Derivar 0

Delete packages more than 3 versions out of date

Este cometimento está contido em:
Starbeamrainbowlabs 2020-04-06 19:11:55 +01:00
ascendente 0024777b74
cometimento 9b14a99309
Assinados por: sbrl
ID da chave GPG: 1BE5172E637709C2
2 ficheiros modificados com 23 adições e 1 eliminações

Ver ficheiro

@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ dir_repo="repo";
# The id of the GPG key to use for signing
# Keep the most recent X versions of packages.
# Note that this correctly handles packages that have multiple architectures per version.
# Check out the lantern git submodule if needed
@ -116,6 +120,8 @@ _symlink_deb() {
task_update() {
tasks_run delete-old;
task_begin "Symlinking new packages";
package_count_before="$(find ${dir_repo} -name "*.deb" | wc -l)";
export -f _symlink_deb;
@ -170,6 +176,12 @@ task_metafiles() {
# 3. Package description
__analyse_package() { dpkg --info "$1" | awk '/^\s*Package:/ { gsub("\\s*Package:\\s*", ""); printf($0 "\t"); } /^\s*Version:/ { gsub("\\s*Version:\\s*", ""); printf($0 "\t"); } /^\s*Description:/ { gsub("\\s*Description:\\s*", ""); print($0); }'; };
# Spits out a TSV record with 2 columns:
# 1. Filename
# 2. Package version
__analyse_package_simple() { dpkg --info "$1" | awk -v filename="$1" 'BEGIN { printf(filename "\t"); } /^\s*Version:/ { gsub("\\s*Version:\\s*", ""); print($0); }'; };
_generate_summary() {
# xargs: Generate the TSV records in parallel
# sort: Sort on the package name, then version (note the 2V does a *version sort* on column 2)
@ -186,6 +198,16 @@ task_generate-summary() {
task_end "$?";
task_delete-old() {
task_begin "Deleting packages more than ${keep_versions} versions ago";
# Find and delete old package versions
export -f __analyse_package_simple;
find sources/ -type f -name "*.deb" -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 -P "$(nproc)" -I{} bash -c '__analyse_package "{}"' | sort -k1,2Vr | uniq | awk -v keep_ago=${keep_versions} '{ package=$1; gsub(/^.*\//, "", package); gsub(/_.*+$/, "", package); arch=$1; gsub(/^.*_/, "", arch); gsub(/\.deb$/, "", arch); counts[package arch]++; if(counts[package arch] > keep_ago) print($1); }' | xargs --verbose rm
# Result resultant broken symlinks
find "${dir_repo}" -xtype l -delete -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 echo Deleting;
task_end "$?";
task_update-cron() {
tmpfile="$(mktemp --suffix ".aptosaurus.log")";

Ver ficheiro

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ sudo apt update</code></pre>
<p>A human-readable summary of the packages available in this repository can be found in <a href="/SUMMARY.txt"><code>SUMMARY.txt</code></a>, which is automatically generated from the source packages in the repo.</p>
<p>Note that while older versions of packages <em>do</em> exist in this repository, they are not guaranteed to stick around - as they may be cleared out periodically (todo: automatically clear out packages older than ~2-3 versions behind) to save on disk space.</p>
<p>Note that while older versions of packages <em>do</em> exist in this repository, packages more than 3 versions out of date are now automatically deleted to save on disk space. If you need really old versions, download them and keep them as backups ☺</p>
<p>Finally, as many CPU architectures will be attempted to be supported here as possible. If binary packages are being released by a project, they are probably packaged here. The exception to this is the 32-bit x86 architecture. This is deprecated by many Linux distributions - so effort is not made to package it here (though if you've got a valid use-case get in touch and I'll see if I can help).</p>