# docker-images > Dockerfiles and scripts to build various Docker images I rely on. ## System Requirements - Linux - Bash - Docker ## Getting started The script that does the magic is called `imagebuilder.sh` in the root of this repository. Run it to get usage information: ```bash ./imagebuilder.sh ``` ## Development Notes At present, 3 image types are present: - **`base`:** A base image - a script is called with an auto-generated output directory as the 1st and only argument. When the script exits the directory is checked for a `.tar.gz` file - **`base-nopush`:** A variant of the above that doesn't automatically much to the docker registry on completion. - **`docker`:** A `Dockerfile` is is built with `docker build` before being pushed to the docker registry. Image | Purpose ----------------|---------------- `minideb` | Our main base image for (most) other images. Built from [minideb](https://github.com/bitnami/minideb), but customised to use our [[Wopplefox/apt-cacher-ng|apt-cacher-ng]] instance. `docker-registry-ui`| [docker registry ui](https://github.com/Joxit/docker-registry-ui), dockerised `jellyfin` | Dockerised [jellyfin](https://jellyfin.org/) `etherpad` | Dockerised [etherpad](https://etherpad.org/) ## Docker container UID/GID map UID | GID | Container | Notes --------|-------|-----------------------|----------------- 3 | 3 | docker-registry-ui | 50 | 995 | image-wrangler | 995 = docker group, deprecated 60 | 60 | minetest-mapserver | 70 | 70 | etherpad | 80 | 80 | serve | Static HTTP Server based on Node.js 90 | 90 | jellyfin | 100 | 100 | certbot |