--- layout: main.njk title: Pepperminty Wiki ---

Welcome to Pepperminty Wiki!

Pepperminty Wiki is a complete wiki engine contained in a single file, inspired by @am2064's Minty Wiki. It's open source too (under MPL-2.0), so contributions are welcome!

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License: MPL-2.0 Docker pulls count

A screenshot of Pepperminty Wiki
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No database Simple flat file structure that scales to millions of words and 1000s of pages, and makes for easy backups too!
Simple installation Just upload a single file to a clean directory on a PHP-enabled web server, and you're good to go!
Markdown syntax Powered by Parsedown, familiar Markdown syntax with helpful extensions can be used to format your pages.
Full-text search Find that obscure nugget of information easily with a performant full-text search engine 1!
Revision history Accidentally delete an important part of a page? No worries. Just check the page revision history. Limited only by the size of your hard drive!
File upload Upload images, videos, audio and more and embed them in your pages!
Inbuilt help page Confused on how to use a feature? The inbuilt dynamic help page is here to help! From Markdown extension syntax to redirect pages, the help page will show you the ropes.
Page lists Get an overview of the pages on your wiki with a page list. Tags are supported too, for easy logical categorisation of pages.
Threaded comments Want to discuss a page's content? Per-page threaded comments are just the thing! Email notifications are sent to users verified email addresses 2

Android App

A native android client app enables browsing and editing (new in v2.2 of the app!) your wiki at speed on your phone!

It's a work in progress, so more features will be added incrementally.

And more! Check out the full feature list for an extended list of supported features.

Don't see a feature you need? Open an issue!


Screenshot showing the dark theme and the menu off

A dark-theme comes built-in. By using the new prefers-color-scheme CSS feature, it's enabled automatically based on your browser preference.

Pepperminty Wiki is accessible for users of assistive technologies too. It should be pretty great already, but any accessibility issues should be reported by opening an issue.

Easily manage user access with the user table. Add and remove users, reset passwords, and view email addresses with ease!

Multiple wiki-wide themes are also supported - this screenshot is taken with the photo theme, which allows for customisation of the background photo.

Screenshot showing the user management page with the photo theme
Screenshot showing the recent changes page

Stay up-to-date with the latest changes to your wiki with the recent changes page. Know exactly who changed what and when.

File uploads are shown too - along with the size of the file that was uploaded.

The full-text search engine helps you to find what you're looking for - be it part of a page, or a tag.

Ninjas can use the advanced query syntax to find even the most stubborn of pages.

Screenshot showing the search page with the default theme in light mode


Download Pepperminty Wiki in the way that's best for you. Simply upload the index.php file you download to an empty directory on your PHP-enabled web server, and you're away!

If you encounter difficulties, try reading the documentation. Still having issues? Open an issue and we'll try and help you out.

Wondering what's changed recently? Check out the changelog.

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Advanced users: Get the ultimate control over the build.

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Got your copy? Now check out the getting started guide - contains complete setup instructions and system requirements.

Getting Started Guide