------------------------------------- -- 3D Maze generation script ------------------------------------- -- A test by @Starbeamrainbowlabs --------------------------------------------- -- Intelligent table printing function --------------------------------------------- -- From http://coronalabs.com/blog/2014/09/02/tutorial-printing-table-contents/ function print_r ( t ) local print_r_cache = {} local function sub_print_r(t, indent) if (print_r_cache[tostring(t)]) then print(indent.."*"..tostring(t)) else print_r_cache[tostring(t)] = true if (type(t) == "table") then for pos, val in pairs(t) do if (type(val) == "table") then print(indent.."["..pos.."] => "..tostring(t).." {") sub_print_r(val, indent..string.rep(" ", string.len(pos) + 8)) print(indent..string.rep(" ", string.len(pos) + 6).."}") elseif (type(val) == "string") then print(indent.."["..pos..'] => "'..val..'"') else print(indent.."["..pos.."] => "..tostring(val)) end end else print(indent..tostring(t)) end end end if (type(t) == "table") then print(tostring(t).." {") sub_print_r(t, " ") print("}") else sub_print_r(t, " ") end print() end if arg[1] ~= nil then width = tonumber(arg[1]) else width = 35 end if arg[2] ~= nil then height = tonumber(arg[2]) else height = 15 end if arg[3] ~= nil then depth = tonumber(arg[3]) else depth = 7 end if arg[4] ~= nil then seed = tonumber(arg[4]) else seed = os.time() end ---------------------------------- -- function to print out the world ---------------------------------- function printspace(space, w, h, d) for z = 0, d - 1, 1 do for y = 0, h - 1, 1 do local line = "" for x = 0, w - 1, 1 do line = line .. space[z][y][x] end print(line) end print("") end end -- Initialise the world start_time = os.clock() function generate_maze3d(seed, width, height, depth) print("Generating maze "..width.."x"..height.."x"..depth) math.randomseed(seed) -- seed the random number generator with the system clock width = width - 1 height = height - 1 local world = {} for z = 0, depth, 1 do world[z] = {} for y = 0, height, 1 do world[z][y] = {} for x = 0, width, 1 do world[z][y][x] = "#" end end end -- do a random walk to create pathways local nodes = {} -- the nodes left that we haven't investigated local curnode = 1 -- the node we are currently operating on local cx, cy, cz = 1, 1, 1 -- our current position table.insert(nodes, { x = cx, y = cy, z = cz }) world[cz][cy][cx] = " " while #nodes > 0 do -- io.write("Nodes left: " .. curnode .. "\r") --print("Nodes left: " .. #nodes) local directions = "" -- the different directions we can move in if cz - 2 > 0 and world[cz - 2][cy][cx] == "#" then directions = directions .. "-" -- print("cz: "..cz..", cz - 2: "..(cz-2)..", here: '"..world[cz][cy][cx].."', there: '"..world[cz - 2][cy][cx].."'") end if cz + 2 < depth and world[cz + 2][cy][cx] == "#" then directions = directions .. "+" end if cy - 2 > 0 and world[cz][cy - 2][cx] == "#" then directions = directions .. "u" end if cy + 2 < height and world[cz][cy + 2][cx] == "#" then directions = directions .. "d" end if cx - 2 > 0 and world[cz][cy][cx - 2] == "#" then directions = directions .. "l" end if cx + 2 < width and world[cz][cy][cx + 2] == "#" then directions = directions .. "r" end print("Currently at ("..cx..", "..cy..", "..cz..") - directions: "..directions) --print("radar output: '" .. directions .. "' (length: " .. #directions .. "), curnode: " .. curnode) if #directions > 0 then -- we still have somewhere that we can go --print("This node is not a dead end yet.") local curdirnum = math.random(1, #directions) local curdir = string.sub(directions, curdirnum, curdirnum) print("Picked direction '"..curdir.."' (index "..curdirnum..")") if curdir == "+" then world[cz + 1][cy][cx] = " " world[cz + 2][cy][cx] = " " cz = cz + 2 elseif curdir == "-" then world[cz - 1][cy][cx] = " " world[cz - 2][cy][cx] = " " cz = cz - 2 elseif curdir == "u" then world[cz][cy - 1][cx] = " " world[cz][cy - 2][cx] = " " cy = cy - 2 elseif curdir == "d" then world[cz][cy + 1][cx] = " " world[cz][cy + 2][cx] = " " cy = cy + 2 elseif curdir == "l" then world[cz][cy][cx - 1] = " " world[cz][cy][cx - 2] = " " cx = cx - 2 elseif curdir == "r" then world[cz][cy][cx + 1] = " " world[cz][cy][cx + 2] = " " cx = cx + 2 end print("Now at ("..cx..", "..cy..", "..cz..") ") table.insert(nodes, { x = cx, y = cy, z = cz }) else -- print("The node at " .. curnode .. " is a dead end.") table.remove(nodes, curnode) if #nodes > 0 then --print("performing teleport."); curnode = math.random(1, #nodes) --print("New node: " .. curnode) -- print("Nodes table: ") -- print_r(nodes) cx = nodes[curnode]["x"] cy = nodes[curnode]["y"] cz = nodes[curnode]["z"] else --print("Maze generation complete, no teleportation necessary.") end end -- io.read("*l") -- print("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n") -- printspace(world, width + 1, height + 1, depth + 1) end return world end local world = generate_maze3d(seed, width, height, depth) printspace(world, width, height, depth) end_time = os.clock() print("Generation completed in " .. (end_time - start_time) .. "s.")