#!/usr/bin/env bash # Make sure the current directory is the location of this script to simplify matters cd "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")" || exit 2; export GNUPGHOME="${PWD}/gnupg"; ################ ### Settings ### ################ # The name of this project project_name="aptosaurus"; # The path to the lantern build engine git submodule lantern_path="./lantern-build-engine"; ### # Custom Settings ### # The directory that contains the source deb packages dir_sources="sources"; # The directory the repository is in dir_repo="repo"; # The id of the GPG key to use for signing gpg_key_id="7A37B795C20E4651D9BBE1B2D48D801C6A66A5D8"; ############################################################################### # Check out the lantern git submodule if needed if [ ! -f "${lantern_path}/lantern.sh" ]; then git submodule update --init "${lantern_path}"; fi source "${lantern_path}/lantern.sh"; if [[ "$#" -lt 1 ]]; then echo -e "${FBLE}${project_name}${RS}"; echo -e " by Starbeamrainbowlabs"; echo -e "${LC}Powered by the lantern build engine, v${version}${RS}"; echo -e ""; echo -e "Based on https://askubuntu.com/a/89698/139735"; echo -e ""; echo -e "${CSECTION}Usage${RS}"; echo -e " ./build ${CTOKEN}{action}${RS} ${CTOKEN}{action}${RS} ${CTOKEN}{action}${RS} ..."; echo -e ""; echo -e "${CSECTION}Available actions${RS}"; echo -e " ${CACTION}setup${RS} - Perform initial setup"; echo -e " ${CACTION}update${RS} - Scan for new packages and add them to the repository"; echo -e ""; exit 1; fi ############################################################################### task_setup() { task_begin "Checking environment"; check_command gpg true; check_command cp true; check_command rm true; check_command mkdir true; check_command find true; check_command xargs true; check_command ln true; check_command apt-ftparchive true; check_command dpkg-sig true; task_end $?; task_begin "Checking keys"; if [ ! -f "./public.gpg" ]; then echo "Error: Couldn't find the public key to use."; echo "Make sure that ${HC}public.gpg${HC} exist on disk."; exit 1; fi task_end $?; if [ ! -e "${GNUPGHOME}" ]; then if [ ! -f "./secret.gpg" ]; then echo "Couldn't find the secret key to use."; echo "Make sure ${HC}secret.gpg${RS} exists on disk."; fi task_begin "Importing keys"; gpg --import -v -v ./secret.gpg; gpg --import -v -v ./public.gpg; gpg --list-keys; rm secret.gpg; task_end $?; fi task_begin "Creating directories"; mkdir "${dir_sources}" "${dir_repo}"; task_end $?; if [ ! -f "${repo_dir}/aptosaurus.asc" ]; then task_begin "Hard linking public signing key"; cp -al "./public.gpg" "${dir_repo}/aptosaurus.asc"; task_end $?; fi } # $1 - the .deb file to symlink _symlink_deb() { source="$1"; destination="${dir_repo}/$(basename "${source}")"; if [ -f "${dir_repo}/$(basename "$1")" ]; then return; fi ln -s "../${dir_sources}/$(basename "${source}")" "${destination}"; } task_update() { task_begin "Symlinking new packages"; package_count_before="$(find ${dir_repo} -type f -name "*.deb" | wc -l)"; export -f _symlink_deb; cd "${dir_repo}" || exit 2; find "${dir_sources}" -type f -name "*.deb" -print0 | xargs -n1 -I{} bash -c '_symlink_deb "{}"'; exit_code="$?"; cd - || exit 2; package_count_after="$(find ${dir_repo} -type f -name "*.deb" | wc -l)"; task_end "${exit_code}"; if [[ "${package_count_before}" -eq "${package_count_after}" ]]; then echo "No new packages to process."; exit 0; else new_package_count=$((package_count_after-package_count_before)); echo -e "Found ${new_package_count} new packages"; fi cd "${dir_repo}" || exit 2; task_begin "Signing packages"; execute dpkg-sig -k "${gpg_key_id}" -s builder "*.deb"; task_end $?; task_begin "Building packages file"; execute apt-ftparchive packages . >Packages; execute bzip2 -kf Packages; task_end $?; task_begin "Generating release file"; subtask_begin "Generating file"; execute apt-ftparchive release . >Release; subtask_end $?; subtask_begin "Signing release file"; execute gpg --yes -abs -u "${gpg_key_id}" -o Release.gpg Release subtask_end $?; task_end $?; } ############################################################################### tasks_run $@;