# cscz The one and only C♯ Class Generator. To use: - Build the project (F8 in Monodevelop, CTRL + SHIFT + B in Visual Studio) - Pipe your compressed class definition file into it. Example definitions: ```csharp # Shop - c decimal balance float lat float long List openingHours ``` ```csharp # Model3D - OpenTK - OpenTK.Graphics ModelUtility model ShaderUtility shaderProgram Matrix4 transformation Vector3 position ``` ## Syntax The examples above should be enough to get you started, but if you want a formal standard document for the syntax, I've written one in [CSCZ.Standard.md](https://git.starbeamrainbowlabs.com/sbrl/cscz/src/master/CSCZ.Standard.md). ## Using Statement Shortcuts The C♯ Class Generator supports shortcuts in the using statement declarations (`- System`). Here's a table of all the shortcuts added so far: Shortcut | Expansion ------------|--------------------------------- `c` | `System.Collections.Generic` `cc` | `System.Collections.Concurrent` `r` | `System.Text.RegularExpressions` `n` | `System.Net` `s` | `System.Net.Sockets` `x` | `Microsoft.Xna.Framework` `xg` | `Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics` `xs` | `Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Storage` `xi` | `Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input` `oo` | `OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL` See the [Changelog](https://git.starbeamrainbowlabs.com/sbrl/cscz/src/master/Changelog.md) for a summary of what's changed between releases. Type `./cscz.exe --help` for usage information or see [Help.md](https://git.starbeamrainbowlabs.com/sbrl/cscz/src/master/cscz/Help.md).