#!/usr/bin/env bash if [[ -z "${GOSSA_UID}" ]]; then echo "Error: No target uid specified in the GOSSA_UID environment variable."; exit 1; fi if [[ -z "${GOSSA_GID}" ]]; then echo "Error: No target gid specified in the GOSSA_GID environment variable."; exit 1; fi if [[ -z "${NOMAD_PORT_GOSSA}" ]]; then echo "Error: No port number specified in the NOMAD_PORT_gossa environment variable."; exit 1; fi cd "/mnt" || { echo "Failed to cd into /mnt"; exit 1; }; setpriv --inh-caps=-all --reuid "${GOSSA_UID}" --init-groups --regid "${GOSSA_GID}" /usr/local/bin/gossa -p "${NOMAD_PORT_GOSSA}" /mnt;