using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Newtonsoft.Json; using SBRL.Utilities; using LibSearchBox; namespace SearchBoxCLI { enum OperatingModes { Query, Index, Add, Remove, Update, GenerateContext } enum OutputModes { Json, Text, Html } class MainClass { private static List Extras = new List(); private static OperatingModes Mode = OperatingModes.Query; private static OutputModes OutputMode = OutputModes.Text; private static bool Batch = false; private static string Name = string.Empty; private static IEnumerable Tags; private static string SearchIndexFilepath = string.Empty; private static TextReader Source = Console.In; private static TextReader SourceOld = null, SourceNew = null; private static string Query = string.Empty; private static int ResultsLimit = -1; private static int ResultsOffset = 0; public static int Main(string[] args) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (!args[i].StartsWith("-")) { Extras.Add(args[i]); continue; } switch (args[i].TrimStart("-".ToCharArray())) { case "s": case "source": string sourceFilename = args[++i]; Source = new StreamReader(sourceFilename); Name = Name.Length > 0 ? Name : sourceFilename; break; case "batch": Batch = true; break; case "old-source": SourceOld = new StreamReader(args[++i]); break; case "new-source": string newSourceFilename = args[++i]; SourceNew = new StreamReader(newSourceFilename); Name = Name.Length > 0 ? Name : newSourceFilename; break; case "tags": Tags = Regex.Split(args[++i], @",\s*"); break; case "n": case "name": Name = args[++i]; break; case "index": SearchIndexFilepath = args[++i]; break; case "limit": ResultsLimit = int.Parse(args[++i]); break; case "offset": ResultsOffset = int.Parse(args[++i]); break; case "query": Query = args[++i]; break; case "format": OutputMode = (OutputModes)Enum.Parse(typeof(OutputModes), args[++i], true); break; case "help": return HandleHelp(); default: Console.Error.WriteLine($"Error: Unknown property {args[i]}."); return 1; } } if (Extras.Count < 1) return HandleHelp(); string modeText = Extras.First().Replace("context", "generatecontext"); Extras.RemoveAt(0); Mode = (OperatingModes)Enum.Parse(typeof(OperatingModes), modeText, true); switch (Mode) { case OperatingModes.Index: return HandleIndex(); case OperatingModes.Add: return HandleAdd(); case OperatingModes.Remove: return HandleRemove(); case OperatingModes.Query: return HandleQuery(); case OperatingModes.GenerateContext: return HandleContextGeneration(); default: Console.Error.WriteLine($"Error: Don't know how to handle mode {Mode}."); return 128; } } private static int HandleHelp() { Console.WriteLine("SearchBox"); Console.WriteLine("---------"); Console.WriteLine("A standalone full-text search engine. Operates on plain text sources."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Usage:"); Console.WriteLine(" ./SearchBox.exe {mode} [options]"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Modes:"); Console.WriteLine(" query Query a pre-existing inverted search index"); Console.WriteLine(" context Generate a context string similar to a search result on the internet"); Console.WriteLine(" index Generate a raw index of the source document."); Console.WriteLine(" add Add a named document to a search index."); Console.WriteLine(" remove Remove a named document from a search index."); Console.WriteLine(" update Update a named document in a search index."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Options:"); Console.WriteLine(" --batch Enters a mode where the operations to process are specified via the source (by default stdin; change with --source as usual) - one per line in the format \"{filename}|{name}|{tags}\" {add}"); Console.WriteLine(" --format Sets the format of the output. Possible values: text (default), json, html (context generation only) {query, index, context}"); Console.WriteLine(" --index Specifies the location of the search index to use {add, remove, update}"); Console.WriteLine(" --name, -n Sets the name of the source document {add, remove, title}"); Console.WriteLine(" --new-source Specifies the path to the new version of the source document to update {update}"); Console.WriteLine(" --limit Limits the number of results returned, -1 = no limit {query}"); Console.WriteLine(" --offset Skips the specified number of results from the beginning of the results list {query}"); Console.WriteLine(" --old-source Specifies the path to the old version of the source document to update {update}"); Console.WriteLine(" --query Specifies the query string {query, context}"); Console.WriteLine(" --source, -s Specifies the path to the source document {index, add,context}"); Console.WriteLine(" --tags Sets the tags to associate with the document. {add, update}"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Examples:"); Console.WriteLine(" cat books/complex_knots.txt | ./SearchBox.exe add --name \"Complex Knots: How to do and undo them\""); Console.WriteLine(); return 1; } private static int HandleAdd() { if (Name == string.Empty && !Batch) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: The document name must be specified when reading from stdin!"); return 1; } if (SearchIndexFilepath == string.Empty) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: No search index file path specified."); return 1; } // -------------------------------------- SearchBox searchBox; if (!File.Exists(SearchIndexFilepath)) searchBox = new SearchBox(); else searchBox = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(File.ReadAllText(SearchIndexFilepath)); if (!Batch) searchBox.AddDocument(Name, Tags, Source.ReadToEnd()); else { try { Parallel.ForEach(LineIterator.GetLines(Source), (string nextLine) => { string[] parts = nextLine.Split('|'); if (parts[0].Trim().Length == 0) return; searchBox.AddDocument( parts[1].Trim(), Regex.Split(parts[2], @",\s*"), File.ReadAllText(parts[0].Trim()) ); Console.Error.WriteLine($"[Searchbox] [add] {parts[0].Trim()}"); }); } catch (FileNotFoundException error) { Console.Error.WriteLine(error.Message); return 1; } } File.WriteAllText(SearchIndexFilepath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(searchBox)); Console.Error.WriteLine($"[Searchbox] [add] {Name} -> {SearchIndexFilepath}"); return 0; } private static int HandleRemove() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: The document name must be specified when removing a document!"); return 1; } // -------------------------------------- SearchBox searchBox = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( File.ReadAllText(SearchIndexFilepath) ); searchBox.RemoveDocument(Name); File.WriteAllText(SearchIndexFilepath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(searchBox)); Console.Error.WriteLine($"[Searchbox] [remove] {Name} <- {SearchIndexFilepath}"); return 0; } private static int HandleQuery() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Query)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: No query specified!"); return 1; } if (SearchIndexFilepath == string.Empty) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: No search index file path specified."); return 1; } SearchBox searchBox = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( File.ReadAllText(SearchIndexFilepath) ); IEnumerable resultsRaw = searchBox.Query(Query, new QuerySettings()).Skip(ResultsOffset); List results = new List( ResultsLimit > 0 ? resultsRaw.Take(ResultsLimit) : resultsRaw ); switch (OutputMode) { case OutputModes.Json: Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(results)); break; case OutputModes.Text: int i = 0; foreach (SearchResult nextResult in results) { Console.WriteLine($"#{i}: {nextResult}"); i++; } break; } return 0; } private static int HandleContextGeneration() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: No document name specified."); return 1; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Query)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: No query specified."); return 1; } if (SearchIndexFilepath == string.Empty) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: No search index file path specified."); return 1; } SearchBox searchBox = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject( File.ReadAllText(SearchIndexFilepath) ); ContextSettings generationSettings = new ContextSettings(); switch (OutputMode) { case OutputModes.Json: Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: JSON output for context generation is not supported."); return 1; case OutputModes.Html: generationSettings.Html = true; break; case OutputModes.Text: generationSettings.Html = false; break; } Console.WriteLine(searchBox.GenerateContext(Name, Source.ReadToEnd(), Query, generationSettings)); return 0; } private static int HandleIndex() { Index index = new Index(Source.ReadToEnd()); switch (OutputMode) { case OutputModes.Json: Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(index)); break; case OutputModes.Text: Console.WriteLine(index); break; } return 0; } } }