#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e; cd "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")" || { echo "Error: Failed to cd to script directory" >&2; exit 1; }; imagename="${1}" jobname="${1}"; taskname="${2}"; if [[ -z "${NO_COLOR}" ]]; then RS="\033[0m" # reset HC="\033[1m" # hicolor FRED="\033[31m" # foreground red FGRN="\033[32m" # foreground green FYEL="\033[33m" # foreground yellow FBLE="\033[34m" # foreground blue fi help() { echo -e "nomad_smartrestart, v0.1 By Starbeamrainbowlabs ${FBLE}${HC}USAGE${RS} path/to/nomad_smartrestart.sh {IMAGE_NAME} ${FBLE}${HC}ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES${RS} ${FYEL}URL_NOMAD${RS} The URL of the nomad server to talk to (using the Consul domain instead of a direct IP is recommended)" } log_msg() { echo -e "${HC}>>> nomad_smartrestart: ${RS}$*" >&2; } log_error() { echo -e "${HC}>>> nomad_smartrestart: ${FRED}$*${RS}"; } if [[ -z "${imagename}" ]]; then log_error "Error: No image name specified." >&2; help; exit 1; fi if [[ ! -f "./images/${imagename}/nomad.txt" ]]; then log_msg "No nomad.txt present for ${HC}${FGRN}${imagename}${RS}, nothing to do"; help exit 0; fi URL_NOMAD="${URL_NOMAD:-http://nomad.service.mooncarrot.space:4646}"; ############################################################################### # Finds allocations for a given job / task name combo. # $1 The job name # $2 The task name nomad_allocs_find() { local jobname="${1}" local taskname="${2}" if [[ -z "${taskname}" ]]; then curl -sS "${URL_NOMAD}/v1/allocations" | JOB_NAME="${jobname}" jq --raw-output '.[] | select(.JobID == env.JOB_NAME) | .ID' else curl -sS "${URL_NOMAD}/v1/allocations" | JOB_NAME="${jobname}" TASK_NAME="${taskname}" jq --raw-output '.[] | select(.JobID == env.JOB_NAME and (.TaskStates|keys|.[]|. == env.TASK_NAME)) | .ID' fi } # Restarts a Nomad allocation in-place. # $1 The allocation id to restart. nomad_alloc_restart() { local alloc_id="${1}" curl -sS "${URL_NOMAD}/v1/client/allocation/${alloc_id}/restart"; } ############################################################################### count_tasks=0; count_restarted=0; while read -r jobname taskname; do if [[ -z "${jobname}" ]]; then log_error "Error: No jobname specified." >&2; continue; fi if [[ -z "${taskname}" ]]; then log_error "Error: No taskname specified." >&2; continue; fi log_msg "Checking ${FYEL}${HC}${jobname}:${taskname}${RS}"; while read -r alloc_id jobname taskname; do alloc_id_short="$(echo "${alloc_id}" | head -c7)"; log_msg "Restarting allocation ${HC}${FBLE}${alloc_id_short}${RC} in-place"; nomad_alloc_restart "${alloc_id}"; count_restarted="$((count_restarted+1))"; done < <(nomad_allocs_find "${jobname}" "${taskname}"); count_tasks="$((count_tasks+1))"; done log_msg "Restarted ${HC}${count_restarted}${RS} allocations for ${HC}${count_tasks}${RS} tasks in-place";