#!/usr/bin/env bash echo "Don't forget to run the wireguard job first"; # Sort out log rotation COPY "${JOBFILE_DIR}/wesher.logrotate" "/tmp/wesher.logrotate" RUN "sudo mv /tmp/wesher.logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/wesher" RUN "sudo chown root:root /etc/logrotate.d/wesher" RUN "sudo apt-get update"; RUN "sudo apt-get install --yes wesher wesher-systemd"; RUN "sudo ufw allow 7946 comment wesher-gossip"; RUN "sudo ufw allow 51820/udp comment wesher-wireguard"; # Allow all traffic from the VPN; we don't actually know what ports Nomad will use RUN "sudo ufw allow in on wgoverlay"; # Activate the new logging system RUN "sudo systemctl restart logrotate" # See the Keepass entry in our database for copy-paste commands to join nodes. # Basically: # sudo wesher --cluster-key CLUSTER_KEY_HERE --join --overlay-net --log-level info # sudo systemctl enable --now wesher.service # sudo systemctl status wesher.service