#!/usr/bin/env bash username="jonaswinkler"; reponame="paperless-ng"; output_dir="${1}"; ############################################################################### log_msg() { # echo "[github-get-releases] [${SECONDS}] $*" >&2; echo -e "[docker-images/paperless-ng] $*" >&2; } if [[ -z "${output_dir}" ]]; then echo "Error: No output directory specified. paperless-ng build script Usage: ./paperless-ng.sh " >&2; exit 0; fi if [[ ! -d "${output_dir}" ]]; then echo "Error: Output directory doesn't exist." >&2; exit 1; fi temp_dir="$(mktemp --tmpdir -d "docker-images-paperless-ng-XXXXXXX")"; on_exit() { log_msg "Cleaning up"; rm -rf "${temp_dir}"; log_msg "Cleanup complete"; } trap on_exit EXIT; cd "${temp_dir}" || { echo "Failed to cd to temp dir"; exit 1; }; ############################################################################### ### # Step 1: Download and extract GitHub asset ### release_json_url="https://api.github.com/repos/${username}/${reponame}/releases?per_page=1"; asset_urls="$(curl -sSL "${release_json_url}" | jq --raw-output '.[0].assets[] | [.name, .browser_download_url] | @tsv')"; while read -r filename url; do if [[ "${filename}" == *"docker"* ]]; then log_msg "Skipping docker compose definitions"; continue; fi download_loc="paperless.tar.xz"; curl -sSL -o "${download_loc}" "${url}"; tar -xf "${download_loc}"; rm "${download_loc}"; cd "paperless-ng" || { echo "Failed to cd into extracted paperless-ng directory"; exit 1; }; break; done < <(echo "${asset_urls}"); ############################################################################### ### # Step 2: Build and push the docker image ### # Note to self: All settings are environment variables, which are specified in # the Nomad jobspec file docker_tag="${IMAGEBUILDER_REGISTRY}/paperless-ng"; log_msg "Building docker image"; docker build --no-cache --pull --tag "${docker_tag}" .; if [[ "$?" -ne 0 ]]; then log_msg "Error: docker build returned exit status $?"; fi log_msg "Pushing docker image"; docker push "${docker_tag}"; log_msg "done";