.pkg.version; this.commit = await current_git_commit(path.join(__dirname, "../../.git")); /// // 1: Create agent /// this.agent = new Agent(this.config); this.http.init( this.config.net.http.port, this.config.net.http.bind_address ); /// // 2: Attach listeners /// this.agent.on("message-query", this.handle_query.bind(this)); this.agent.on("message-query-response", this.handle_query_response.bind(this)); /// // 3: Start agent /// await this.agent.init(); } async handle_query(peer, msg) { // 1: Validate input if(typeof msg.name !== "string" || !this.info.is_valid_table(msg.name)) return; // 2: Fetch system info let table = await this.info.fetch_table(msg.name); if(table === null) return; // 3: Return to requester await peer.send("query-response", { name: msg.name, table }); } async handle_query_response(peer, msg) { l.log(`query-response from ${peer.id_short}`, msg); } async capture_query_response(event_name, ac) { return await once(this.agent, `message-${event_name}`, { signal: ac }); } /** * Fetches the table with the given name from all peers in the swarm * (including this local instance). * While this function iteratively yields tables as they are received, it * will wait until all peers respond before finally ending. * If 1 of more peers do not respond, then if no answers are received * within the time limit specified in the config object (supplied at * startup) this function will return. * @param {string} name The name of the table to fetch. * @return {AsyncGenerator} An asynchronous generator that yields the tables as they are received. */ async *fetch_table(name) { // If it isn't valid for us, it ain't gonna be valid for anyone else.... if(!this.info.is_valid_table(name)) return null; const queue = new ItemQueue(); const handle_response = (peer, msg) => { // Note that multiple fetch_table calls may be running in parallel, so we should not make too much of a fuss if we get the wrong table by accident. if(typeof msg !== "object" || typeof msg.table !== "object" || typeof msg.name !== "string") { l.debug(`Discarding invalid table from peer ${peer.id_short}`); return; } // If it's not the right table, ignore it if(msg.name !== name) return; queue.enqueue({ peer, table: msg.table }); }; this.agent.on("message-query-response", handle_response); // Only *after* we have our listeners in place do we then broadcast the // query. Note that despite not having entered the below while loop yet, // we do not drop any messages due to the use of the ItemQueue. this.agent.broadcast(`query`, { name }); // Yield our result first let table_ours = await this.info.fetch_table(name); yield { peer: this.peer_local, table: table_ours }; let peers_seen = []; while(peers_seen.length < this.agent.connected_peers.length) { // l.info(`peers_seen:`, peers_seen, `connected peers:`, this.agent.connected_peers.map(peer => peer.id)); let next = await queue.dequeue(this.config.net.table_timeout * 1000); if(typeof next === "undefined") // We timed out break; // l.log(`fetch table DEBUG`, next); if(!peers_seen.includes(next.peer.id)) peers_seen.push(next.peer.id); yield next; } this.agent.off("message-query-response", handle_response); // FUTURE: Add a cache here? Note that we also do not listen for query responses unless we've asked for a table. } } SystemQuery.Create = async function(config) { let result = new SystemQuery(config); await result.init(); return result; } export default SystemQuery;