# mutate-a-word > Mutate a word to find a cool name! A simple webpage that iteratively mutates words based on user feedback. No compilation necessary: simply [start a web server](https://gist.github.com/willurd/5720255) and go! ## Contributing Contributions are very welcome - both issues and pull requests! Please mention in your pull request that you release your work under the MPL-2.0 (see below). If you're feeling that way inclined, I have a [Liberapay profile](https://liberapay.com/sbrl) if you'd like to donate to say an extra thank you :-) ## License mutate-a-word is released under the Mozilla Public License 2.0. The full license text is included in the `LICENSE` file in this repository. Tldr legal have a [great summary](https://tldrlegal.com/license/mozilla-public-license-2.0-(mpl-2)) of the license if you're interested.