"use strict"; import Emel from 'emel'; import { NightInk as nightink } from 'nightink'; import AbstractUIItem from './AbstractUIItem.mjs'; import peer_name from './peer_name.mjs'; class UITable extends AbstractUIItem { constructor(el, def) { super(el, def); this.emel = new Emel().emel; const preamble = `h3{${def.name}}`; let result; switch(typeof def.content) { case "string": result = this.emel(`${preamble}+table>(thead>tr>th{Peer}+th{Value})+tbody`); break; default: result = this.emel(`${preamble}+table>(thead>tr>th{Peer}+${ Object.keys(def.content).map(header => `th{${header}}`).join("+") })+tbody`); } this.el.replaceChildren(result); } clear() { super.clear(); this.el.querySelector(`tbody`).replaceChildren(); } append(peer, table) { super.append(peer, table); const el_tbody = this.el.querySelector("tbody"); let new_row = document.createElement("tr"); // TODO: Insert a for the name of the peer here new_row.appendChild(peer_name(peer)); // Note here that the comma is *important*. This is a destructuring assignment where we ignore the first value. switch(typeof this.def.content) { case "string": let cell_value = document.createElement("td"); cell_value.appendChild(document.createTextNode(nightink(this.def.content, table))); new_row.appendChild(cell_value); break; default: for(let [ , template ] of Object.entries(this.def.content)) { let table_cell = document.createElement("td"); let value = null; switch(typeof template) { case "function": value = template(table); break; case "string": value = nightink(template, table); break; } table_cell.appendChild(document.createTextNode(value)); new_row.appendChild(table_cell); } break; } new_row.dataset.peer_name = peer.name; new_row.dataset.peer_id = peer.id; const comparer = new Intl.Collator(navigator.language); // If the peer id exactly matches, replace this row instead for(let row of el_tbody.childNodes) { if(peer.id === row.dataset.peer_id) { row.before(new_row); el_tbody.removeChild(row); return; } } // Otherwise, insert it such that the list is sorted // FUTURE: Use a fanceh thingy that sorts table data? for(let row of el_tbody.childNodes) { const comp_name = comparer.compare( peer.name.toLowerCase(), row.dataset.peer_name.toLowerCase() ); const comp_id = comparer.compare(peer.id, row.dataset.peer_id); let insert_before = false; if(comp_name < 0) insert_before = true; if(!insert_before && comp_name === 0 && comp_id < 0) insert_before = true; if(insert_before) { row.before(new_row); return; } } // In the unlikely event we failed to insert it somewhere, make sure it's inserted // e.g. if this is the first row, or sorts after all existing rows el_tbody.appendChild(new_row); } } export default UITable;